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Jenni Perkins Overview Overview of key components (do you know your areas of focus/priorities and pathways?) What about core principles? Approach to.

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2 Jenni Perkins

3 Overview Overview of key components (do you know your areas of focus/priorities and pathways?) What about core principles? Approach to implementation (informing, engaging, implementing, charting progress)

4 What is Count Me In: Disability Future Directions? A long term plan (15-20 years) for disability in Western Australia A guide for all Western Australians when responding to people with disabilities – politicians, disability organisations, mainstream agencies, businesses and communities

5 How was Disability Future Directions developed? Extensive consultation with over 300 stakeholders Preparation of 10 monograph papers on future economic, environmental and social trends Several planning forums to develop a framework and strategies for the future Guided by a reference group

6 Who are we talking about? ABS (2004) Disability, Ageing and Carers Australia 2003: Summary of Findings

7 Vision All people live in welcoming communities that facilitate citizenship, friendship, mutual support and a fair go for everyone



10 Core principles Nothing about us without us Commitment to human rights/vision Ongoing conversations with all – intentional listening, innovative planning, stakeholders good will Reflective process – good measures of progress, detecting emerging needs

11 Implementation challenge Progressing from a set of aspirations to a series of concrete actions Keeping it off the shelf

12 Implementation approach Informing people Launch/dissemination; DG/ sector forum; Ambassadors; parliamentarian packs; new media; ABC radio Engaging people Nothing about us without us; ongoing conversations; reflective process; responding Implement pathways Runs on the board; strategic plan; short,medium, long term; existing, new and emerging pathways Charting progress Tracking and reporting progress

13 Advisory Group Established 15 member advisory group to advise over next 12 months on Communication/engagement strategies Broad implementation priorities Approach to charting progress

14 Ron Chalmers

15 State Government Commitment Premier launched document on International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December 2009) Premier and Minister addressed a forum of Directors General in February 2010. Parliamentarians to receive Disability Future Directions info packs tailored to their electorate. Minister is making a parliamentary address in March 2010

16 Links to other initiatives Recommendations from the State Government’s Economic Audit Committee report United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (covered in next section) National Disability Strategy

17 Economic Audit Committee Focus on citizens – transferring greater control and decision making to the people who access services Strengthening the role of the community sector Changing the relationship between government agencies and community sector organisations Greater across government collaboration

18 National Disability Strategy States, Territories and Commonwealth are developing a coordinated approach to social, economic and community inclusion – to be completed in mid 2010 Informed by national consultations – reported in the ‘Shut Out’ report Six key areas of focus which align well with Disability Future Directions Western Australia provides strong input based on Disability Future Directions

19 Questions Identify opportunities for the disability sector that will help progress Disability Future Directions in each of the three areas of focus. In what ways can disability sector organisations strengthen the involvement of people with disabilities, families and carers in all levels of decision-making? How will this important whole of community agenda influence the way you do business in your organisation? How can the Commission be of most help?

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