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GPSI SHAWS Service User Satisfaction Survey August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "GPSI SHAWS Service User Satisfaction Survey August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPSI SHAWS Service User Satisfaction Survey August 2012

2 Why do the user surveys? Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) targets (DH, 2008) Feedback is submitted The Hull and East Riding Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership value statement places the needs of its users as their focus The City Health Care Partnership CIC vision provide patient-centred, high quality services Standard 9 of the BASHH guidance (BASHH, 2010) to gather and act upon user feedback Department of Health (2010) Liberating the NHS (Department of Health, 2010) places patients and the public at the heart of what it does

3 The Survey Aims The user survey aims to establish the views of our GPSI SHAWS (Sexual Health and Women's Service) service from the users’ perspective. An action plan can then be created to develop the service, taking into account the views of our users. Objectives The objectives of the survey were to ascertain timely user feedback regarding: Basic demographic information Reason for attendance Waiting times How do users find out about the service Experiences when attending the Partnerships’ GPSI SHAWS clinics Experience of the care received Areas of satisfaction/dissatisfaction Methodology Data collection was undertaken by use of a questionnaire that was given to service users attending the GPSI SHAWS clinic at Conifer at Highlands Health Centre and Marfleet Health Centre Monday 30 th April until Friday 25 th May 2012.

4 Responses Responses: Total responses received:153 Total attendances: 193 Percentage responded: 79% Clinic:Total responses Total attendances % responses Highlands829983% Marfleet719476%

5 Responses

6 Age, Gender and Ethnicity Key findings: Gender: 98% (n= 140) of responses were by female clients. No responses were received from males. Age: The highest number of responses were received from those aged 40+ (n= 55). A further 33% (n= 50) was from those aged 20 – 29 years. 22% (n= 34) was received from those aged 30 – 39 years. Highlands had more responses from the younger age groups. Ethnicity: Overall, 92% (n= 140) of responses were from users who define themselves as White British, 4% (n= 6) define themselves as White any other background.

7 Is this your first visit to a GPSI SHAWS clinic? Key findings: 35% (n= 53) of respondents stated this was their first visit to a GPSI SHAWS clinic. 64% (n= 98) stated this was not their first visit to a GPSI SHAWS clinic. Type of visit Key findings: 7% (n= 11) attended as a walk-in. 82% (n= 125) indicated they attended for an appointment.

8 Have you chosen to use a SHAWS clinic rather than a GP surgery or pharmacy? Key findings: Overall 69% (n= 106) of respondents stated they attended the clinic rather than visit a GP surgery or pharmacy. If yes, why? Highlands: 22% stated their reason was because it was a convenient place 20% chose the clinic because of the specialist staff 17% attended because it was confidential 14% were referred 12% for other reasons Marfleet: 21% stated their reason for choosing the clinic was because of the specialist staff 19% stated they chose the clinic because it was a convenient place 15% were referred 13% felt it had a good atmosphere 13% chose the clinic because it is confidential

9 Other reasons... Marfleet Better for me Lady doctor Chose to come Highlands Sister recommended Implant in arm Women things Follow up Felt better to go here than GP (women doctor) Been before More private biggest benefit Advised by GP Wasn't happy with GP I was told the surgery don't deal with this Good doctor Prefer it to be separate from GP and don't like GP Female staff

10 How did you find out about the SHAWS clinic? Key findings: Overall, 61% (n= 93) of responses indicate they found out through their GP surgery. 21% (n= 32) found out via other means (see below) 14% (n= 21) found out via Friends and Family 2% (N= 3) Found out via the website Other means: HIGHLANDSMARFLEET Can't remember Community midwife and health visitor ClinicEmployment Conifer HouseFamily planning clinic ConsultantNurse Dr Brotherston at Conifer HouseNurse at doctors GUM clinicReferral from family planning Health visitorReferred by Conifer House Just rang up and looked into coming Member of the public Midwife NHS clinic at Hull On my last smear test Poster Referred by GP/nurse ‘Other’ means… This feedback shows the range of different health professionals/organisations referring into the GPSI SHAWS service.

11 Did anyone tell you to come here specifically? Key findings: 49% (n= 75) were told to visit the clinic by their GP surgery. 24% (n= 36) of respondents were not told to visit the clinic by anyone specifically. 14% (n= 22) were told to visit the clinic by someone else. 11% (n= 17) were told to visit the clinic by friends and family. Other means (Highlands): Other means (Marfleet): Conifer HouseFamily planning ConsultantGP nurse/ Health visitor DoctorNurse Dr BrotherstonWork colleague GP nurse Health visitor Hospital Midwife Nurse Staff at Wilberforce Conifer Women's health clinic ‘Other’ means…

12 Did you try to make an appointment by telephone? Key findings: 65% (n= 99) of respondents tried to make an appointment by telephone. 35% (n= 54) did not try to make an appointment by telephone. If yes, did you experience any of the following? Key findings: 56% of respondents got the information they required. 28% spoke to the person they needed to 7% had to ring more than once 5% left a message and someone rang them back 4% left a message but no-one rang them back

13 What are the reasons for your visit today? Key findings: HIGHLANDS: 24% period problems 23% for contraception 13% to have a coil or implant inserted or removed 12% menopause problems MARFLEET 25% for period problems 15% for contraception 15% to have a coil inserted or removed 9% menopause problems ‘Other’ reasons accounted for 8% overall. Reasons included: HIGHLANDS Advice and guidance Coil follow-up Depo PCOS Skin problems Unhappy seeing GP MARFLEET Bladder problems Bloods Could check Polyp removed Pregnancy Prolapse

14 How long did you wait to be seen? Key findings: The majority of respondents (88%, n= 134) waited 29 minutes or less to be seen. 8% (n= 12) of respondents waited between 30 – 59 minutes to be seen. One person waited between 60 – 89 minutes. How long do you feel is an acceptable time to wait? Key findings: The majority of respondents (80%, n= 123) feel that up to 29 minutes is an acceptable waiting time. 12% (n= 18) state that between 30 – 59 minutes would be an acceptable wait. 1% (n= 1) of respondents would wait up to 89 minutes and a further 1% (n= 2) would wait up to 2 hours. 2% would wait longer that this.

15 User satisfaction

16 The reception staff were friendly and approachable Key findings: 65% (n= 100) strongly agreed and 26% (n= 18) agreed that the reception staff were friendly and approachable. 3% (n= 4) disagreed and 1% (n= 1) strongly disagreed with this statement. I was given as much time as I needed Key findings: 77% (n= 118) strongly agreed and 18% (n= 27) agreed that they were given as much time as they needed. No respondents disagreed with the statement.

17 I am confident the clinic will keep my information confidential Key findings: 81% (n= 124) strongly agreed and 15% (n= 23) agreed that the clinic would keep their information confidential. No one disagreed with this statement. I found out everything that I wanted to know Key findings: 80% (n= 123) strongly agreed and 15% (n= 23) agreed that they found out everything they needed to know.

18 I was made to feel comfortable answering personal questions Key findings: 82% (n= 125) strongly agreed and 14% (n= 21) agreed that they were made to feel comfortable answering personal questions. No respondents disagreed with this statement. No matter how long you wait, it is worth it Key findings: 72% (n= 110) strongly agreed and 20% (n= 30) agreed that no matter how long you wait, it is worth it. 3% (n= 4) disagreed that no matter how long you wait it is worth it and 1% Strongly disagreed.

19 I was listened to and felt valued Key findings: 81% (n= 124) strongly agreed and 14% (n= 22) agreed that they felt listened to and valued.

20 Was the main reason you went to the clinic today dealt with to your satisfaction? Key findings: 90% (n= 132) of respondents stated that the main reason for their visit was completely dealt with the their satisfaction. 7% (n= 11) felt the reason for their visit was dealt to their satisfaction to some extent. No-one who visited the clinic felt that the reason for the visit wasn’t dealt with to their satisfaction. Overall, how would you rate the care you received today? Key findings: 84% (n= 128) of respondents stated that the care they received was excellent. 12% (n= 19) stated the care they received was very good.

21 Would you attend the clinic again if you needed to? Key findings: 93% (n= 143) indicated they would definitely attend the clinic again. A further 2% (n= 3) said they would probably attend the clinic again. No-one said they would not attend the clinic again if they needed to. Would you recommend this clinic to a friend? Key findings: 92% (n= 140) would indicated they would definitely recommend this clinic to a friend. A further 4% (n= 6) said they would probably recommend this clinic to a friend. No-one said they would not recommend the clinic to a friend.

22 Please tell us how we could improve our services: Marfleet Have more locations in west Hull. Could be difficult to get to if didn't have own transport. Stock up on caps and/or diaphragms. By giving out the questionnaire when I have had the appointment. The only problem I had was leaving a message and not been called back, overall my experience was fine. Highlands 15 minutes late on appointment, not clinics fault as accident occurred locally. Ask the health care assistants/nurses to introduce themselves and tell you what they are doing. The staff on the reception desk as you come through the front door were very friendly and helpful, but one member of staff on other reception very rude!

23 Compliments received No need to improve a good service. Service is good as my practice has no lady doctor. It was really good. Dr McCollum and Tracy very helpful and made me feel very comfortable. Dr McCollum very helpful and polite. Found the consultation very caring and thorough, all questions answered. Satisfied with clinic, would recommend to others. I am very happy and satisfied, thankful. Really helpful, thank you. Couldn't be improved. It was great. It is a really good clinic, everyone was really nice and helpful. The service I received was excellent, the staff were all very friendly and helpful. There are no problems with it. No improvement is needed. No problems at the moment as far as I can see I was satisfied. I didn't have any problems, so I wouldn't know. Dr Jenni Holmquist is impeccable so please don't change anything. Service is excellent and can't be improved whilst she is here. You couldn't! I was given lots of information. My GP wasn't able to answer my queries in detail. Nothing (perfect) Thank you. The service is excellent when compared to my GP clinic. More doctors like Dr J Brotherston, she is highly qualified, excellent attitude and you can feel that she fully takes care of you.

24 Next steps: ActionPerson responsible By when Increase the number of people using the website to find information about the GPSI service MC/MW Amend and undertake evaluation again next year MC/MW Develop a distribution list from those services mentioned in the ‘how did you hear about us?’ question

25 Feedback to service users Website Patient Information Folders

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