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Dugongs in East Malaysian waters: an international perspective

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1 Dugongs in East Malaysian waters: an international perspective
Helene Marsh James Cook University Australia Coordinator IUCN Dugong Action Plan

2 The modern sirenia (seacows)- dugongs and manatees

3 Biodiversity importance of Order Sirenia
Taxonomically unique 2 families Trichechidae Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis West African manatee Trichechus senegalensis Dugongidae Dugong Dugong dugon Steller’s sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas

4 Global conservation status of modern sirenia
Antillean manatee vulnerable Amazonian manatee vulnerable West African manatee vulnerable Dugong vulnerable Steller’s sea cow extinct

5 Distribution of extant sirenia

6 Conservation significance of dugongs
One of only four members of order Sirenia Only member of family Dugongidae Only strictly marine herbivorous mammal Largest population size (>100,000) and range of extant Sirenians

7 Habitat partitioning: extant Sirenia
Dugong strictly marine coastal and estuarine Antillean and West African manatees coastal, estuarine and freshwater (may be dependent on access to freshwater) Amazonian manatee freshwater in Amazon River system All restricted to tropics and sub-tropics


9 Dietary partitioning: modern Sirenia
Dugong seagrass specialist, eats invertebrates at higher latitude ends of range obligate bottom feeder Manatees generalist feeders on salt & freshwater vegetation feed throughout water column opportunistic omnivores Steller’s sea cow surface feeder on cold-water algae

10 Dugong digging up seagrass like a bulldozer
Conclusion: Seagrass conservation is essential to dugong conservation

11 Movements Dugong >60 animals satellite tracked most movements local
several animals made long-distance movements longest movement ~800 km in few days

12 Dugong Movements Frequency Maximum movement 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0-10
0-10 >640 >10-20 >20-40 >40-80 >80-160 > > Maximum movement

13 Preliminary information on genetics of female dugongs
Genetic types of female dugongs from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines generally distinct from those from Australia) - overlap at Ashmore Reef between Australia and Timor Two maternal lineages in Australian coastal waters - overlap in Torres Strait between Australia and Papua New Guinea One Australian lineage also recorded from East Africa and the Arabian Gulf

14 Dugong Life history Lifespan < 70 yr Age first breeding 6-17yr
Gestation period mth Calving interval > yr Lactation ~ 1.5 yr Adult survivorship >95% Max rate of increase < 5% Sustainable harvest ~2%

15 Conclusions Dugong conservation MUST address the issues of
Rate of change in dugong numbers is very sensitive to changes in adult survivorship The impact of mortality (drowning in nets, boat strikes, hunting) on dugongs is serious When dugongs don’t have enough to eat because of habitat loss, they delay breeding - this reduces the level of mortality that is sustainable Dugong conservation MUST address the issues of habitat conservation AND mortality reduction

16 Threats to dugongs- overview from 37 countries

17 Dugongs tangle in mesh nets and accidentally
drown in many countries

18 Habitat loss due to extreme weather events
1000 km2 of seagrass habitat were lost in Hervey Bay Queensland after two floods and a cyclone

19 Hunting and poaching kill dugongs in at least 26 countries

20 Propellors kill and maim
manatees and some dugongs


22 Evidence for dugong decline- 37 countries
Anecdotal evidence suggests that dugong numbers have declined in at least 17 countries and that dugongs are extinct in 3 more No evidence of reduction in extent of range - reduction of area of occupancy within range Situation particularly serious in East Africa, Indian region and parts of Southeast Asia Quantitative evidence of decline available only for Queensland, Australia

23 Trends in dugong numbers Qld Shark Control Program
50 40 30 Total dugongs caught per year 20 10 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

24 Response to dugong decline in Queensland, Australia
Moratorium on hunting on urban coast 16 Dugong Protection Areas (6353 km2) no gill-netting (red) gill-netting with restrictions (yellow) Restructuring of fishing industry - buyout of fishers

25 Suggested approaches to dugong conservation
Identify areas that still support significant numbers of dugongs Consider with extensive local involvement how dugong mortality can be minimised and their habitat protected If possible, protect dugongs in the context of comprehensive plans for coastal zone management using the dugong as a flagship species

26 Amanda’s slide

27 Situation in East Malaysia
Dugongs present in unknown numbers Anecdotal evidence of decline Threatened by: habitat loss and disturbance from coastal development fishing mortality (kelong, gill nets etc) dynamite fishing boat strikes These threats need to be addressed in the context of the best scientific information if the dugong is to be conserved

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