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Intermodal shortsea transport The motorway of the 21 st century Sander van ‘t Verlaat.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermodal shortsea transport The motorway of the 21 st century Sander van ‘t Verlaat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermodal shortsea transport The motorway of the 21 st century Sander van ‘t Verlaat

2 SPC HOLLAND  Started in 1997 based on report “No traffic jams at sea”  Public/private partnership  62 participants Main aims  Increase awareness of shortsea  Provide information on possibilities  Analyse bottlenecks  Information source for private companies and governmental bodies

3 Enquiries  Number of enquiries per type 20082009 Company 440512* Government 1329 Consultant 238 Student 2529 Private persons * incl. mailing export org. 1210

4 ShortSea Journaal  Content 2009  Russia, fresh logistics, environment and cooperation  Part only for shortsea sector  Circulation about 4500 copies to:  Shippers/logistic providers2900  Shortsea operators 390  Intermodal operators 270

5 Factsheets and brochures Following factsheets produced in 2009  Ro-Ro and freight ferry  mailed to 790 transport companies  Shortsea and Dutch ports  Container dimensions  Internet Country factsheets for  Russia  mailed to 340 shippers with export to Russia  Turkey  mailed to 330 shippers with export to Turkey

6 Visitors:  73 unique visitors per calendar day  5 visitors per calendar day to search engine Added to the site:  Container sizes  Statistics – transhipments Dutch ports  Map and lines with 45ft pw containers



9 Now including intermodal connections by barge and rail

10 Cooperation Under name of Holland Intermodal with  Rail cargo information Netherlands  Inland shipping information agency  European Shortsea Network (ESN)  In total 22 members  In Romania - RIA

11 Definitions Shortsea EU Shortsea shipping means the movement of cargo and passengers by sea between ports situated in geographical Europe or between those ports and ports situated in non European countries having a coastline on the enclosed seas Bordering Europe. Shortsea shipping includes domestic and international maritime transport, including feeder services, along the coast, to and from the islands, rivers and lakes. The concept of short sea shipping also extends to maritime transport between the Member States of the Union and Norway and Iceland and other States on the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

12 Shortsea destinations

13 Shortsea in perspective  Major part is non-liner services  dry and wet bulk  neo bulk  in Europe more than 60% is dry or liquid bulk  More than 50% of total transhipment in all Dutch ports is shortsea  Shortsea tonnes in containers, all Dutch ports is about 16%  Mix of feeder and intra European containers

14 Types of shortsea cargo 

15 Shortsea containers  Feeder containers  Schedule follows deepsea carrier  Intra- European containers  Schedule according to market demand  Competing with road transport Often on the same vessels !

16 Shortsea is intermodal  Combination of sea- and landtransport  With containers: multimodal  by road  by rail  by inland barge

17 Types of cargo in containers  Cargo (on pallets) in 20 and 40ft (pallet wide) containers  Partloads (groupage)  Liquids, food and non-food in 20ft tankcontainers  Dry bulk such as plastics in 30ft bulkcontainers Developments - containers

18 Equipment requirements  Already different types of containers to suit the cargo e.g. flats, open top  In order to compete with road transport (13.60 mtr trailers) adapt container to cargo (build a box around the cargo)  40ft pallet wide container  24 pallets of 100 x 120  45ft pallet wide container  26 pallets of 100 x 120

19 Palletwide containers

20 Palletwide container curtain sided

21 45ft PW diesel-electric reefer special flower container developed for GreenRail

22 45ft PW diesel-electric reefer  Inside length 13,275 mtr suitable for 33 euro pallets  45ft container = 13.60 meter trailer  Double stack system possible  Suitable for rail and inland shipping  Sufficient fuel for couple of days  Temperature settings and controll from a distance through micro processor  The unit for intermodal Transport

23 Developments vessels – 45ft containership

24 Cooperation Necessary!!! Shortsea is an alternative to road transport  BUT always needs road transport Shortsea can be competitive on longer distances  In combination with rail and road e.g. Italy  In combination with inland barge and road e.g. Germany Intermodal shortsea chain

25 Advantages Guaranteed transittime Via more than 200 ports one contact person Environmentally friendly € Cheaper than road transport  door to door transport

26 Shortsea Promotion Centre Holland Tel. +31 10 2041888 Fax. +31 1050619035 e-mail

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