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Officiating the tackle and the play the ball. RFU Referee Education The Play the Ball This presentation aims to give an introduction and increase understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Officiating the tackle and the play the ball. RFU Referee Education The Play the Ball This presentation aims to give an introduction and increase understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officiating the tackle and the play the ball

2 RFU Referee Education The Play the Ball This presentation aims to give an introduction and increase understanding of: The Tackle Attackers at the play the ball Defenders at the play the ball

3 RFU Referee Education The Tackle There are over 300 tackles in an average Engage Super League match The tackle is a very technical area of the game and many matches are won and lost around this area It is imperative that all match officials can understand and control this area to the best of their ability.

4 RFU Referee Education Types of Tackle Surrender Tackle A surrender tackle is where a player in possession: Dives at the legs of the tacklers Drop their knees to the floor in an upright tackle In this situation the referee shall call “surrender” and allow the defenders and extra amount of time to stabilise the tackle.

5 RFU Referee Education Types of Tackle Dominant Tackle A dominant tackle is where a player in possession is tackled by one or more of the opposition and the impact of the tackle forces the player in possession immediately backwards. The referee shall call “dominant” and allow the tacklers the opportunity to stabilise the tackle.

6 RFU Referee Education When is a tackle complete? How can a tackle be affected? When the ball carrier is held by one or more opposing players and the ball or the hand or arm carrying the ball come into contact with the ground. When the ball carrier is held by one or more opposing players in such a manner that he can make no further progress and cannot part with the ball When the ball carrier, whilst being held by an opponent, makes it evident to the referee that he has succumbed to the tackle and wishes to be released in order to play the ball

7 RFU Referee Education When is a tackle complete? How can a tackle be affected? When the ball carrier is lying on the ground and an opponent places a hand on him When the ball carrier is lifted clear of the ground by a tackler

8 RFU Referee Education The Player in Possession? The player in possession of the ball has the following obligations at the play the ball Must regain his feet with the ball in his possession He must have no other part of his body other than his feet in contact with the ground He must make an attempt to make contact on the ball with his foot He must make no contact with the markers during or after the play the ball He must play the ball where he is tackle

9 RFU Referee Education The Tackle Watch the following series of videos and decide the following: When is the player held? What would the referee call at the tackle? Is any player committing an offence? What would the referees decision be?

10 RFU Referee Education 10 sins at the play the ball 1. - Flopping/pushing the tackled player back down 2. - Straddling of the tackled player as they attempt to regain their feet 3. - The pulling of the tackled players leg as he is rising to play the ball 4. - Making contact on the ball with the hand causing the play the ball to be delayed. 5. - Placing a hand on the head/shoulder of the player playing the ball 6. - Deliberately bumping/running into the player at the play the ball 7. - Players lying behind the play the ball 8. – Players leaving their head in the tackle as they stand up 9. – Tackler taking the space of the man attempting to stand up to play the ball 10.- Tacklers lying behind the play the ball and interfering when the ball is played

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