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A Fugitive Discipline & Literature: Finding Turfgrass Science Pete Cookingham Michigan State University Libraries NRIC 2007 -- Las Vegas – 4 August 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "A Fugitive Discipline & Literature: Finding Turfgrass Science Pete Cookingham Michigan State University Libraries NRIC 2007 -- Las Vegas – 4 August 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Fugitive Discipline & Literature: Finding Turfgrass Science Pete Cookingham Michigan State University Libraries NRIC 2007 -- Las Vegas – 4 August 2007

2 I hope to introduce: Who cares & why – ie. Does it matter? What turf is Who’s involved Why me Why you

3 So What? Land coverage -- sheer amount of turf


5 Extent of Turfgrass Cover USA (Milesi, 2005)

6 So What? Land coverage -- sheer amount of turf Participation -- sheer number of ‘doers’ Water use -- turf in Las Vegas? CO emissions -- mowers, etc. Pesticide use – what/where/when/who Fertilizer use – what/where/when/who Public policy -- who decides?

7 Turf Benefits (further to Beard and Green, 1994) Erosion control, dust stabilization, & soil building capacity, including remediation Groundwater recharge & runoff buffering Heat dissipation, noise abatement, glare reduction, fire-resistance, road and airfield safety Habitat & green space Recreational use: Soccer, golf, cricket, softball, bocci, football, baseball, hurling, etc. Aesthetic: Visual comfort

8 Industry Sectors & Maintenance Intensity Utility turf Roadsides/Airfields Cemeteries Landscapes/home lawns/parks & grounds Golf course fairways/Sports turf/Sod production/Seed production Golf course greens

9 Turf Sectors Breeding & Genetics Landscape Lawn care Parks & Grounds Roadsides Seed Sod Sports turf Utility turf

10 Hopefully of interest………. Cooperative/consortium project: sector & geographic independence Technology-based delivery to end-users since day one A very grey literature, and poorly collected We seek ‘Exhaustive Bibliographic Control’: an archaic concept?

11 This one gets personal……… Your yard Your condo Your campus Your school district Your local park facilities The Super Bowl, The World Cup, The World Series, and the White House

12 Mission of the Turfgrass Information Center (TIC) Collect, digitize, & preserve turfgrass materials, both print & online Provide precise access to turf information resources, including the above Assist users of the materials & access Provide physical and online infrastructure supporting turfgrass scholarship Build a stable long-term structure to continue this work

13 TIC Online Presence Public website & public resources Digitized serial runs Digitized monographs Digitized graphic & visual content Turfgrass Information File (TGIF) database –All formats, all languages, all turf, “all content”, Turfgrass Thesaurus indexing: moving towards a disciplinary ‘info base’ Limited access resources –Digitized serial runs –Beard’s Turfgrass Encyclopedia – full text

14 Turf trends….. Turf has always been local– it will be even more so in the future: local legislative initiatives – the irony of extremes

15 Turf trends….. Turf has always been local– it will be even more so in the future: local legislative initiatives – the irony of extremes Water use

16 Turf trends….. Turf has always been local– it will be even more so in the future: local legislative initiatives – the irony of extremes Water use GMOs & NIMBY

17 Turf trends….. Turf has always been local– it will be even more so in the future: local legislative initiatives – the irony of extremes Water use GMOs & NIMBY Did I say water?

18 Turf trends….. Turf has always been local– it will be even more so in the future: local legislative initiatives – the irony of extremes Water use GMOs & NIMBY Did I say water? Breeding & genetics; because…

19 Can you breed this grass? Low, slow, aggressive growth habit Drought and salt tolerant Stays green(ish) Pest & disease resistant High seed producer Fineleaf Great name

20 Jeopardy! Top Hat Lexus Navajo Bono Bardot U-3 Sundance Aphrodite Bueno Gettysburg Pee Dee Fire & Ice Melba Ronja Blackberry Volt

21 Jeopardy! – same answer Merion Rebel IV Penncross Palmer V Tifdwarf Houndog 6 Penn G-6 Caddyshack II Penneagle Manhattan IV SR 4200 TifSport Seadwarf Palmetto 609 Mini Verde

22 Why was I here? Turf is important to you as a NR information professional – even if you really aren’t interested! Your institutions/organizations need to be involved, and we need you, too! And, if nothing else, please be sure to add our full-text hosted, public resources to your electronic serials lists – they’re free!

23 thank you! email if you have any questions about TIC or TGIF! Pete Cookingham

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