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U.S. History: EOC Flashback Exercise

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1 U.S. History: EOC Flashback Exercise
Unit 7: International Involvement and the Progressive Era

2 1. Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude about US expansion can best be described as
isolationist. uninterested. imperialist. fearful.

3 2. Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair are best described as
social workers. muckrakers. progressive politicians. founders of the NAACP.

4 3. Which of the following actions would be illegal under Jim Crow laws?
Black citizens joining the NAACP. African Americans receiving PhDs. Progressives supporting education. Blacks and whites riding together on a train.

5 4. What was The Jungle? A nickname given to the Philippines by US soldiers. The title of a book that described urban life in America. The title of a children’s magazine published during the 1910’s. A novel by Upton Sinclair that exposed the conditions in the meatpacking industry.

6 Reasons Europe Went to War Reasons the U.S. Entered World War I
5. What would be the best heading for the list below: * Unrestricted submarine warfare * Sinking of U.S. ships * The Lusitania * Zimmermann telegram Reasons Europe Went to War Reasons the U.S. Entered World War I Reasons for the Spanish-American War Reasons Congress Limited Immigration

7 6. Which of the following would an isolationist be against?
staying out of World War I annexing the Philippines joining the League of Nations both B and C

8 Isolationist movement. Progressive movement. Great Migration.
7. An African-American who moved from rural Georgia to New York City in 1919 would have been part of the Harlem Hell Fighters. Isolationist movement. Progressive movement. Great Migration.

9 8. Who would have benefitted most from the opening of the Panama Canal?
an isolationist wanting the U.S. to stay out of interests in Latin America a Filipino hoping for independence Chinese immigrants wanting to enter the U.S. after 1882 a U.S. navy captain needing to sail from Florida to Hawaii

10 1. Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude about US expansion can best be described as
isolationist. uninterested. imperialist. fearful.

11 2. Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair are best described as
social workers. muckrakers. progressive politicians. founders of the NAACP.

12 3. Which of the following actions would be illegal under Jim Crow laws?
Black citizens joining the NAACP. African Americans receiving PhDs. Progressives supporting education. Blacks and whites riding together on a train.

13 4. What was The Jungle? A nickname given to the Philippines by US soldiers. The title of a book that described urban life in America. The title of a children’s magazine published during the 1910’s. A novel by Upton Sinclair that exposed the conditions in the meatpacking industry.

14 Reasons Europe Went to War Reasons the U.S. Entered World War I
5. What would be the best heading for the list below: * Unrestricted submarine warfare * Sinking of U.S. ships * The Lusitania * Zimmermann telegram Reasons Europe Went to War Reasons the U.S. Entered World War I Reasons for the Spanish-American War Reasons Congress Limited Immigration

15 6. Which of the following would an isolationist be against?
staying out of World War I annexing the Philippines joining the League of Nations both B and C

16 Isolationist movement. Progressive movement. Great Migration.
7. An African-American who moved from rural Georgia to New York City in 1919 would have been part of the Harlem Hell Fighters. Isolationist movement. Progressive movement. Great Migration.

17 8. Who would have benefitted most from the opening of the Panama Canal?
an isolationist wanting the U.S. to stay out of interests in Latin America a Filipino hoping for independence Chinese immigrants wanting to enter the U.S. after 1882 a U.S. navy captain needing to sail from Florida to Hawaii

18 9. Someone who opposed U.S. expansion and involvement in foreign affairs is known as
an imperialist. an isolationist. a socialist. a mercantilist.

19 10. Which progressive change did the 19th Amendment bring about?
Women gained the right to vote. Senators would be elected directly by the people. People were allowed to buy alcohol legally. Congress could collect taxes on the incomes of individuals and businesses.

20 11. The 17th Amendment was added to the Constitution, thanks largely to the efforts of
expansionists. isolationists. the League of Nations. progressives.

21 Carrie Nation. Jane Addams. Ida Tarbell. Frances Willard.
12. The quote below is talking about “She was nothing short of an angel. If it were not for her founding Hull House and fighting for the rights of the poor and those desperate souls born in foreign lands, God only knows how many would have turned to crime, or even perished.” Carrie Nation. Jane Addams. Ida Tarbell. Frances Willard.

22 13. Under President William H. Taft’s “dollar diplomacy,”
the federal government invested taxpayers’ money in foreign nations. American colonies began to regain control over their own affairs. U.S. banks and business were encouraged to invest their money in foreign nations. the U.S. purchased numerous islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean.

23 14. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the government the authority to
control the supply of money in circulation. close failing banks. loan money to foreign nations. monopolize the banking industry.

24 15. When World War I began in 1914, most Americans
favored entering the war on the side of the Allies. supported the Central Powers. earnestly hoped to stay out of the war. had close cultural and economic ties with Germany.

25 16. In the Sussex pledge, Germany promised
not to sink passenger ships. not to sink passenger ships without warning. to halt its naval blockade of Great Britain. to halt all submarine warfare.

26 9. Someone who opposed U.S. expansion and involvement in foreign affairs is known as
an imperialist. an isolationist. a socialist. a mercantilist.

27 10. Which progressive change did the 19th Amendment bring about?
Women gained the right to vote. Senators would be elected directly by the people. People were allowed to buy alcohol legally. Congress could collect taxes on the incomes of individuals and businesses.

28 11. The 17th Amendment was added to the Constitution, thanks largely to the efforts of
expansionists. isolationists. the League of Nations. progressives.

29 Carrie Nation. Jane Addams. Ida Tarbell. Frances Willard.
12. The quote below is talking about “She was nothing short of an angel. If it were not for her founding Hull House and fighting for the rights of the poor and those desperate souls born in foreign lands, God only knows how many would have turned to crime, or even perished.” Carrie Nation. Jane Addams. Ida Tarbell. Frances Willard.

30 13. Under President William H. Taft’s “dollar diplomacy,”
the federal government invested taxpayers’ money in foreign nations. American colonies began to regain control over their own affairs. U.S. banks and business were encouraged to invest their money in foreign nations. the U.S. purchased numerous islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean.

31 14. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the government the authority to
control the supply of money in circulation. close failing banks. loan money to foreign nations. monopolize the banking industry.

32 15. When World War I began in 1914, most Americans
favored entering the war on the side of the Allies. supported the Central Powers. earnestly hoped to stay out of the war. had close cultural and economic ties with Germany.

33 16. In the Sussex pledge, Germany promised
not to sink passenger ships. not to sink passenger ships without warning. to halt its naval blockade of Great Britain. to halt all submarine warfare.

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