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Transparent Town Audit, preparation and application of selected anti-corruption measures in Martin Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation.

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Presentation on theme: "Transparent Town Audit, preparation and application of selected anti-corruption measures in Martin Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transparent Town Audit, preparation and application of selected anti-corruption measures in Martin Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of European Structural and Investment Funds 13 th March 2014, Bratislava

2 Eurobarometer 2014: HOW WIDESPREAD IS CORRUPTION? Three-quarters of respondents (76%) think that corruption is widespread within their own country Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

3 legal protective barrier Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

4 contractsinvoices complex package of anti-corruption measures employee recruiting public financespublic property public procurement Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

5  Political will to voluntarily change current status about a mandatory scope given by the legislation  Cooperation of expert guarantor in the field of corruption and transparency with international reputation, experience, professional background and qualification – partner we have found in Transparency International Slovakia  Media involvement  Public oversight and pressure  Dedication to challenge obsticles  Readiness to constantly evaluate and make improvements Key success factors: Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

6  Increased transparency in the decision making processes far above the mandatory scope set by law  Reduced potential space for corruption  Increased public engagement in governance  Regain public trust in public administration and politicians  Saving of public finances and assets  Introduction of a complex package of anti-corruption measures in various areas of the town activities  Increased information flow to the citizens Main project objectives Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

7 Training and implementation Step by step process 2008 - 2009 Mayor s decision to fight corruption Town Council agreement to finance the project (23,235 EUR ) Contract agreement with T ransparency International SVK In-depth policies audit Audit Report (17 policies ) Preparation and recomendetion of specific anti-corruption measures Preparation of obligatory regulations Approval by the Town Council 2008 May July 2009 Sept April July June March Febr First electronic auction June Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

8 First Open day in Mayor’s office Massive 3 - step campaign : M onitor u s ! EU Conference: Fighting Corruption at Local and Regional Level 2010 Jan May 2011 Nov Febr Launch of Map of elctronic auctions 2012 First Electronic market researches for low cost procurement Jun Jan United Nation Public Service Award 1st Place Winner Jun 2011 EUROPEAN PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS First Electronic sell-off First Electronic opinion poll Marc h Febr Jun U N Expert Group Meeting, New York Preventing Corruption in Public Administration 2013 Febr We have crossed 1 million mark in savings Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Step by step process 2010 – present day

9 Some of positive outcomes: Increased transparency Increased public involvement in governance and accountability Saving significant financial resources Regain of public trust in self-governance Media exposure Town’s prestige leads to more investments Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

10 Basic tools for citizens how to monitor our municipality 24/7 at web site Electronic opinion poll Electronic online notes Town Council Agenda Doors Open Days in Mayor’s office Day of Town Borough WATCHDOGSCONTRIBUTO RS Electronic auctions Electronic market researches Electronic sell-off Contracts Invoices Map of electronic auctions Employee recruiting Mayor’s diary Town budget and assets Town grants Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

11 How to control public procurement from A to Z with web tools: web archive of electronic auctions Winning company with the winning amount of 1234 EUR web database of town contracts Contract with the winner for 1234 EUR web database of town invoices Invoice with actual amount of 1234 EUR 1. 2. 3. Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

12 Electronic Public Procurement and accessibility of information Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions in case of PP for amount above 3000 EUR Electronic market researches in case of PP for amount from 400 to 2999 EUR Pre-Tender StageTender StagePost-Tender Stage Documents Process/BidsDocumentsProcess/Bids Electronic auctions all participants only all Electronic market researches all

13 Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions: Pre-Tender Stage exact date and time of publishing contact person details (name & phone number) start and end of electronic auction (date and time) procurer authority details name of tender proposal

14 Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions: Pre-Tender Stage blueprint/draft/technical data contract tender proposal references Documents for download

15 Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions: Pre-Tender Stage List of business entities registrated in our electronic auction house 1699 – number of registrated business entities

16 Electronic auctions: Tender Stage Participant's view during electronic auctions Participant's view after electronic auctions Every participant is hidden behind numeric code generated by our software Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

17 auction winner – subject or company name amount of a winning bid bid amount number of bids online database of all electronic auctions on our project web site Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions: Post-Tender Stage

18 Online map of electronic auctions name of electronic auction live link to online archive with all details amount of a winning bid auction winner – subject or company name date of electronic auction saving real position within the town territory of the project which financing was procured through electronic auction Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

19 Electronic market research: Pre-Tender Stage Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF procurer authority details contact person details (name & phone number) name of tender proposal date of publishing commodity of tender proposal commodity description start and end of electronic market research (date and time)

20 Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic market research: Tender Stage participant identity and contact details list of all participants bid amount list of all bids

21 Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic market research: Post-Tender Stage online database of all electronic market researches on our project web site list of all participants list of all bids

22 Electronic auctions – public procurement Introduction of electronic auctions used for the procurement purposes and purchases of goods and services 21% SAVINGS = Since July 2009 savings 1 798 519 EUR  Saves procurement costs  Decreases expenses for the purchase procedure  Shortens the time between putting out a tender and purchase  Restricts the corruption environment to minimum Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

23 Electronic auctions – public procurement Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF Electronic auctions Electronic market reserches Total Number316677993 Amount7 625 806 €977 609 €8 603 415 € Savings in EUR1 557 717 €240 802 €1 798 519 € Savings in %20%25%21% Data collected from July 2009 to December 2013

24 Database of town contracts, invoices and orders amount paid date of payment subject of contract matter link to document scan parties concerned tool for filtering and sorting data tool for typing in, searching and sorting criteria Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

25 Monitor your municipalities! Massive campaign carried out in 3 steps used to inform our citizens about the project and tools they can use to monitor us. 1 st step (January 2010) Look under the lid of your municipality 2 nd step (February 2010) Everybody can see into our kitchen 3 rd step (March 2010) flyer in 20,000 mailboxes Monitor us! Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

26 Awards and recognition: Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

27 UNITED NATIONS PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS 2011 UN PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS CEREMONY 23 June 2011, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania …most prestigious recognition of excellence in public service on 23 June, during the United Nations Public Service Day Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

28 2011 EUROPEAN PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS Best Practice Certificate In category Opening Up the Public Sector Trough Collaborative Governance Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

29 Thank you for your attention! Anti-corruption and Anti-fraud Measures in Relation to the Use of ESIF

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