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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ancient Egypt Question 1.

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2 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ancient Egypt

3 Question 1

4 What rich material from the Nile allowed early farmers to settle in Egypt ? A Fertilizer B inundation C fresh rich soil D Tutankhamun

5 What rich material from the Nile allowed early farmers to settle in Egypt ? A Fertilizer B inundation C fresh rich soil D Tutankhamun

6 £100

7 Question 2

8 Which of the following did the Nile not provide A rich, dark soil B water for crops C hot dry weather D transportation

9 B water for crops A rich, dark soil C hot dry weather D transportation Which of the following did the Nile not provide

10 £200

11 Question 3

12 A. an Egyptian god D waterfall on the Nile C. an irrigation tool B. an Egyptian season What is a cataract?

13 A an Egyptian god B an Egyptian season C an irrigation tool D waterfall on the Nile

14 £300

15 Question 4

16 What was the start of the Egyptian year called? A Inundation B Emergence C growth D harvest

17 What was the start of the Egyptian year called? A Inundation B Emergence C growth D harvest

18 £500

19 Question 5

20 What was created by uniting Upper and Lower Egypt? A The worlds first empire B the Nile delta C The world’s first Nation D Middle Egypt

21 What was created by uniting Upper and Lower Egypt? A World’s first empire B The Nile delta C World’s first nation D Middle Egypt

22 £1,000

23 Question 6

24 Which is not an Ancient Egyptian achievement? A papyrus B the wheel C pyramids D Temples

25 Which is not and Ancient Egyptian achievement? A papyrus B the wheel C pyramids D Temples

26 £2,000

27 Question 7

28 Which helped make the uniting of Gov. possible in Egypt? A building pyramids B invention of plows C invention of papyrus D carving of heiroglyphs

29 Which helped make the uniting of Gov. possible in Egypt? A building pyramids B invention of plows C invention of papyrus D carving of hieroglyphs

30 £4,000

31 Question 8

32 How did the Egyptians and Nubians first come in contact with each other? A Trying to regain land B controlling an empire C Assyrian invasions D through trade

33 How did the Egyptians and Nubians first come in contact with each other? A Trying to regain land B controlling an empire C Assyrian invasions D through trade

34 £8,000

35 Question 9

36 Egypt began to expand beyond the Nile under the rule of who? A Khofu B Amenhotep IV C Amenhotep II D Ammenemhep

37 Egypt began to expand beyond the Nile under the rule of who? A Khofu B Amenhotep IV C Amenhotep II D Ammenemhep

38 £16,000

39 Question 10

40 Who were Kandakes? A Queen rulers of Kush B a type of goldsmith C members of royalty D painted ceramics

41 Who were kandakes? A Queen rulers of Kush B a type of goldsmith C members of royalty D painted ceramics

42 £32,000

43 Question 11

44 A tall slender 4 sided pillar is an_____? A sphinx B obelisk C dynasty D pyramid

45 A tall slender 4 sided pillar is an_____? A sphinx B obelisk C dynasty D pyramid

46 £64,000

47 Question 12

48 A ___carried out the kings decrees? A Vizier B Kandake C Pharoah D god of death

49 A ___carried out the kings decrees? A Vizier B Kandake C Pharoah D god of death

50 £125,000

51 Question 13

52 Experts believe this king started the first dynasty A Tutankhamen B Narmer C Amenhotep D Osiris

53 Experts believe this king started the first dynasty A Tutankhamen B Narmer C Amenhotep D Osiris

54 £250,000

55 Question 14

56 Most Egyptians believed in this religious concept? A heaven B karma C evolution D afterlife

57 Most Egyptians believed in this religious concept? A heaven B karma C evolution D afterlife

58 £500,000

59 Question 15

60 A waterway, path, or trail used to trade A trade route B highway C map key D trade triangle

61 A waterway, path, or trail used to trade A trade route B highway C map key D trade triangle

62 £1,000,000

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