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Status of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) in Ontario Elementary School Classrooms: Reports from Teachers Karen Vu-Nguyen 1 Dr. Kenneth Allison 1 Dr. Nour.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) in Ontario Elementary School Classrooms: Reports from Teachers Karen Vu-Nguyen 1 Dr. Kenneth Allison 1 Dr. Nour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) in Ontario Elementary School Classrooms: Reports from Teachers Karen Vu-Nguyen 1 Dr. Kenneth Allison 1 Dr. Nour Schoueri- Mychasiw 1 Dr. Erin Hobin 1 Dr. John Dwyer 2 Dr. Steve Manske 3 Dr. Heather Manson 1 Bessie Ng 1 Dr. Jennifer Robertson 1 1 Public Health Ontario, 2 University of Guelph, 3 University of Waterloo

2 Ontario Ministry of Education implemented DPA policy (2005) Study aims to identify: Extent of DPA implementation in schools/classrooms across Ontario School/classroom-level factors associated with implementation Preliminary findings: Select factors potentially associated with DPA implementation Based on teacher survey data All elementary school students (grades 1-8) 20 minutes Sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity During instructional time Each school day Introduction 2

3 Methods Cross-sectional study – online survey questionnaire Questions related to DPA implementation and factors potentially associated with implementation Grade 3, 5 and 7 teachers Random sample of Ontario elementary schools Data collection to be completed by end of June 2014 Preliminary descriptive data analysis 139 responses to the survey 3

4  ≤ 5 years of experience: 15.3%  6-15 years of experience: 47.4%  ≥ 16 years of experience: 37.2%  Male: 25.2%  Female: 74.8% Respondent Characteristics Preliminary Findings 4 Teaching Grade Level of Health/Phys. Ed. Training Years as a Teacher Gender  Grade 3: 34.1%  Grade 5: 34.1%  Grade 7: 26.7%  Other: 5.2%  Little to no training: 77.3%  University level training: 10.3%  Other training: 12.4%

5 Preliminary Findings 5 Frequency of using DPA resources How often do teachers use DPA resources and supports for planning, implementing and/or monitoring DPA? Frequency of communicating with local PHU Frequency of using DPA supports

6 Preliminary Findings 6 What are barriers identified by teachers to implementing DPA? Barriers to implementing DPA

7 Next Steps Complete data collection (end of June 2014) Conduct full analysis to examine: Extent of DPA implementation in schools/classrooms across Ontario Influence of school/classroom-level factors on implementation Report to Ontario Ministry of Education Summary of findings Recommendations for how the policy may be strengthened Other knowledge translation products 7 Thank you!

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