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Updates from the Induction Team Meet the Team Jenni Murray Abby Shovlin Liz Dobson-McKittrick Kristin Hunger.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates from the Induction Team Meet the Team Jenni Murray Abby Shovlin Liz Dobson-McKittrick Kristin Hunger."— Presentation transcript:


2 Updates from the Induction Team

3 Meet the Team Jenni Murray Abby Shovlin Liz Dobson-McKittrick Kristin Hunger

4 Overview Key Findings - New Student Survey 2014 September 2015 Planning Status of the Induction Team contracts

5 New Student Survey Findings

6 Satisfied with Experience Thus Far

7 Striking a Balance - UG Do you think there are too few, just enough, or too many of the following types of event?

8 Striking a Balance – PGT Do you think there are too few, just enough, or too many of the following types of event?

9 Striking a Balance – PGR Do you think there are too few, just enough, or too many of the following types of event?

10 How are you feeling now? Confident I can cope with Academic Demands UGs - Confident I can cope with the academic demands of my course was only selected by 35% of respondents PGs - ‘Confident I can cope with the academic demands of my studies’ was selected by 36% PGT and by 47% PGR respondents

11 September New Student Survey Results Student Feedback & Enhancing Academic Inductions Workshops 28 th April, 09:30-11:30, Lecture Theatre 1, 7 Bristo Square 30 th April, 10:30-12:30 Room 4325C - Teaching Studio, James Clerk Maxwell Bldg, King’s Buildings Practical Strategies for activity based induction 7 th April, 14:00-16:00 Register via MyEd

12 Enhanced Academic Inductions ‘Is getting used to it good enough? Abby will be reaching out to Schools offering her assistance Session this afternoon, that does still have some space if anyone would like to attend If you would like assistance enhancing your academic induction please email

13 September 2015 - Planning

14 September 2015 Central Room Bookings Number of buildings off-line McEwan Adam House Portions of Appleton Tower David Hume Tower Please help us ensure that students aren’t given old information

15 September 2015 New Venues for Traditional Events Card Services & Finance – Appleton Tower NOT Adam House Parents Welcome - o Joint between EUSA and University o Hosted Saturday and Sunday of Arrival Weekend o George Square Lecture Theatre Principal’s Welcome – Assembly Hall, New College NOT McEwan

16 Branding Soft roll out last year Welcome Badges New Student webpages referred to ‘Welcome Week’ We are asking that University Staff refer to September Induction Period as ‘Welcome Week’ University Welcome runs concurrently with EUSA’s Freshers’ Week Welcome!

17 Pre-Arrival Questionnaire Aims to provide PT with a quick understanding of their tutees’ motivations, career aims/aspirations and a plan of action Stimulates students’ thinking on these topics Already successfully running in Biomedical Sciences We need you!

18 Student Expectations Framework We would like to create a framework for Group Tutorials so that student expectations can be looked into in more detail. We would like to work with PTs and students to create an outline of the framework. Please get in touch with us to become a part of this work!

19 Status of our Contracts Recommendation from the Programming Board that our roles become mainstreamed Induction Team contracts extended until December 2015 By the end of the Planning Round we should know the outcome and will keep our contacts updated of the status We look forward to continue working with you for this September and Autumn Semester.

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