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 1.zebra  2. monkey  3.peacock  4.dophen  5. koala.

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3  1.zebra  2. monkey  3.peacock  4.dophen  5. koala

4 6. Fox 7. Giraffe 8. Ape 9. Tiger 10. lion

5  11. rhino  12. eagle  13. puffer fish  14.bob cats  15.gorila

6  16. raccoon  17. bear  18. leammer  19. hawk  20. hipo

7  Eagle  The golden eagle eats fish and will get  It’s water by a pond. There are two  Species of eagle in north America.  The eagle will come from Europe. It will get some entichion. 

8  kola  Kolas hardly drink any water they get most of their water from leaves. Gray furry Australian marsupial that has large hairy ears and feet on equally puts leaves.

9  Zebra  The zebra will eat grass – will get as much care it need. Zebras have stripes and very come. His or her will get his water filled up every day.

10  1.Pooper scooper  2. animal feeder  3. lion tamer-lion brusher  4. animal care  5. food chef  6. gift shop  7.Constodenes  8. dipping dots

11  9.animal trainers  10.zoo keeper  11. casher  12.animal feeder

12  1. we will have 12 employees in our zoo  2. tickets to the zoo will cost 2 for children 5 for adults  3. the total pay to all employees each day is 5 dollars  4. we will spend 400$ to feed all 20 animals  5. we will spend 10$ per day on other good and serves.

13  People will spend 10$ every day on  Passes  Food  Water for animals  Water  Food for animals

14  6. the total amount we will spend each day to operate are zoo is get more animals  7.where will you get the capital is to save money in bank.

15  Here is how we raise the money to build and open our zoo.  We save money in the bank.  We do not buy that much.  Get money from the bank.  We get a little money from friends.

16  Here are some not so good things about owning our very own zoo.  1. kids smell the poop  2. some times the bathrooms are dirty  3. Some times people are rude  if business gets slow than we need more visitors heres what we can do have a fun raiser

17  1. kids and grownups have fun.  2. the animals have fun when kids feed them.  3. kids love suverneres memories.  4. we love it



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