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Welcome to Wellington Network PBS Team Training 5 th August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Wellington Network PBS Team Training 5 th August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Wellington Network PBS Team Training 5 th August 2014

2 Wellington Network PBS Steering Committee Rosemary Roberts – Student Support Services Coordinator Karen Milner – Principal - Araluen Primary School Sarah Johnstone–Principal –Nambrok/Denison Primary School Dave Mowbray –Guthridge Campus Principal – Sale College Cheryl Evans - Assistant Principal – Maffra Secondary College Alison Pollock - Assistant Principal – Sale Specialist School Ewen Jondahl - Assistant Principal – Sale Primary School Jenni Allan – Student Support Services (Psychology)

3 Information Package - Resources Program for the day Interventions table SW-PBS data matrix Stress model bell curve diagram Evaluation Sheet Functional Behaviour Analysis resources Wellington - PBS pens On line Resources (Steve Cunningham & Cheryl Evans) Training – George Sugai - 8 th – 9 th September

4 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behaviour Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behaviour Positive Behaviour Support OUTCOMES Social Competence, Academic Achievement 4 Context & Culture

5 Culture & Context What does it say about who we are, how & where we live and what we believe in?

6 System = How we do it (Supporting Staff Behaviour) How do we- (Questions from last time)  Support staff after an incident?  Maintain consistency at times of stress?  Get all the stakeholders on the same page when working with students at risk?  Work smarter – not harder?

7 1.Common purpose & approach to discipline 2.Clear set of positive expectations & behaviours 3. Procedures for teaching expected behaviour 4.Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behaviour 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviour 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation Schoolwide Systems

8 Data = Why we do it Data drives decisions! (Data supports our decisions)


10 Practice = What we do (Supporting Student Decisions)

11 With thanks to Araluen Primary School

12 Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

13 Interventions Table

14 The Universals -Preventative & Proactive -Applicable to all students in all settings -Effective with 80 – 90% of students

15 The Universals Established PBS team meets regularly to guide implementation Values Identified Behaviour Matrix developed Behavioural Expectations are actively taught Discipline system is consistently applied Data is systematically collected and analysed Data from a number of sources is used to inform decision making Student are systematically provided with acknowledgement of desired behaviours Acknowledge and celebrate success Active supervision in the yard Staff practice 5/1 ratio of positive to corrective interactions with students Effective and consistent classroom management techniques are used across the school.

16 Tier 2 -Targeted Group Interventions - Used for some students 5-10% -High Efficacy -Rapid Response

17 Tier 2 Interventions Social Skills Groups Check In Check Out 3 Minute mentor Restorative Justice Skills based instructional programs Hands on learning Anger management training Time out/chill out/down time Students at Risk meetings Parrots!

18 Table Discussion – Reflection What has been achieved since last training day in March?

19 Report Back – Sharing Time Maffra Primary – 3 Minute Mentor Sale Primary – Roger Report Cobains – Behaviour Tracking Others – SAARLA Schools Araluen – Billabong Acknowledgement System Longford – Living our Values Everyday (LOVE) Rosedale – Values Tree Airly – Recording Positives related to Values Stratford – Staff Matrix *Use interventions table to record ideas*

20 Tier 3 -Intensive Individual Interventions 1-5% of student population -Assessment Based -Intensive Procedures

21 Tier 3 Interventions (Focus on the behaviour) (Ineffective if universals are not soundly in place!) Referral to Student Support Services (SSS) Application for PSD Funding Learning Assessment Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Referral to outside services Individual assessment of behaviour (Functional Behaviour Analysis) Behaviour Management Plan (BMP) Case management Partial timetables Individualized contracts Mentoring

22 Acronym Buster SSSO – Student Support Services Officer SOCS – Student Online Case System PSD – Program for Students with Disabilities ILP – Individual Learning Plan BMP – Behaviour Management Plan FBA – Functional Behaviour Analysis GCAMHS – Gippsland Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Child FIRST – Child and Family Information Referral & Support Team DHS – Department of Human Services

23 Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) Focuses on the reasons for the behaviour Used with students presenting with complex challenging behaviours Promotes consistency The process is time consuming initially – but rewarding & satisfying & ultimately time saving

24 What is the reason for the behaviour??

25 Follow up for team training sessions in 2015 -Teaching behaviour & social skills (as requested previously) -Please remember to complete evaluations

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