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South Carleton High School GRADE 8 PARENT INFORMATION PRESENTATION November 6 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "South Carleton High School GRADE 8 PARENT INFORMATION PRESENTATION November 6 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Carleton High School GRADE 8 PARENT INFORMATION PRESENTATION November 6 th, 2014

2 Principal’s message Colin Anderson A student perspective Adam Rehman, Lily Fischer, Paige Ireland, and Ben Seibel Guidance information Sheri Eady Questions Agenda

3 What makes SOUTH CARLETON a great place to send your child?

4 Outstanding student achievement What makes SOUTH a great place to send your child?

5 Outstanding student achievement Supports for all students What makes SOUTH a great place to send your child?

6 Outstanding student achievement Supports for all students Our size and location What makes SOUTH a great place to send your child?

7 Outstanding student achievement Supports for all students Our size and location Caring staff and involved students What makes SOUTH a great place to send your child?

8 A picture of SCHS Our student population is a unique blend of suburban and rural communities Our feeder schools are: Kars on the Rideau Goulbourn Middle A. Lorne Cassidy Steve MacLean

9 A picture of SCHS Our current enrollment: Grade 9:259 Grade 10:271 Grade 11:263 Grade 12:249 Total: 1,042

10 Recognizing EXCELLENCE Reaching personal goals is an important part of the culture of SCHS. Last year over 470 students were named to the Honour Roll (over 80%), with 85 of those achieving a Silver Medal (over 90%)

11 Our 2014 GRADUATES Total of 297 graduates 162 on the school Honour Roll (80% and higher) 31 students received the Silver Medal Award(90% and higher) 78 special awards and scholarships were presented to the graduating class, totalling over $36,000 Red Seal 23 of students earning SHSM

12 Specialist High Skills Majors 4 SHSMs Manufacturing House Construction Health And Wellness (Community Service) Information and Communication Technology For Grade 11 and 12 students Focusing their studies on a specific career sector for the purpose of self exploration

13 Advanced Placement Program offered in English, Chemistry and French Students complete the exam in early May Students may earn a University credit or the opportunity to move onto a second year course

14 SCHS Athletics Over 27 interscholastic teams run each year at the school including: Track and field, field hockey, hockey, rugby, wrestling, badminton, basketball, swimming, baseball, soccer, volleyball, cross- country running, golf, curling, alpine skiing

15 Student activities include: Students' Council, Athletic Association, Key Club, Ski Club, Drama Club, Leadership Planning Committee, Leadership Camp, Intramural Sports, Anime Club, Coffee House, Storm Surge, Tech Crew, SC Awareness, CAPPIES, Fashion Show, Duke of Edinburgh, The Well, Sci Fi Group

16 A word from our students!

17 Diploma Requirements (O.S.S.D.) + 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Optional Credits 30 Total Credits (110 hours each) IN ADDITION: Successful completion of Grade 10 Literacy Test and 40 Hours of Community Involvement

18 What’s a CREDIT? 110 “Instructional Hours” –Often divided in to 75 minute periods Specific Subject area Requires a final mark of 50% + Usually take 4 credits at a time Credits are granted by the Principal

19 Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English – ENG1_English – ENG2_English – ENG3_English – ENG4_ Mathematics Science Canadian Geography Canadian History FrenchCivics/ Career Studies Physical Education Arts* Business/Tech (group credit) Compulsory Courses – ENGLISH STREAM Two other “group” credits

20 Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English – ENG1English – ENG2English – ENG3English – ENG4 Mathematics Science Canadian Geography Canadian History Intro to Social Sciences French – FIF1DFrench – FIF2D (group credit) French – FIF3UFrench – FIF4U Physical Education Civics/ Career Studies Arts*Foods and Nutrition Business/Tech (group credit) Compulsory Courses FRENCH IMMERSION STREAM One more “group” credit

21 12 Elective Credits -Elective credits allow students to build an educational program over the four years that suits their individual interests and meets university, college, apprenticeship or work requirements -An advantage of our school is having 50% more (12 vs 8) elective choices than the Catholic System

22 The Literacy Test Administered the spring of the grade 10 year A test based on language and communication (reading and writing) expectations of curricula up to and including grade 9 Accommodations may be provided for some students with unique learning needs

23 Community Involvement A diploma requirement! Encourages civic responsibility, promotes community values and reinforces importance of volunteerism Complete 40 hours before graduation

24 Course Selection Parents and students will select courses in collaboration with intermediate teachers, guidance counsellors and administrators Grade 8 students and their parents choose grade 9 courses on the basis of the student’s needs, interests, strengths, and past achievements

25 The transition to high school NEXT STEPS Students attend a tour at SCHS in December Counsellors will visit grade 8 classes in January Grade 8 Family Night at SCHS in February Liaison between SCHS staff and grade 8 teachers Stormwatch Newsletter Welcome BBQ in August Parent/Teacher interviews Email and SynerVoice communication with parents Take a look at


27 Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes grade 9’s and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience

28 Built on the belief that students can help students succeed

29 As positive role models, Link Leaders are motivators and leaders who guide the Grade 9’s to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school

30 Recommended resources Your child’s teacher SCHS counsellors Board website: SCHS website: Follow us on twitter @GuidanceSCHS @SouthCarletonHS Join our parent email list Join the School Council

31 We look forward to working with you over the next few years to ensure your child enjoys a successful and rewarding secondary school program at SCHS

32 Questions?

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