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SIM K-12 Winter 2015 System Implementation and Monitoring London East Regional Session Day Two #WINTERSIM #SIMK12.

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Presentation on theme: "SIM K-12 Winter 2015 System Implementation and Monitoring London East Regional Session Day Two #WINTERSIM #SIMK12."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIM K-12 Winter 2015 System Implementation and Monitoring London East Regional Session Day Two @LNSSIM #WINTERSIM #SIMK12

2 SIM K-12 resources visit

3 YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT Complete your feedback survey at or


5 DAY TWO AGENDA The agenda for today is available at each table.

6 Breakout Sessions 9:00-11:15 am SESSIONROOM A: Principal Effectiveness Within a Collaborative Inquiry Venetian B: Growth Mindsets in Mathematics Castelli AB C: Qualitative Data Within an Inquiry Castelli C Full session reconvenes at 11:15 am

7 Discuss what you learned today and how it can assist in the refinement, expansion and/or extension of your Implementation and Monitoring Plan.

8 To our guest presenters Aideen Moss and Jenni Donnohoo Steve Killip and Jackie Wood

9 In-Between Work document the implementation and monitoring process and that of the team learning bring evidence of learning to Spring 2015 SIM

10 SPRING SIM 2015 Day One: May 7, 2015 Day Two: May 8, 2015 We look forward to seeing you! Reminder: Please bring back any supporting materials (i.e., organizer, in-between work and evidence) to Spring SIM 2015.

11 Feedback Survey Complete your feedback survey at or


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