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05/16/10. Young Living 15 Essential Oil blends Supporting spirituality and self-development.

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1 05/16/10

2 Young Living 15 Essential Oil blends Supporting spirituality and self-development

3 05/16/10 Essential Oils, A Gift of Mother Nature Having been used already 4500 B.C. Essential Oils have been an important part of peoples every day life, for hundreds of years. Of cause only for those who have the knowledge of these ethereal essences. Latest scientific researches prove: Pure Essential Oils can give the same benefit to animals and human beings as they give to plants.

4 05/16/10 Nature’s life force Essential Oils are pure natural helpers which derive from the plants. Cultivated with love, distilled with air pressure and 100% pure – those are the Oils we are offering in our product line.

5 05/16/10 Quality of Young Living Products The most significant difference between oils that simply scent nicely, and are often punched with low quality or even synthetic oils, and pure essential oils which are full of natural high-grade active-agents, lies in the supporting and balancing properties of therapeutic grade essential oils.

6 05/16/10 Important Requirements for Young Living Standard High quality plants and absolute purity Outstanding soil conditions Diligent processing and distillation High interne quality standards Regular controls in a gas-phase chromatograph

7 05/16/10 How to use Essential Oils Inhale Spray or diffuse Ad to air humidifier Use for steam application Use for bathing or showering Apply topically on reflex points Use for massage etc. „There is no better way of healing, than to lovingly touch our soul.“

8 05/16/10 Topical application When combined wit V6 or other vegetable Oils Essential Oils can be applied to various parts of the body. Ideal to be combined with Ortho Ease, Ortho Sport or Cel- Lite Magic Massage Oil, to use during or after a massage. When used as perfume Essential Oils incorporate naturalism, attraction, harmony, and sensuality

9 05/16/10 1. Abundance This Essential Oil blend has been crated to increase the frequency of the magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This higher frequency has an influence on the so called „law of attraction“. A law which refers to anything we attract. Abundance offers to us abundant possibilities in every field of life. With the single Oils of: orange, clove, cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli, myrrh To be used for emotional therapy, diffused, inhaled or applied on chakras (e.g.: on heart and forehead chakra), tastes delicious with water, tee, rice or goat milk

10 05/16/10 2. Hope This Essential Oil blend helps us to get in touch with feelings of strength and grounding, while reviving our hope for a greater future. Hope stabilizes our emotions and allows us to open our hearts to the happiness awaiting us. It may support us in overcoming serious and dark thoughts. Contains the single Oils of: melissa, myrrh, juniper and spruce in a base of almond oil Use for hand inhalation, massage on outer edges of ears, apply on wrists and neck, use as perfume or deodorant YL USA

11 05/16/10 3. Motivation Motivation helps us to conquer fear and procrastination while creating feelings of action and accomplishment. It enhances our ability to move forward with a positive attitude towards life. Contains the single oils of: Roman chamomile, spruce, ylang ylang and lavender For aromatic use, diffuse or apply topically on ears, feet (especially big toe), chest and neck. YL USA

12 05/16/10 4. Believe This refreshing Essential Oil blend balances and stabilizes emotions. It supports us in times of despair and lifts our awareness to a higher level. By unfolding our boundless potentials, Believe allows us to feel our health, happiness and strength even more vividly. This blend may also be used for skincare as it clears and supports our skin. Contains the single oils of : Idaho balsam fir, Idaho blue spruce, coriander, rosewood, geranium, ylang ylang, frankincense, and bergamot Diffuse, inhale, use for emotional therapy, bathing, topical application and on chakras.

13 05/16/10 5. Envision Encouraging renewed faith in the future, Envision enhances creativity and resourcefulness. It endows us with the ability to maintain the emotional fortitude necessary to achieve our goals and dreams. Sometimes in life, for a variety of reasons, people suppress their inner drive. Envision helps awaken and renew that drive to overcome fear and begin experiencing new, more rewarding dimensions. Contains the single oils of: spruce, sage, lavender, orange, geranium, and rose Suitable for emotional therapy; diffuse, inhale, ad to bathing water, use as chakra-oil on the central line from tip of nose to hairline and on 3rd eye YL USA

14 05/16/10 6. Magnify Your Purpose This Essential Oil blend increases creativity, focus, desire, and motivation. Magnify your purpose fosters a positive attitude towards life. It encourages us to rise above obstacles, seize the initiative, overcome procrastination and self-pity, and magnify our life's purpose. With the single oils of: sandalwood, rosewood, sage, nutmeg, patchouli, cinnamon bark and ginger Diffuse or use for hand inhalation;apply 2-4 drops on your wrists or temples, dilute with V6 for an invigorating and uplifting massage, ad to bathing water with 2 spoons of salt YL USA

15 05/16/10 7. Transformation Transformation strengthens and supports the readiness to change our inner doctrines. Thus obstructive mind patterns can be replaced with new and vivid thoughts changing our overall attitude and behavior With the single oils of: lemon, peppermint, Idaho blue spruce, clary sage frankincense, sandalwood, cardamom, palo santo, ocotea use (in 5 different ways) for emotional therapy, diffuse, inhale, use for bathing and as chakra oil, apply topically on forehead, temples, back of head and neck.

16 05/16/10 8. Into The Future Into the Future was designed to increase feelings of determination and a pioneering spirit. It allows us to leave the past behind and go forward. Instead of accepting mediocrity out of our fear of the unknown we increase enjoyment of challenges and bravely march towards success. Contains the single oils of: clary sage, ylang ylang, white fir, idaho tansy, juniper, jasmine, frankincense, orange and cedarwood in a base of almon oil Inhale, diffuse, ad to bathing water, apply above the heart, on wrists, on neck; use for hot compress or dilute with V6 to use as massage oil YL USA

17 05/16/10 9. Live with Passion This blend helps us to regain our zest for life. It increases our vigor with a special formula that was developed to help people regain an optimistic attitude towards life. Contains the single oils of: clary sage, ginger, sandalwood, jasmine, angelica,cedarwood, immortelle, patchouli, neroli and melissa For hand inhalation, diffuse, apply on wrists, temples, forehead and middle of chest, add 2-4 drops with two spoons of salt to bathing water

18 05/16/10 10. Grounding Grounding is a balancing and relaxing essential oil blend with the ability to stabilize our being. Where emotional confusion results in poor decision- making, Grounding helps to cope with reality in a positive way. Contains the single oils of: white fir, spruce, ylang ylang, pine, angelica, cedarwood, and juniper Suitable for emotional therapy, diffuse,inhale, apply topically on bottom of feet, ankles and knees, ad to bathing water

19 05/16/10 11. Common Sense Common Sense was designed by Gary Young to meet the needs of sensitive spiritual people which, at the same time, long to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground. The ability to make and establish strong and rational decisions is what enables leaders to guide others towards increased wellness, purpose and abundance. Contains the single oils of: frankincense, ylang ylang, ocotea, goldenrod, ruta, dorado azul, and lime For aromatic use only, diffuse up to 30 minutes three times daily or inhale

20 05/16/10 12. Highest Potential This exotic blend of therapeutic grade essential oils was developed to increase our ability to reach our highest potential. It combines the uplifting and inspiring properties of Australian Blue with the strength of Gathering and supports us in gaining greater unity of purpose. While jasmine enhances self-confidence, ylang ylang's calming and soothing qualities help to release unpleasant emotions. Consists of: Australian Blue, Gathering, ylang ylang, jasmine Diffuse, inhale, use as chakra-oil on third eye end the central line between hairline and tip of nose, apply topically behind the ears and on neck; suitable for emotional therapy

21 05/16/10 13. Acceptance While soothing sorrowful emotions, this blend fosters the feeling of strength and trust in our minds. Thereby Acceptance enables us to open ourselves to new ideas and reach our highest potential. This blend also helps people who tend to procrastinate and deny things to overcome their habits. Contains the single oils of: Rosewood, geranium, frankincense, blue tansy, sandalwood and neroli in a base of almond oil Inhale, diffuse, add to bathing water, apply on chakras, suitable for emotional therapy

22 05/16/10 14. Gratitude Gratitude is a soothing blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils developed to elevate the spirit, calm emotions, and bring relief to the body while helping to foster a grateful attitude. When used for bathing Gratitude creates a peaceful atmosphere and the feeling of freedom. As it acts nourishing and supportive to skin, Gratitude is the perfect oil for skincare. Contains the single oils of: Idaho balsam fir, ylang ylang, galbanum, rosewood, frankincense, and myrrh Suitable for emotional therapy; diffuse, inhale, apply on chakras, dilute with V6 enhanced vegetable Oil complex before applying on skin

23 05/16/10 15. Surrender This calming and soothing blend is especially for those who are in favor of controlling. It quiets our hearts and enables us to release unpleasant emotions. Surrender may also help return feelings of equilibrium and inner strength. Contains the single oils of: lavender, lemon, angelica, Roman chamomile, German chamomile, spruce, and mountain savory Use for emotional therapy, diffuse, inhale, use for bathing, apply on tip of nose, on middle of chest, or on chakras YL USA

24 05/16/10

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