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* What is Race to the Top? * Duh, Cheryl! It’s how we get to the “Heights” or the highest point of Arlington Heights. Isn’t it? * No, Aaron. It is a competitive,

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Presentation on theme: "* What is Race to the Top? * Duh, Cheryl! It’s how we get to the “Heights” or the highest point of Arlington Heights. Isn’t it? * No, Aaron. It is a competitive,"— Presentation transcript:


2 * What is Race to the Top? * Duh, Cheryl! It’s how we get to the “Heights” or the highest point of Arlington Heights. Isn’t it? * No, Aaron. It is a competitive, federal grant that will help Ohio move from 5 th to 1 st in the nation educationally!

3 * How do we get to the “Top?” * Well, I have a map. It shows that we turn left at the bell tower, go over 75, right at the Brewhaus, past Lichty’s, beyond Budtown, and across the tracks. * For RttT, we have our curriculum maps along with our new core standards to help show us the way.

4 * Who and how are people involved in RttT? * The way I understand it is that the RttT team is similar to the role of the Sherpa in climbing. We do a lot of the heavy lifting so everyone can make it to the “Top.” * Right, your analogy works. We are to Tenzing Norgay as the staff is to Sir Edmond Hillary!

5 * How do we know if we are headed in the right direction? * Don’t worry! With my GPS and careful acclimatization at selected base camps we will not get lost nor altitude sickness! * Well, we will use our technology, and we will monitor our progress with our curriculum benchmarks throughout the year.

6 * Are you ready for your Sherpa?

7 * Cheryl Adams Cheryl Adams * David Bartoe David Bartoe * Nick Benge Nick Benge * Heather Campbell Heather Campbell * Shiloh Carpenter Shiloh Carpenter * John Eckert John Eckert * Cathy Gaughan Cathy Gaughan * Jennifer Henriques * Donna Hubbard Donna Hubbard * Michele Kipp Michele Kipp * Sarah Lord Sarah Lord * Jenni Mutters * Aaron Parker Aaron Parker * Angie Pendleton Angie Pendleton * Kristi Snell Kristi Snell * Chuck Soule Chuck Soule

8  A federal competitive grant program  RttT is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  RttT defines four areas of funding priorities: 1.Standards and assessments 2. Teacher/leader quality 3. Data collection and use 4. Struggling schools (not Us!)

9 The reforms promoted by RttT will help: * Close achievement gap * Allow our students to be competitive in global society * Create and retain great teachers and leaders * Improve reading, math and science achievement Mandated by the Federal Department and supported by the Ohio Department of Education

10 Goals Improve the Graduation Rate by 0.5% a year. Reduce Graduation Rate Gaps by 50% between under- represented and majority students. Reduce Performance Gaps by 50% on national and state-wide assessments between under- represented and majority students. Reduce the State Performance Gap by 50% on reading and mathematics proficiency between Ohio and the best performing states in the nation Double College Enrollment For students age 19 and younger

11 * RttT will jump-start needed reform in our state * We will learn from our data and modify our practices * We will train and retain the best teachers and principals * We will ensure that all students receive a top-quality education

12 Center for Curriculum and Assessment

13 13 Tools and ResourcesDate Standards Crosswalks available on the ODE website January 2011 Model curricula scheduled for adoption March 2011 Awareness sessions on the Standards and Model Curriculum available through ESCs April 2011 Innovative Learning Environment meeting August 2011

14 * Changes for this year (2011-2012): Kindergarten (total Core Curriculum) 1-2 Common Core Social Studies and Science 3-7 Common Core Social Studies 11-12 Familiarize with Core Content This addresses the rollout as we understand from the ODE For more information:

15 GRADE 3 THEMEInterconnections within Systems STRANDEarth and Space Science (ESS) TOPICEarth’s Resources CONTENT STATEMENT Earth's nonliving resources have specific properties. CONTENT ELABORATION Prior concepts related to the properties of nonliving resources: PreK-2: Objects and materials can be sorted and described by their properties, living things are different than nonliving things, properties of objects and materials can change, water and air have specific properties that can be observed and measured. 3 rd Grade Concepts The properties of air and water are introduced in the early elementary grades, so the focus at the 3 rd grade level is on soil and rocks. Air and water are present within rocks and soil. Air and water also play an important role in the formation of rocks and soil. All are considered nonliving resources. The characteristics of rocks and soil must be studied through sampling, observation and testing. This testing includes the ability of water to pass through samples of rock or soil, the color, texture, composition, and moisture level of soil. Measurable and observable characteristics of rocks include; size and shape of the particles or grains (if present) within the rock, texture, or color. The characteristics of the rock can help to determine the environment in which it formed. Note: It is important to use the term “soil”, not “dirt”. Dirt and soil are not synonymous.Dirt and soil Future Application of Concepts: Grades 4 and 5: The characteristics of both soil and rock are related to the weathering and erosion of soil and rock, which result in changes on Earth’s surface, and the general characteristics of Earth are studied. Grades 6-8: Further exploration of soil and rock classification is found with the expansion of instruction to minerals and mineral properties. EXPECTATIONS FOR LEARNING: Visions into PracticeVisions into Practice This section provides examples of tasks that students may perform; this includes guidance for developing classroom performance tasks and INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND RESOURCES Conducting student-led experiments, research and investigations to test soil properties is an important way to allow students to explore and learn about all aspects of soil. The GLOBE Program provides examples, data, and resources to test specific types of soil and soil properties for elementary students. There are also opportunities to connect to other classrooms and compare soil data. GLOBE Program The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Soil and Water Conservation Division provides resources and support to teach about soil and properties of soil to elementary students. This page provides examples of soil profiling, how to conduct soils tests, maps of local soils (including a feature that allows students to locate the soil types in their own backyards or at their school-called Web Soil Survey).The Ohio Department of Natural Resources The Soil Science Society of America provides background information about soils, testing the properties of soil, soil scientists, and links to educational resources for soils. There are numerous age-appropriate resources that can support the teaching of soils in the 3 rd grade classroom.Soil Science Society of America NASA developed a program called “Dr. Soil” that includes numerous references, resources, and lab activities to help support the teaching of soil to young students.NASA Encouraging student rock collections to create classroom sample sets can connect nature to the classroom. To help understand the local geology and surface rocks that can be found around the school or community. ODNR provides helpful resources and geologic maps that can be used to study landforms and surface geology of Ohio. The surface geology map can help to determine the types of rocks that may be found in the local areas (near the school) to assist in field collections or discussions. GeoFacts is another site within ODNR that provides geologic facts related to Ohio and the Hands on Earth Science program offers educational support in multiple areas of Earth Science, including rocks, water, and soil.ODNRGeoFactsHands on Earth Science COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS Students often think soil is alive. While living things live in soil and organic soil is composed of once-living things they need to understand that soil itself is not alive. Students may think soil type is determined by color. Soil type is actually determined based on particle size. Color is dependent upon the rock type from which the soil is formed over time. Standards In-depth information on the standards Strategies and Resources for instruction Content Specific Section Expectations for Learning

16 * Awareness and professional development opportunities to begin 2011-2012 * Pilot opportunities for: * Formative assessment: Grades 6-8: mathematics and English language arts * Performance-based assessment: Elementary and high school: English language arts, math, science, social studies and career-tech * Information available on ODE website mid March * Applications available in April * Pilot for expanded Kindergarten Readiness Assessment * Phase I 2011 * Phase II 2012

17 Formative models

18 * Available 2011-2012 school year * Accessible online * Coordinate with regional professional development Links to Curric

19 Instructional Improvement System (IIS)

20 * Structure and Components: * Online access to electronic curriculum, resources and tools aligned to the revised standards * Curriculum customization for differentiated instruction This information provided by Lockland’s Dashboard: * formative assessments * Data-analysis capabilities including early- warning indicators for teachers, administrators, parents, and students.

21 ODE commits to provide a State IIS to all participating RttT LEAs in Ohio Development will be completed with LEA input The system will be paid for by ODE during RttT RttT LEAs commit to active use of a “qualifying” IIS in classrooms * State IIS OR * “Qualifying” LEA IIS

22 Standards/Curriculum Data Analysis & Rapid-Time Reporting Instructional Practices Assessments & Growth Curriculum Evaluation Curriculum Design & Development Curriculum Maintenance Instructional Design Tools for Learning Class Data Management Test Creation & Storage Test Delivery & Response Assessment Tools Test Scoring & Processing Advanced Analysis (current & historical) Achievement Reporting Achievement Analysis Educator Profiles & Professional Development

23 Great Teachers & Leaders

24 OTES is 90% complete  OTES Writing Team is working on final phases of the system  Information for training and technical assistance for implementation of OTES coming Spring 2012 Online Gap Analysis Tool is in its final stages of development Webinars will be available to RttT LEAs  Detailed information and access codes to the online tool  Gap Analysis Tool Summative reports only Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES )

25  OPES is complete  Finalizing the scoring rubric  Scaling up opportunities to begin Spring 2011 training with ESCs  ESCs will conduct the OPES training for the RttT LEAs Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES)

26  This component is a “work in progress” for all states  Ohio Proposed Plan of Work  State Model Formative Assessments  Identification of Best Practices  Student Learning Objectives – Targets  Multiple Measures include:  Value-added measures  Standardized tests  Standardized Curriculum based tests  Classroom based tests  End of course exams

27  Instructional Mentoring Training will be scheduled June – Fall 2011 (newly selected mentors)  One additional day of training will be scheduled June – Fall 2011 (already trained mentors)  PowerPoint used at the Resident Educator Information Sessions from January – March will be available via the web in April  Visit the ODE webpage (keyword: Resident Educator) for additional information

28  ODE developing the RFP for the Managing Educator Talent (MET) PD training  Training will be scheduled Summer 2011  ODE developing the RFP for the Teaching and Learning Conditions (TLC) Assessment tool for the low-performing and turnaround schools  TLC begins Fall 2011  Visit the RttT webpage (Assurance Area D Technical Assistance Document: Equitable Distribution of Effective Teachers and Principals)

29  To prepare teachers in a 12-month intensive pedagogical and clinical experience preparation program facilitated by ESCs, LEAs, and IHEs  ODE with OESCA to select 5 ESCs to pilot program with 25+ LEAs  ESCs to partner with an IHE and work with LEAs in their service area to identify teacher needs  Teachers on supplemental licenses are a priority  Teachers who hold a teaching license but want to change teaching fields are a priority  Mid-career professionals who already hold a degree, major, or expertise in one of the LEA subject shortage areas are a priority  ESC and LEA provide support to teacher candidates during 12 month program leading to licensure  LEAs hire successful teacher candidates completing the program  ODE and OESCA to develop RFP for additional ESCs to participate in following years

30 * List Serve ( * RttT Web-page @ ODE * RttT Newsletter * Share Point * Transformation Team Communication * Communicating with Regional Coordinators

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