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Community informatics in participatory e-planning, a meta-analysis of action research in Helsinki Liisa Horelli, Joanna Saad-Sulonen & Sirkku Wallin Aalto.

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Presentation on theme: "Community informatics in participatory e-planning, a meta-analysis of action research in Helsinki Liisa Horelli, Joanna Saad-Sulonen & Sirkku Wallin Aalto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community informatics in participatory e-planning, a meta-analysis of action research in Helsinki Liisa Horelli, Joanna Saad-Sulonen & Sirkku Wallin Aalto University, Finland CIRN 2012 Community Informatics Conference, Prato, Italy, 7-9 November 2012

2 Participatory local community (Palco), 2009-2012 Liisa Horelli Sirkku Wallin Joanna Saad-Sulonen Jenni Kuoppa Karoliina Jarenko Aalto-university /

3 Outcomes of action research in the Herttoniemi neighbourhood (2004-2012)  Planning & building the local environment (community yard, metro station, safety issues etc.)  Service innovations (bus routes, afternoon daycare services, help-desk in the local web-site)  Enabling tools (CI tools and platform, local web-sites with instruments for e-planning, e- governance and e-learning)  A new culture of co- governance (Local forum and committee; self-organising groups)

4 Structure of the presentation Question, argument & aim Community? Meta-analysis of the articles Conclusions and discussion Liisa Horelli

5 Question, aim & argument Q: What consequences does CI have for urban planning and its connection to everyday life and the community? Aim: To present for discussion the results of a meta-analysis of nine publications we have produced during the last three years Arg: CI transforms urban planning into participatory e-planning that enhances dealing with the glocal context of everyday life. Liisa Horelli

6 The changing meaning of community Then: community as a local territory or community of interest, partly virtual Now: community not a territorial container but a relational, glocal space intertwined with regional, national, international links, needing trans-scalar strategies (Majoor & Salet 2008) Liisa Horelli The context

7 Meta-analysis of 9 articles, forged into 3 themes The evolving relation between urban planning, technology and participation CI playing with the glocal The context matters Liisa Horelli

8 ”The evolving relation between urban planning, technology and participation” Participatory e-planning as “a socio-cultural, ethical and political practice which takes place offline and online in the overlapping phases of the planning and decision – making cycle, by using digital and non-digital tools.”

9 ”The Hybrid infrastructure of communication in Herttoniemi”

10 Contextual analysis Visioning Implementation Co-planning Maintenance Evaluation time PARTICIPATION & DELIBERATION The participatory e-planning processEveryday life WORK SERVICE S MOBILITY HOUSING Monitoring… The wider context CI facilitates the integration of the process of participatory e-planning with the issues of everyday life

11 Young people learning digital citizenship skills through designing a common yeard An example:

12 Extreme examples: Arab spring, Occupy the Wall Street & Zapatista Conditions for effective application of CI for glocal purposes are tech, org, inst, & social capacities (examples from Honkong & Taipei) Civic groups not consciously involved with trans-scalar strategies around urban planning ”Playing with the glocal”

13 ”The context matters” (Comparison of Helsinki & Sydney) Differences due to the governance systems (liberal/Nordic welfare state) Adoption of e-planning is a highly selective process, progressing by trial and error But, formal planning will eventually adopt new approaches and tools!

14 What consequences does CI have for urban planning and its connection to everyday life and the community? CI is a catalyst: e-planning becomes even the site for involvement in the design of digitools All parties have to manage complex strategies in the glocal (trans-scalar) everyday life Expanded forms of CI required, also beyond the local Conclusions:

15 Horelli, L. & Schuler, D. (2012). Editorial for the special issue on “Linking the Local with the Global within Community Informatics”. Journal of Community Informatics, 8(3). Wallin, S., Saad-Sulonen, J., Amati, M. & Horelli, L. (2012) Exploring participatory e-planning practices in different contexts: similarities and differences between Helsinki and Sydney. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 1(3),17-39. Saad-Sulonen, Joanna (2012) The role of the creation and sharing of digital media content in participatory e-planning. International Journal of e-Planning Research, 1(2). Wallin, Sirkku & Horelli, Liisa (2012) Playing with the glocal through participatory e-planning. Journal of Community Informatics, 8(2). Horelli, Liisa & Wallin, Sirkku (2012) Gender-sensitive community informatics for sustaining everyday life. In Marion Roberts & Ines Sanchez de Madriaga (Eds.) 'Fair Share' Cities: the impact of gender planning. London: Ashgate. Saad-Sulonen, Joanna & Horelli, Liisa (2010) The Value of Community Informatics to Participatory Urban Planning: a case-study in Helsinki. Journal of Community Informatics, Vol. 6, No. 2. Available at Horelli, L. & Wallin, S. (2010) The Future-Making Assessment Approach as a Tool for E-Planning and Community Development – the Case of Ubiquitous Helsinki. In Silva, C. N. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on E-Planning: ICTs for Urban Development and Monitoring (pp.58-79). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Wallin, S., Horelli, L. & Saad-Sulonen, J. (Eds) (2010). Digital tools in participatory planning. Aalto University. Centre of Urban and Regional Studies. Series C27. Available in PDF format at: Publications

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