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Officer’s Meeting September 10 th HBC 201 6PM φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Officer’s Meeting September 10 th HBC 201 6PM φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officer’s Meeting September 10 th HBC 201 6PM φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

2 Encourage all students to attend orientations on your campus bulletin boards September 17 th NRG 4136 at 7pm September 18 th NRG 4136 at 12pm October 16 th RGC Theater at 1pm Ice Breaker for Orientations φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

3 Nuts & Bolts September 24 th SAC 10-2pm 7 Members Required to attend 1.Jeannie 2.Sabrina 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

4 Member Handbook Changes Drop Dead Due Date: September 12 th 5pm Send to Jeannie & Jenni φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

5 Officer Meetings All officer meetings are 1 hour prior to General Meetings φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

6 College Project Update We have a meeting with Dr. Kinslow & Dr. Christensen! φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

7 Who’s Who Nominations are new open! Minimum of 30 hours by Spring 2011 Minimum 3.0 GPA updates/whos-who-nominations-open φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

8 Mary & Reed Announcements φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

9 Chapter Video Officer Photos! Sabrina Holly Joshua Melissa Alison Reed φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

10 Returning Members Meeting September 10 th HBC 201 7PM φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

11 Fall 2010 T-Shirt Contest φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter Entries must include: 1. The Greek letters for Phi Theta and Kappa (φθκ) 2. Should be 2 color (the color of the shirt and the color of the design) 3. Should be a visual representation of Phi Theta Kappa or our projects 4. Should be original artwork without copyright infringement 5. Be as clever as you want!

12 Fall 2010 T-Shirt Contest φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

13 Leadership Conference October 1 st -3 rd Corpus Christi, Texas Members may attend, but will need to fulfill a leadership role in the chapter during the semester. You can do this by, for example, becoming a chapter officer, attending Nuts & Bolts as a chapter representative or chairing/co-chairing a committee. φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

14 Nuts & Bolts September 24 th SAC 10-2pm 7 Members Required to attend 1.Jeannie 2.Sabrina 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

15 Eastview Vice-President OFFICER POSTION Nominations 1 minute speech Voting New Officer: See Jeannie & Jenni after the meeting φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

16 Chair & Co-Chair Positions Open Positions φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

17 Leadership Opportunity 5 assistants needed for “Discovering the Honors Study Topic – The Jelly Bean Experiment” Friday September 24 th General Meeting NRG 4136 at 7pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. See Jenni & Christina after the meeting φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

18 Leadership Opportunity Testimonials at Orientations Friday September 17 th NRG 4136 at 7pm Saturday September 18 th NRG 4136 at 12pm Saturday October 16 th RGC Theater at 1pm See Jenni after the meeting φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

19 Mary & Reed Announcements φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter

20 Announcements φθκ αγπ phi theta kappa alpha gamma pi chapter Saturday 9/11 TOPs at Round Rock (Roger) 6PM UT Football Game (David) Sunday 9/12 3:30-5:30PM HIA Research @ SAC Library (Christina) Monday 9/13 3:45-6PM LBJ Tutoring (Holly) 4:45-6PM Special Olympics (Garrett) Tuesday 9/14 2:20-5:20PM CP Research @ RGC 113 (Jared) 3:45-6PM LBJ Tutoring (Holly) Wednesday 9/15 3:45-6PM LBJ Tutoring (Holly) 4:45-6PM Special Olympics (Garrett) Thursday 9/16 Round Rock Fund Raiser (Roger) 2:20-5:20PM CP Research @ RGC 113 (Jared) 3:45-6PM LBJ Tutoring (Holly) Friday 9/17 7PM Orientation NRG 4136 Saturday 9/18 12PM Orientation NRG 4136

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