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Peter Hofmann Chief Engineer-Distribution Engineering Consolidated Edison, New York PQView User Group Meeting New York, NY August 31 – September 02, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Hofmann Chief Engineer-Distribution Engineering Consolidated Edison, New York PQView User Group Meeting New York, NY August 31 – September 02, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Hofmann Chief Engineer-Distribution Engineering Consolidated Edison, New York PQView User Group Meeting New York, NY August 31 – September 02, 2010 Update on PQView’s Role at Con Edison in New York City

2 2 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. 27,13, 4 kV 13 kV 27, 4 kV 33,13, 4 kV Distribution System  62 Distribution Substations  83 Secondary Networks, and Non-network load pockets  2,247 Distribution Feeders  87% System is underground  New York City & Westchester  3.3 million electric customers  System peak load 13141 MW

3 3 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Overview of Con Edison Power Delivery System

4 4 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PQ Monitoring for Smart Distribution at Con Edison Area Substations Transformers –Power quality monitors Secondary Networks –Power quality monitors –Network Transformer RMS Network Distribution Feeders –Microprocessor relays Area Substations Capacitors –Microprocessor relays Unit Substation Transformers –Power Quality Monitoring and Phasor Measurement Sensors High Tension Remote Monitoring –Power and power quality monitoring Customer Smart Meters –Energy and power quality Distribution and Transmission SCADA –Automatic momentary interruption analysis and correction with IEDs

5 5 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Area Substation Transformers Supply the Con Edison distribution network feeders. Each substation has at least one power quality monitor at the output of one transformer. Many area substations have more than one transformer monitored to allow for redundancy in the automatic fault location system and other analysis tools.

6 6 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Network Distribution Feeders The network feeders supply underground network customers in which each feeder supplies transformers that in turn supply a low voltage distributed secondary network. The network feeders are protected using overcurrent relays. Today, about 800 microprocessor relays on feeder and bus breakers are monitored. –feeder energizing –breaker trip events due to faults –short-duration overcurrent events due to incipient faults.

7 7 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Area Substation Capacitors Con Edison has developed an automatic capacitor health analysis system –Automatic correlation with SCADA operations –Abnormal switching transients (e.g., restrike or magnification) –Unbalanced reactive power changes Con Edison intends to increase the number of distribution capacitors monitored with power quality monitors and with microprocessor relays over the next three years.

8 8 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Unit Substation Transformers The unit substation transformers supply Con Edison’s overhead distribution feeders system. There are few power quality monitoring at unit substations today, but monitoring is expanding over the next year.

9 9 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System High Tension Remote Monitoring Con Edison has several hundred customers that are supplied via primary feeders via a “high tension service.” Over the next three years, many of these sites will be equipped with remote monitoring capabilities and electronic meters to capture power and power quality measurements.

10 10 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Customer Smart Meters As part of a US$200 million project funded by federal stimulus grants, Con Edison is establishing an infrastructure to collect measurements from a smart grid pilot project in Queens. Installation of 1500 smart meters that aim to permit customers to monitor and potentially improve their energy use. These meters will record power quality measurements that need to be integrated with other sensor data being collected from area, network, and unit substations.

11 11 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System SCADA RTU Sensors PQView Event Correlation Automatic Momentary Interruption Analysis (MAIFI) Voltage Schedule Tap Setting Analysis

12 12 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Distribution Capacitors Also as part of the federal stimulus grant project, Con Edison will be initiating the installation of SCADA ready switchable capacitors on the 4kV distribution system that will be integrated with PQ monitors and microprocessor relays at unit substations

13 13 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Con Edison Monitoring System Transmission Substations Con Edison monitors transmission feeders using digital fault recorder (DFR) systems in seventeen substations today. Each DFR is configured to record waveform and rms samples for up to 48 voltage and/or current analog signals. At present, PQView is used to send e-mail alerts from the DFR systems and provides correlation with SCADA on transmission feeders.

14 14 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Overview of Data Integration with PQView at Con Edison Today

15 15 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PQView Projects at Con Edison Automatic Bus Fault Analysis Reactance estimates and fault duration calculated from waveforms captured by power quality monitors and microprocessor relays at area substations. PQView also integrates relay digital status values that indicate which disturbance detection algorithms were triggered by an event in addition to which channel(s) triggered the operation of a circuit breaker. The e-mail notification and web reports produced by PQView assist operators in determining the source and location of the fault that caused the area substation bus to trip out; thus ensuring more rapid restoration of the area substation bus section when the root cause is a feeder fault and overcurrent trip of the bus.

16 16 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PQView Projects at Con Edison Historical Fault Analysis Integration with Poly Voltage Load Flow –Distribution circuit model –Estimate of voltage at fault location based on substation measurements Integration with CAJAC –database of laboratory describing the failure of each cable and joint –automate root cause association Follow-On Fault Analysis Module –Cascading feeder failures

17 17 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PQView Projects at Con Edison Steady State Regulation Voltage Schedule Transformer Tap Settings Balance in Phases and Transformers

18 18 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PQView Projects at Con Edison Arcing and Partial Discharge Detection Con Edison plans to employ PQView with smart meter sensors to mitigate the dangers associated with arcing events in underground vaults of the secondary network. Con Edison also plans to integrate devices in PQView that provide partial discharge measurements. –Partial discharge is localized dielectric breakdown of cable that is detectable before a cable failure that results in a fault. –Detection of which cable sections are demonstrating measurable partial discharge is a goal to proactively replace cables before they fail and increase the risk to a network’s reliability

19 19 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example Single-Phase Fault IAIA Voltage Drop VAVA I 0 = 8kA Total Current I 0 = 4x2 kA = 8kA I 0 = 2kA

20 20 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Feeder Trips due to Fault Visual Fault Locator PQ Meter Captures Waveforms PQView Calculates Reactance Match Reactance To Feeder Model Dispatch Crews Fault Locating Process

21 21 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Relay RTF Website

22 22 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Email Fault Notification

23 23 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Feeder Fault with GE Relay Targets

24 24 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Fault Location Performance

25 25 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Con Edison uses the term “Cut-In Open-Auto” or CIOA to describe a feeder that trips immediately upon reenergization. A CIOA could be caused by the same or a new fault or by inrush current. If there is no fault, the feeder can be reenergized quickly, reducing stress and risk to a network. In 2007, Con Edison asked EPRI to enhance the functionality in PQView to detect inrush current and differentiate it from fault current.

26 26 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Real Fault Inrush Event Fault Current versus Inrush Current

27 27 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Incipient Fault Location Functionality Reactance-to-Fault: 2.6 ohms

28 28 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Digital Fault Recorders Minimum and maximum rms values of voltage and current, along with overcurrent duration in cycles, are available for all channels in an email notification The email notification is set to trigger if current on any channel exceeds 1500 A Correlation with breaker tags in OSIsoft® PI System® Historian is completed not via digital status changes but rather via changes in analog values

29 29 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. W72 Line Trip - Email Notification Station / Timestamp All Channels Min/Max RMS Values

30 30 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. W72 Line Trip - Email Notification W72 Trip Out

31 31 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. W72 Line Trip – Max RMS Values

32 32 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. PI History at Con Edison SOCCS/SOCCS-X SCADA System –Designed by Boeing Company had a very limited data archiving capabilities. The disk space on its system can only store data for eight days. PI was integrated with the SCADA system at Con Edison in 1997. PI offered a solution for providing real-time RTU values and long-term storage of both analog and digital status values

33 33 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. 33 Empowering Business in Real Time. © Copyright 2009, OSIsoft Inc. All rights Reserved. 60s 1h 5s Energy Management System

34 PI Data Integration PI Tag Bkr Trip



37 37 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Linking PQView and PI Together PI Server PQView PQ Data Manager PiSlicer Library PI SDK Con Edison Electric Operations PI System PQView Database PiSlicer

38 38 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example Correlation Single-Phase Distribution Fault Event

39 39 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example Correlation Distribution Substation Capacitor Switching Event

40 40 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example Correlation Distribution Feeder Inrush

41 41 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example Correlation Multiple Breaker Trips due to Substation Fault

42 42 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Follow-On Fault Analysis Module

43 43 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. I²T Calculation and Notification

44 44 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Automatic Distribution Capacitor Analysis Capacitor Switching Transient Identification Capacitor Bank Direction Indication Capacitor Bank Health Analysis Abnormal Capacitor Bank Switching Operation

45 45 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Electrotek/Dranetz Capacitor Switching Answer Module® Development begun in 1998 as an optional component of the Electrotek/Dranetz-BMI Signature System. Provides answers to these questions: –Do the voltage and current waveforms captured by the power systems monitor appear to be a capacitor switching transient? Does the capacitor event appear to be normal? Does the capacitor event appear to be magnified? Was the reactive power change on all three phases balanced? What was the reactive power change on each phase?

46 46 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Capacitor Switching Answer Module Ported to PQView Module

47 47 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example of Answer Module Output

48 48 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Example of Answer Module Output

49 49 © 2010 Electrotek Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. Capacitor Identification: Next Steps Link SCADA Correlation Module and Automatic Capacitor Analysis Together Abnormal Capacitor Bank Switching Operation –Restrike, and Magnification Synchronous Closing Performance Harmonic Resonance Identification and Trending

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