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Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Thailand Vision Trip February 15 – 22, 2009 Karen Ministry Event.

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1 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Thailand Vision Trip February 15 – 22, 2009 Karen Ministry Event

2 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience The Mission: During a seven day period - conduct a vision trip from Minnesota to Thailand. Identify how a mission team might assist the Karen living in refugee camps within Thailand. Key observations/results: 18,649 miles later, two refugee camps were visited: Mae La in west central Thailand and Tham Hin in southwestern Thailand. The Karen people were so appreciative of a visitor from the US they gave gifts. People with virtually nothing were giving gifts! News of Five Oaks helping the Karen in St. Paul delivered smiles half a world a way. Messages were sent back to the US to alert friends and family that loved ones were alive and well in the camps.

3 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Tham Hin Camp 9,000 documented refugees living in a 16 acre parcel of land. Actual population estimates – excess of 10,000. Black plastic roofing material traps the heat. Temperatures are often 100+ degrees within the camp. The homes are 1 meter apart by mandate – airflow is minimal straining relationships. No electricity is available in Tham Hin unless provided by small diesel generators. Most cannot afford a diesel generator. Located west of Bangkok in the Kanchanaburi Thailand Province

4 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Mae La Camp 35,000 documented refugees consider Mae La home. Estimated head count: 60,000. Cyclone Nargis displaced many in Myanmar who live illegally in Mae La. Cyclone refugees do not qualify for the same food rations. “Selling” or reporting a cyclone refugee as an illegal pays $83. The result - deportation. Distance between houses - more than double Tham Hin. Thatch roofing allows houses to ventilate heat. Located northwest of Bangkok in the Tak Thailand Province

5 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Which Camp Needs Help? Conditions between the camps could not be more pronounced. One camp is permanent – the other is considered “temporary”. Temporary = 12 years. The temporary camp is on a dirt road that is virtually impassible in the rainy season. Temporary camp can draw water three times a day for one hour – water is available 24/7 at the permanent camp. The permanent camp has a college – the temporary camp has a “Post 10” school. Mae La Tham Hin

6 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Obvious choice Tham Hin Living conditions here are difficult to say the least. Cooking is done over a wood fire & thick smoke hangs heavy in the tropical heat. Food rations support basic life needs only. Snack funding for the nursery school was eliminated during this trip. Mosquito netting is considered a luxury. The black plastic roofing material is hot & lasts less than two years. Homes have to be rebuilt every one to two years.

7 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience How Five Oaks Might Help English pronunciation tutoring. Bible study. Promoting educational support for teenage students. Make learning fun & interesting for teenagers. Help parents deal with teenage issues. Upgrade administration skills for the camp leaders. Irrigation for farming – pump water up the mountain. Dining room renovation support. Secure the kitchen from animals.

8 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Anticipated Mission Early 2010 travel dates Very comfortable accommodations at the River Kwai Hotel. Two weeks in the mission field equals… –A lifetime of change! –Discover yourself! –Escape MN winter! –Get some color mid year! Additional mission trip details available soon. Is God calling you?

9 Tham Hin & Mae La Refugee experience Additional information/Links General Knowledge: Photo Gallery: Support Services:,,RI,,THA,4562d8cf2,47a6eeaad,0.html,,RI,,THA,4562d8cf2,47a6eeaad,0.html

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