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KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Government’s Role for Transport Infrastructure – a Co-evolutionary Approach Björn Hasselgren, PhD ”New Directions in.

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Presentation on theme: "KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Government’s Role for Transport Infrastructure – a Co-evolutionary Approach Björn Hasselgren, PhD ”New Directions in."— Presentation transcript:

1 KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Government’s Role for Transport Infrastructure – a Co-evolutionary Approach Björn Hasselgren, PhD ”New Directions in the History of Infrastructure” Copenhagen September 26-28, 2014

2 Historical development of roads and railroads

3 Railroad corporations

4 Private and state railroads 1925 70 % local and private Concessions > 300 Guarantees, loans Government managed major routes

5 Three governance principles – following the 1930-40s nationalization

6 Development over time of transport infrastructure -a co-evolutionary approach TechnologyEconomics Politics and ”socio- culture” Public sector Private sector Development of transport infrastructure systems

7 Important factors for policy formation Role of1939-19631963-19881989-2010 Technology Strong influence Widened use of existing technology Growing Importance, e.g. ITS and new technology for low emission vehicles Economics Strong influence cost responsibility and competition Strong influence growth of welfare economics Strong influence welfare economics Politics and “socio culture” No ideological push behind nationalization Growing importance and broader political agenda Strong influence Sustainability and deliberative processes Public sector vs. Private sector The government managed market economy Competition between transport modes Preserved government ownership with some opening for alternative financing and privatization

8 Conclusions - The co-evolution approach helps to understand and analyze the development over time -Shifts between public and private organizational models over time -The government pragmatic and cautious/reluctant -Technology will (has) regain(-ed) its importance

9 Björn Hasselgren, PhD KTH Royal Institute of Technology Architecture and the Built Environment +46-70-762 33 16 @HasselgrenB

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