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PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 101: Architecture Overview
Section Objectives Objectives, you will:
Understand the high-level architecture of PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 Understand the CPU, Digital, Analog & Programmable Routing / Interconnect Subsystems 2
PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 Platform Architecture
4 Main components of the PSoC Platform: CPU Subsystem, Digital Subsystem, Analog Subsystem and Programmable Routing and Interconnect Let’s step through these…first, the CPU Subsystem
CPU Subsystem ARM Cortex-M3 Industry’s leading embedded CPU company
Broad support for middleware and applications Up to 80 MHz; 100 DMIPS Enhanced v7 ARM architecture: Thumb2 Instruction Set 16- and 32-bit Instructions (no mode switching) 32-bit ALU; Hardware multiply and divide Single cycle 3-stage pipeline; Harvard architecture 8051 Broad base of existing code and support Up to 67 MHz; 33 MIPS Single cycle instruction execution
CPU Subsystem High Performance Memory Flash memory with ECC
High ratio of SRAM to flash EEPROM Powerful DMA Engine 24-Channel Direct Memory Access Access to all Digital and Analog Peripherals CPU and DMA simultaneous access to independent SRAM blocks On-Chip Debug and Trace Industry standard JTAG/SWD (Serial Wire Debug) On chip trace NO MORE ICE
CPU Subsystem Clocking System Many Clock Sources
Internal Main Oscillator External clock crystal input External clock oscillator inputs Clock doubler output Internal low speed oscillator External 32 kHZ crystal input Dedicated 48 MHz USB clock PLL output 16-bit Clock Dividers 8 Digital 4 Analog PSoC Creator Configuration Wizard PSoC Creator auto-derive clocking source/dividers Eight 16-bit clock dividers generate digital system clocks for general use in the digital system, as configured by the design’s requirements. Digital system clocks can generate custom clocks derived from any of the seven clock sources for any purpose. Examples include baud rate generators, accurate PWM periods, and timer clocks, as well as many others. If more than eight digital clock dividers are required, the Universal Digital Blocks (UDBs) and fixed function Timer/Counter/PWMs can also generate clocks. Four 16-bit clock dividers generate clocks for the analog system components that require clocking, like ADCs and mixers. The analog clock dividers include skew control to ensure that critical analog events do not occur simultaneously with digital switching events. This is done to reduce analog system noise.
CPU Subsystem Dedicated Communication Peripherals
Full Speed USB device 8 bidirectional data end points + 1 control end point No external crystal required Drivers in PSoC Creator for HID class devices Full CAN 2.0b 16 RX buffers and 8 TX buffers I2C master or slave Data rate up to 400 kbps Additional I2C slaves may be implemented in UDB array New peripherals will be added as family members are added to the platform: Ethernet, HS USB, USB Host…
CPU Subsystem Power Management Industry’s Widest Operating Voltage
0.5V to 5.5V with full analog/digital capability High Performance at 0.5V PSoC 67 MHz; PSoC 72 MHz 3 Power Modes (Active, Sleep and Hibernate) PSoC 5 at 72 MHz between 0.5v to 2.7v and back up to 80MHz from 2.7v to 5.5v
Designed for Low Power/Low Voltage
On-board DMA Controller Direct memory transfer between peripherals offloads CPU operation, lowering power consumption Highly configurable clock tree Flexible, automated clock gating. Universal Digital Blocks Implement features in hardware that reduce CPU processing requirements, lowering power consumption Cached Operations Execution from flash memory is improved by caching instructions (PSoC 5 only) Clock is automatically shut down for non-functioning parts…automated clock gating Keys DMA UDBs Shutdown CPU when/if not needed Setup story of our low-power approach to design Precise CPU frequencies PLL allows 4,032 different frequencies; tunable power consumption Integrated Analog, Digital and Communication Peripherals Reduce external component counts and lower overall system power consumption
Low Power Modes Power Management Enabled in PSoC Creator
Current (PSoC 3) (PSoC 5) Code execution Digital resources available Analog resources available Clock sources available Wakeup sources Reset sources Active 1.2 mA @ 6MHz 2 mA @ 6MHz Yes All N/A Sleep 1 uA 2 uA No I2C Comparator Low Speed and 32 kHz Osc IO, I2C, RTC, sleep timer, comparator XRES, LVD, WDR Hibernate 200 nA 300 nA None IO XRES, LVD PSoC1 Power: Active: 6MHz) Sleep: 3uA Hibernate: N/A Power Management Enabled in PSoC Creator Provides easy to use control APIs for quick power management Allows code and register manipulation for in-depth control
Digital Subsystem Universal Digital Block Array (UDBs)
Flexibility of a PLD integrated with a CPU Provides hardware capability to implement components from a rich library of pre-built, documented, and characterized components in PSoC Creator PSoC Creator will synthesize, place, and route components automatically. Fine configuration granularity enables high silicon utilization DSI routing mesh allows any function in the UDBs to communicate with any other on-chip function/GPIO pin with 8- to 32-bit data buses 32-bit PWM GP Logic 16-bit PWM UART #1 GP Logic GP Logic UART #2 UART #3 GP Logic LCD Segment Drive GP Logic What a UDB is (high-level)…step through the animation Intelligent routing Efficiency of the UDBs (part/pieces of each UDB can be used sep.) Custom logic Standard peripherals+custom logic What’s the logic equivalent…~ gates per UDB, 24 UDBs in the larger chips Suggested Flow: (a) go through 5 major points elaborating with info from slide notes. (b) Talk though two step animation. Step 1) PSoC Creator automatically places and routes components from PSoC Creator component library onto the UDB array and DSI routing mesh. Step 2) Customer control logic you may have implemented in verilog can take advantage of used used PLDs in UDBs (no waste). Point out the drawing is only conceptual Flexibility of a PLD integrated with a CPU. With a discrete PLD or FPGA logic would be consumed creating a bus interface to your MCU, not so in PSoC. Details on the following slide. Provides access to a rich library of pre-build, documented, and characterized components in PSoC Creator For example, UART, SPI, logic gages (AND, OR, NOR, etc) quadrature decoders, and more. The UDB array may also be used to implement additional I2C, timer, counter, and PWM functions if dedicated and optimized peripherals have already been used. Fine configuration granularity enables high silicon utilization. When we say that a component uses 2 UDBs it is unlikely that 100% of those 2 UDBs are actually used. For example, 2 DUBs maybe used use to implement a 16-bit shift register, but, the PLD in those UDBs are not used. PSoC Creator keeps track of this usage information allow for example a users custom Verilog to use the PLDs that are not used by the 16-bit shift register. This is what we mean by fine granularity of the configuration. Supports user generated Verilog control logic (PSoC Creator takes care of synthesis, placement, and routing.). DSI Routing mesh allows any function in the UDBs to communicate with another on-chip function or any GPIO pin. NOTE: PSoC Creator today does not have a 32-bit PWM component, however silicon supports this capability. A customer or Cypress could create a 32-bit PWM component that will run inside the device. I2C Slave 16-bit Shift Reg. SPI Master GP Logic
Digital Subsystem Optimized 16-bit Timer/Counter/PWM Blocks
Provides nearly all of the features of a UDB based timer, counter, or PWM PSoC Creator provides easy access to these flexible blocks Each block may be configured as either a full featured 16-bit Timer, Counter, or PWM Programmable options Clock, enable, reset, capture, kill from any pin or digital signal on chip Independent control of terminal count, interrupt, compare, reset, enable, capture, and kill synchronization Plus Configurable to measure pulse widths or periods Buffered PWM with dead band and kill Optimized 16-bit Timer/Counter/PWM Blocks We have static stuff, very easy to use…next Provides nearly all of the features of a UDB based timer, counter, or PWM in an area optimized peripheral. PSoC Creator provides easy access to these flexible blocks. Each block may be configured as either a full featured 16-bit Timer, Counter, or PWM. PSoC Flexibility Clock, enable, reset, capture, kill from any pin or digital signal on chip. Independent control of terminal count, interrupt, compare, reset, enable, capture, and kill synchronization. Plus Configurable to measure pulse widths or periods. Buffered PWM with dead band and kill
Analog Subsystem Configurable Analog System
Flexible Routing: All GPIO are Analog Input/Output +/- 0.1% Internal Reference Voltage Delta-Sigma ADC: Up to 20-bit resolution 16-bit at 48 ksps or 12-bit at 192 ksps SAR ADC: 12-bit at 1 Msps DACs: 8 – 10-bit resolution, current and voltage mode Low Power Comparators Opamps (25 mA output buffers) Programmable Analog Blocks Configurable PGA (up to x50), Mixer, Trans-Impedance Amplifier, Sample and Hold Digital Filter Block: Implement HW IIR and FIR filters CapSense Touch Sensing enabled Configurable Analog System Some chips with lots or less analog… Roadmap to analog filtering using the prog-analog blocks Use separate module and details from SCON content Key message is that this is portfolio of analog – scales with various products The PSoC3/5 architecture has a huge portfolio of analog IP. Exact configuration depends on the product family. 20-bit Del Sig samples at 180 sps
Programmable Routing/Interconnect
Input / Output System Up to 4 separate I/O voltage domains Interface with multiple devices using one PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 device Three types of I/O GPIO, SIO, USBIO Any GPIO to any peripheral routing Wakeup on analog, digital or I2C match Programmable slew rate reduces power and noise 8 different configurable drive modes Programmable input threshold capability for SIO Auto and custom/lock-able routing in PSoC Creator
PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 Platform Architecture
That is the PSoC3/5 Platform Architecture/Summary.
Review You should now: Understand the high-level architecture of PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 Understand the CPU, Digital, Analog & Programmable Routing / Interconnect Subsystems 16
Lab 101: My First PSoC 3 Digital Design
Lab Objectives Objectives: Blink an LED on the PSoC First Touch Kit
Experience the PSoC Creator Design Flow 18
Step 1: Start PSoC Creator
Step 2: Create a New Project
Step 3: Place/Configure Digital Pin
Step 3: Place/Configure Digital Pin
Step 4: Configure PSoC I/O
Step 5: Add main.c Code 24
Step 5: Add main.c Code 25
Step 6: Build Project 26
Step 7: Program/Debug 27
Step 8: Debug 28
PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 101: PSoC Creator Design Flow
Section Objectives Objectives, you will be able to:
Follow the PSoC Creator Design Flow and develop projects Find and use the tools available within the software IDE Compile, build and program PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 applications Debug PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 applications 30
PSoC Creator Design Flow
Configure Start a new project Place components Configure components Connect components Develop Build hardware design and generate component APIs Write application code utilizing component APIs Compile, build and program Debug Perform in-circuit debug using PSoC Creator Reuse Capture working hardware/software designs as your own components for future use 31
Open PSoC Creator
PSoC Creator Software
Create a new project Select the platform Name the design
Select the device* Select the sheet template* * Optional steps The Advanced button allows for selection of sheet template as well as device selection. From the Advanced button the device selector maybe launched. Not really important to make your device selection here, just the platform selection (PSoC3 or PSoC5) is what’s required…you can change your device at any time…including platform, but starting with one platform will establish what components you have to begin with.
PSoC Creator Design Canvas
Creating a new project will add main.c and device.h to the project. Device.h has an include of project.h. Project.h is a generated file based on your design.
Component Catalog Catalog Folders Catalog Preview Datasheet access
Analog ADC Amplifier DAC Digital Registers Functions Logic Communication Display System Catalog Preview Datasheet access
Adding Components to a Design
Pins, Logic and Clock Components
Component Configuration
Double-click to open component configuration dialogs
Component Data Sheets Contents: Features
General description of component When to use component Input/Output connections Parameters and setup Application Programming Interface Sample firmware source code Functional description DC and AC electrical characteristics
Design-Wide Resource Manager (.cydwr)
Clocks Interrupts Set priority and vector DMA Manage DMA channels System Debug, boot parameters, sleep mode API generation, etc. Directives Over-ride placement defaults Pins Map I/O to physical pins and ports Over-ride default selections
Interrupts Priority may be changed Defaults to 7 (lowest priority)
DMA Priority may be changed Defaults to 2 (0 & 1 can consume 100% of bandwidth)
System System settings Debug settings Voltage Configuration
System Clocking Tree
Clock Configurations Clocks are allocated to slots in the clock tree
8 digital, 4 analog Clocks have software APIs Reuse existing clocks to preserve resources Note: Setting or customizing a clock for your application is as simple as adding a clock component and writing in the specific clock speed you want; don’t worry about dividers, clock sources or any other details.
Pin Editor
Connecting Components
Build Hardware Design Generates component APIs
Build Process Generate a Configuration Design Elaboration Netlisting
Verilog Logic Synthesis Technology Mapping Analog Place and Route Digital Packing Digital Placement Digital Routing <…there’s more…> The first task of the build process is to create a configuration of your device. The steps to achieve this are: Elaboration, Netlisting, Verilog, Logic Synthesis,VH2, Tech Mapping, Analog Place and Route, Digital Packing, Digital Placement, Digital routing,
Build Process API Generation Compilation Configuration Generation
Configuration Verification Next comes the API generation, configuration generation and verification.
Development Files Core Cypress Libraries (CyLib)
Registers, macros, types (cytypes) Component addressing (cyfitter) APIs are the first place to go for register access.
Supported Compilers Free Bundled compiler options
PSoC 3: Cypress-Edition Keil™ CA51 Compiler Kit PSoC 5: GNU/CodeSourcery Sourcery G++™ Lite No code size restrictions, not board-locked, no time limit Fully integrated including full debugging support Upgrade, more optimization/compiler-support options PSoC 3: Keil CA51™ Compiler Kit PSoC 5: Keil RealView® Microcontroller Development Kit Higher levels of optimization Direct support from the compiler vendor Upgrade Compiler Pricing Set and managed by our 3rd party partner, Keil Already own these compilers? No need to buy another license! Keil CA51 Compiler Kit ~$2,000 Keil RealView MDK ~$3,000-5,000 GNU
Integrated Debugger JTAG and SWD connection
All devices support debug MiniProg3 programmer / debugger Control execution with menus, buttons and keys Full set of debug windows Locals, register, call stack, watch (4), memory (4) C source and assembler Components Set breakpoints in Source Editor
Debugger Windows
MiniProg3 Program PSoC 1 devices Program/Debug PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 devices
Standard 50mil connector nTRST/XRES pin is used as the device reset (XRES) by default nTRST is JTAG specific and rarely used 2x5 50mil ISSP/JTAG/SWD/ SWV/TracePort ribbon cable and connector ISSP connector The MiniProg3 is designed to replace the current PSoC1 MiniProg device in all future kits. MiniProg3 has been updated to support all debug and programming features of PSoC3/5 devices as well as provide improved features for PSoC1 devices. Key new features of MiniProg3 include 2x5 50mil connector for JTAG and SWD interfaces. Connector is smallest low cost and easily sourced connector meeting JTAG/SWD requirements. Ribbon cable provides flexibility in connector location Increased data throughput. Full speed USB device Programmable supply voltage for PSoC1 devices. Powering of PSoC3/5 devices is not recommended unless all power supplies are tied together or the user is otherwise sure the power system is compatible. Future trace support for ARM devices Ribbon cable length is bus speed and target board layout dependant. Ribbon cable Length to max speed suggestions are as follows. 3” (7.5 cm) - 8 MHz (Standard MiniProg3 ribbon cable) 6” (14 cm) – 4 MHz 12” (30cm) – 2 MHz 24” (30cm) – 1 MHz 56
PSoC Development Kit (CY8CKIT-001)
Supports all PSoC architectures via processor modules Integrated support of all required and optional chip connections MiniProg3 should not supply power to PSoC Development Kit Independent digital, analog and IO supply rails (current measurement supported) 3.3V, 5.0V and adjustable 1.8V–5.0V regulators RS-232 Three expansion ports support 28 IO each + 45 IO USB for target PSoC Processor Modules RF Module Radio header 1 Pot, 2 buttons, 4 LEDs, 2x16 LCD CapSense Slider & Buttons
Review You should now be able to:
Follow the PSoC Creator Design Flow and develop projects Find and use the tools available within the software IDE Compile, build and program PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 applications Debug PSoC 3 / PSoC 5 applications 58
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