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 January 2014. To facilitate a common structure and process for continual improvement in all Jefferson County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: " January 2014. To facilitate a common structure and process for continual improvement in all Jefferson County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1  January 2014

2 To facilitate a common structure and process for continual improvement in all Jefferson County Schools


4 “Hang Your Hat on Something” 1. to depend on something 2. to believe something Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003. Reproduced with permission.

5  Tool that helps individuals and groups to think together effectively.  Different color hats signal different types of thinking.


7 Group Roles  Facilitator (Blue Hat)  Taskmaster (White Hat)  Recorder (Black Hat)  Timekeeper (Red Hat)  Materials Manager (Green Hat)  Directions Clarifier (Yellow Hat)

8 Collective Responsibility Collaboration Each of us is responsible for all of our students. Participation Monitor your talk. Encourage and support others. Respect Put cell phones on vibrate. No side-bar or cyber conversations. Time Begin and end on time. Take care of your own creature comforts.

9 Initiatives vs. Time Demands District Accreditation VisitASSIST


11 O Review the SDE’s expectations for district CCRS implementation. O Read Jefferson County School District’s CCRS Implementation Capacity Rubric and discuss implications for district leaders and schools. O Review the Self-Assessment Diagnostic in ASSIST and discuss how results may be used to guide school and district level improvement efforts. O Review the ASSIST Timeline to ensure proper implementation of Accreditation processes and procedures.

12 1. Why are College and Career Ready Standards so important? 2. How do these standards impact school leaders and teachers? 3. What steps are we taking as a school district to implement Alabama’s College and Career Ready Standards?


14 The Big Picture of CCRS


16  Adopted by 45 states and 3 territories  CCSS + Additional Alabama Standards = CCRS  Content Standards o What students need to know about ELA & Math  All standards are linked to 10 College and Career Readiness (Anchor) Standards that are focused on “teaching the language of the content” o What students need to be able to do in order to thrive at the college level or in a career.

17 1. Shift in vision and goals for students 2. Shifts in content 3. Shifts in instructional practices 4. Shift in culture 5. Shift in leadership expectations 6. Shift from compliance to innovation 7. Shift in accountability





22 s/videos.aspx?vid=2013- 14_School_Year_Update.mp4

23 CCRS Team Professional Learning Alabama Insight Tool Global Scholar Summer Teaching Academies Regional Planning Team Regional Support Staff (RSS) Differentiated Support District and school coaches CCRS website CCRS Self Assessment Evaluation and Accountability Awareness Implementation Follow up/ Support

24 Building awareness of CCRS among educators, including the rationale for common standards across the states Awareness Going deeper into the standards, & implement significant instructional shifts implicit in the ELA & mathematics standards & to develop lessons & units of study that reflect the CCRS Initiation & Implementation Focusing on curriculum development/adoption, resources and assessment strategies to ensure success for all students Follow Up Support Evaluating progress and making necessary revisions to the professional development/transition plan to ensure success for all students Evaluation & Accountability CCRS Awareness, Implementation, & Support The State Perspective

25 The vision of the Jefferson County School District is to be characterized by the use of best practices resulting in effectively providing for the diverse needs of all learners.

26 The Jefferson County School District is committed to teaching and learning for all.

27 The district has a collective commitment to:  Rigorous Learning for All  Responsible Resource Management  Meaningful Community Relations


29 Building awareness of CCRS among educators, including the rationale for common standards across the states Awareness Going deeper into the standards, & implement significant instructional shifts implicit in the ELA & mathematics standards & to develop lessons & units of study that reflect the CCRS Initiation & Implementation Focusing on curriculum development/adoption, resources and assessment strategies to ensure success for all students Follow Up Support Evaluating progress and making necessary revisions to the professional development/transition plan to ensure success for all students Evaluation & Accountability



32 o What has gone well in implementation of the math (and ELA if applicable) CCRS in your school/district? o What do principals need to know in order to lead the change associated with implementation of CCRS?



35 We are implementing CCRS standards through use of math and ELA pacing guides. Benchmark testing to assess progress towards mastery of standards. Instruction shifting from telling to facilitating CIP: Teachers participate in math and ELA PLCs. WTs based on student actions Lesson plans Data meetings School-wide focus on instruction/intervention Teacher planning reflects data analysis Administrators follow a regular schedule for classroom monitoring CIP: Basic skills/study skills classes for non- mastery Lesson plans Data meeting outcomes Daily observe.



38 Please return and be seated at 12:45 P.M.

39 “It is the process of accreditation that yields the greatest continuing return for institutions. When approached properly, the internal self-assessment an institution conducts against a set of research-based quality standards can produce a wealth of galvanizing insights. Honest self- evaluation is unparalleled in its ability to uncover and bring into sharp focus special challenges for an institution that may not have been fully understood.

40  Standard 1: Purpose and Direction  Standard 2: Governance and Leadership  Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning  Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems  Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement


42  Standard 1: Purpose and Direction (Yellow) (CILT CHAIR)  Standard 2: Governance and Leadership (Blue) (ADMINISTRATOR)  Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning (Pink) (TEACHER LEADER)  Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems (Purple) (TEACHER LEADER/TECHNOLOGY)  Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement (Green) (TEACHER LEADER/COACH/IAP)



45 Communication MonitoringExpectations

46  Increased knowledge of District Standards for Quality School Systems and Standards for Quality Schools  Increased awareness of school and district needs in order to advance continuous improvement efforts.  Critical connections made to the District’s Strategic Plan.  Opportunities for schools to dialogue and brainstorm ways to improve in a variety of areas within the district.







53 1. Adhere to all CIP/ASSIST/District Accreditation Timelines as outlined. 2. Share, review and discuss CCRS Implementation Rubric with faculty and staff and discuss Next Steps for implementation. 3. Review School Standards information with faculty and staff before the Accreditation Visit in April. 4. Complete ONE “Exit Slip” per school. 5. Make plans to attend the Summer CIP Session in July. Dates and times will be announced at a later date.

54 CILT Fall Work Session Exit Slip 2014 XsRN859VJ3vi8ELh6O4cjo/viewform Please complete ONE Exit Slip per school.

55 “Learning-centered leaders help others understand that they are part of something greater than themselves and provide hope and the belief that, by working together, everyone’s performance can improve.” (Leading Learning Communities, 2008, p. 24)

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