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Monitor Review and Deadlock! Presented by: Antonio Maiorano Paul Di Marco.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitor Review and Deadlock! Presented by: Antonio Maiorano Paul Di Marco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitor Review and Deadlock! Presented by: Antonio Maiorano Paul Di Marco

2 Monitors One can think of a monitor as another Abstract Data Type – like a structure or class – with functions and private data The key attribute of a monitor is that it can be accessed by only one thread at a time

3 Monitor Analogy Monitor call: … myMonitor.Foo() … Monitors are simpler! A monitor object can be thought of as an object where each access to it is protected by a mutex: Analogous call w/o Monitors: … mutex.wait(); myObject.Foo(); mutex.signal(); …

4 A Simple Monitor monitor SharedBalance { private int balance; public SharedBalance(int amt) {balance = amt;} public credit(int amt) {balance += amt;} public debit(int amt) {balance -= amt;} }

5 Show me the money Let’s say we only allow someone to complete a debit transaction when there is enough money to take: SharedBalance::debit(int amt) { while(balance < amt) { } // wait for the cash balance -= amt; }

6 Whoops! This won’t work if a debit() call occurs when there is not enough money: –debit() waits for someone to credit the account –credit() can’t run because debit is already executing in the monitor! –> DEADLOCK! We need to use Condition Variables…

7 Condition Variables Condition variables are used when: –a thread running in a monitor –encounters a condition that is not satisfied, –which can only be satisfied by another thread Ours has 3 operations: –wait() - block on a variable, give up monitor –signal() - wake up a thread blocked on this –queue() - asks “are there any threads blocked on you?”

8 Condition Variables You wait on a c.v. when you want to get another thread to do something for you. This is what happens when you wait(): –It temporarily blocks you, –Hands over “ownership” of the monitor you are running in to another thread –Gives you back the “ownership” of the monitor later on…

9 Regaining the Monitor There are two schemes for deciding when the blocked thread will regain the monitor: –Immediately, as soon as another thread signals the condition variable, or –Later on, when the thread (that signaled) finishes executing inside the monitor

10 Show me the money already! Using a new member variable condVar: SharedBalance::credit(int amt) { balance += amt; condVar.signal(); } SharedBalance::debit(int amt) { while(balance < amt) { condVar.wait(); } balance -= amt; }

11 Deadlock with Semaphores Thread 1: alpha.Wait(); beta.Wait(); DoSomething(); beta.Signal(); alpha.Signal(); Thread 2: beta.Wait(); alpha.Wait(); DoSomething(); alpha.Signal(); beta.Signal(); Semaphore alpha = new Semaphore(1); Semaphore beta = new Semaphore(1);

12 A Solution Thread 1: alpha.Wait(); beta.Wait(); DoSomething(); beta.Signal(); alpha.Signal(); Thread 2: alpha.Wait(); beta.Wait(); DoSomething(); beta.Signal(); alpha.Signal(); Semaphore alpha = new Semaphore(1); Semaphore beta = new Semaphore(1);

13 Things to Note Semaphores are powerful low-level synchronization tools  they can be difficult to use Guidelines: –Enforce strict coding standards –Use higher-level constructs if they’re available (i.e. AND-synchronization) –Stress test your code for deadlock

14 Deadlock with Events Thread 1: // Wait for var to be set alpha.Wait(); // Use var DoSomething(var); // We’re done with var beta.Signal(); Thread 2: // Set var var = InitVal(); // Let other thread use it alpha.Signal(); // Wait until it’s used beta.Wait(); int var; // Global shared variable Event alpha = new Event(0); Event beta = new Event(0);

15 A Couple of Solutions Impose a total ordering system: Use a semaphore to ensure Thread 1 starts before Thread 2 OR Use semaphores instead of events because what happens in the past counts (recall: semaphores are passive, events are active)

16 Things to Note With events, deadlock often occurs due to timing dependencies Must ensure that threads start in order if timing is important Consider using semaphores instead of events – use events only when the future is important, not the past

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