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Presentation on theme: "AVIATION AND PORTS TRANSPORTATION STRATEGY BOARD JULY 28, 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aviation 2 Bradley  The impact of the global economic crisis on Bradley resulted in a 15% decrease in the number of seats available in 2009 compared to 2008. Nationally the decline was 6%. There were 11.2% fewer passengers (5% nationally) and and a 9.9% decrease in fares (9.7% nationally).  DOT believes Bradley experienced downturns greater than the national average due in part to the airport’s position in the highly competitive markets of New York, Boston and Providence.

3 Aviation 3 Bradley Passenger and Cargo Trends 2006200720082009 Passengers6.9M6.5M6.1M5.3M Cargo (Tons)162,384161,264146,375114,689

4 Aviation 4 Bradley  Several new services reported in Moving Forward have since ended:  Amsterdam  Salt Lake City  Phoenix  Los Angeles (Started in 2005, ended Sept 08, began, 6/10, will end 9/30/10)  Direct flights to Cancun (2008), Denver (3/10)*, LA (6/10) and Milwaukee 9/10 have been added. *Service started in 2007, ended then began again in March 2010

5 Aviation 5 Bradley  JetBlue will begin daily service to Fort Lauderdale and Orlando November 17, 2010.  The Murphy Terminal (aka Terminal B) is now closed.  Renovations to Terminal A will be completed in August 2010.  Public Act 10-98 established the Bradley Development Zone in the towns of Windsor Locks, Suffield, East Granby and Windsor.

6 2009 - 2008 200920082007 Change ($) Change (%) BRADLEY OPERATING REVENUES Landing fees 11,626 10,8008,1818267.6% Airline terminal rent 10,439 11,17710,704(738)-6.6% Apron and remote aircraft parking 2,904 3,2034,039(299)-9.3% Auto Parking 9,647 9,4489,2541992.1% Rental cars 6,888 7,9307,515(1,042)-13.1% Terminal concessions 3,050 3,440 3,372(390)-11.3% Other Concessions and operating revenue 4,381 4,7454,799(364)-7.7% Land rent 3,334 3,4043,033(70)-2.1% Total operating revenues 52,269 54,14750,897(1,878)-3.5% FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2009, 2008 AND 2007 (in thousands) 6

7 Aviation 7 Bradley  CRCOG allocated STP Urban funds for the relocation of Bradley Park Road, but was not able to secure the necessary 20% nonfederal share. The Air National Guard is pursuing funding through military sources, but funding is not likely in the near term.  The Suffield town administration has changed and support no longer exists for development of a new northern route to/from Bradley. A new development now occupies a piece of the property that the route was to pass through.

8 Aviation 8 Bradley  The recommendation to evaluate and if feasible implement express bus service from Hartford to Bradley is complete. ConnDOT met with business groups in Hartford and determined that there does not seem to be a demand for the service at this time.

9 Aviation 9 Tweed  US Airways is currently operating 4 flights per day from New Haven to it’s hub in Philadelphia down from 12 in 2007. It is the only passenger service available at Tweed.  The annual operating grant to Tweed increased in SFY 10.  SFY 10 - $1,425,000 - paid in 3 installments  SFY 09 - $570,000  SFY 08 - $600,000  SFY 07 - $600,000  SFY 06 - $600,000

10 Aviation 10 Tweed  Safety Improvements at Tweed are advancing.  Phase I – All expected to be completed in 2010.  Phase II – Projects are proceeding based on the FAA approved State of Connecticut Capital Improvement Plan and are being implemented within available funding.  Phases III/IV - Tweed is acquiring the necessary properties and easements as they become available on a voluntary basis. The remainder of the projects in these two phases are scheduled to be completed as federal funds become available.

11 Aviation 11 Other  ConnDOT provides State Grant in Aid funds to municipalities to evaluate and possibly purchase privately owned airports, to aid in the preservation of such airports.  Legislation was passed to provide funding to certain privately owned, public use airports for capital improvements. This would be a cost sharing program with the airports. To date no funding has been allocated for this program.

12 2007 Recommendations Aviation - Bradley 12  Support the strategies and tactics (including the traffic improvement recommendations) adopted by the Bradley Board of Directors to strengthen Bradley as the State’s major commercial airport for both passenger and air freight services for the State and the rest of Western New England.

13 2007 Recommendations Aviation - Bradley 13  Encourage the Bradley Board of Directors to work with appropriate State agencies and neighboring municipalities to:  define economic development goals and priorities for Bradley;  establish procedures to pre-approve development sites on Bradley property; and  Work with adjacent towns and encourage support for complementary and coordinated multi-town economic development plans.

14 2007 Recommendations Aviation – Bradley 14  Establish the improvement of cargo service as a priority for the Bradley Board of Directors and the Department of Transportation.  Recognize the success of Bradley’s marketing and route development efforts and support continuation of those efforts.  Include business and community leaders from Western Massachusetts in Bradley Airport planning and service development.

15 2007 Recommendations Aviation - Bradley 15  Support and fund implementation of the Capitol Region Council of Government’s Bradley Area Transportation Study including:  Relocation of Bradley Park Road  Development of new northern route to/from Bradley  Route 75 Gateway  Improved Transit Services

16 2007 Recommendations Aviation-Bradley 16  Evaluate, by January 1, 2008 and, if feasible, implement express bus service between Bradley and downtown Hartford. (Completed)  Establish through legislative and/or administrative action the process and the funding needed for land banking to mitigate the environmental impact of airport development including safety improvements.

17 2007 Recommendations Aviation-Tweed 17  Support Tweed’s ability to serve the travel needs of business and institutional travelers in Southern Connecticut to complement Bradley.  Continue the state’s annual operating assistance grant to the Tweed-New Haven Airport Authority.

18 2007 Recommendations Aviation-Tweed 18  Support the implementation of the Safety Improvements described in Phases I and II of the Tweed Master Plan within the planned three to five year period.  Evaluate Phases III and IV of the Tweed Master Plan as Phases I and II are being implemented, including the fiscal and other impacts to adjacent municipalities.

19 2007 Recommendations Aviation-Other 19  Assist airport operators in addressing obstruction issues which cannot be resolved locally.  Support efforts to retain and preserve private airports open to the public, including an adequate number of reliever airports.

20 Maritime 20  Memorandum Of Agreement between ConnDOT and the Bridgeport Port Authority to initiate feeder barge service expired on April 30, 2009.  Public Act 08-101 established a Harbor Improvement Account (HIA). The HIA is designed to provide funds to facilitate dredging projects and other harbor infrastructure improvements in support of or at times in place of Federal funds. To date, no funding has been allocated to this account.  The rail line in New Haven across the Tomlinson Bridge and along Water Street is complete. ConnDOT has postponed completion of the rail line connections to the individual terminals in New Haven due to budgetary constraints.

21 Maritime - Change in Freight Traffic 2004-2008 PORTFREIGHT TRAFFIC (TONS) CY2004 FREIGHT TRAFFIC (TONS) CY2007 % CHANGE BRIDGEPORT 5,671,2307,627,957 +34% NEW HAVEN 10,855,9349,574,406 -12% NEW LONDON 1,534,6481,255,763 -18% 21

22 22 ActivityFY06FY07FY08FY09 Rocky Hill Crossings8,87410,52212,0027,366 Vehicles14,84017,07120,54911,574 Passenger only5,6976,7737,9925,447 Chester Crossings19,56219,71220,02619,990 Vehicles36,75038,44940,80338,335 Passenger only3,4093,5554,1412,841 Total Crossings28,43630,23432,02827,356 Vehicles51,59055,52061,35249,909 Passenger only9,10610,32812,1338,288 Rocky Hill-Glastonbury and Chester-Hadlyme Ferries

23 Rocky Hill-Glastonbury and Chester-Hadlyme Ferries 2008/2009 Operating Expenses 23 Rocky HillPersonal Services Other Expense Building Expense Total Expenses 2008$234,955$42,999$1,856$279,810 2009$216,883$4,5080$241,391 Chester 2008$307,603$54,697$2,501$364,801 2009$268,209$49,125$3,568$320,901

24 2007 Recommendations MARITIME 24  Determine the State’s role in the funding and prioritization of dredging projects.  Complete the rail link to the Port of New Haven and evaluate the potential for improved rail connections to the state’s other commercial deep water ports.  Inventory and prioritize statewide dredging needs and develop an estimate of the non-federal funding required for each such project. (Completed)

25 2007 Recommendations MARITIME 25  Expedite the long overdue dredging of Bridgeport harbor.  Support continued federal funding for development and completion of a Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) for Long Island Sound.  Review the feasibility and viability of the proposed Bridgeport to New York feeder barge service. Entertain, and potentially fund, proposals for feeder barge services from ports other than Bridgeport.


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