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Outline of Presentation Introduction to Analog Interfaces, Inc. Introduction to the Indenter Polymer Aging Monitor Principle of Indenter measurements How.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline of Presentation Introduction to Analog Interfaces, Inc. Introduction to the Indenter Polymer Aging Monitor Principle of Indenter measurements How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline of Presentation Introduction to Analog Interfaces, Inc. Introduction to the Indenter Polymer Aging Monitor Principle of Indenter measurements How aging correlations are done Overview of software and test taking Overview of FAA contract

2 Analog Interfaces, Inc. Data Acquisition products Hardware and software Portability - emphasis RS-232 (serial) front ends Standard 16 channel product “BLACK LAB” Most of work has been on custom OEM products

3 Black Lab General Purpose System

4 AirCEt - Air Operated Valves

5 Calplex

6 Introduction to Indenter

7 Indenter Polymer Aging Monitor Provides information on aging of wires Market at this point primarily nuclear Systems in use in U.S.; UK; Sweden; Russia; France; Canada; India Product in field use for about 10 years Marketing partner AMEC Earth and Environmental (formerly Ogden) William M. Denny - materials consultant

8 Principle of Indenter Measurements

9 Overview of Indenter Principle Small probe is moved into cable insulation As probe moves, force and displacement readings are recorded until the force reaches a preset value Force and displacement readings are cross plotted Slope of this plot is called “Modulus” Modulus is later correlated with aging

10 Diagram of probe movement

11 Modulus Calculation

12 Indenter System Components Data acquisition box Cable Clamp Assembly

13 Indenter System

14 Clamping mechanism Small Wire Insert

15 Clamp Head Small Wire Insert

16 Adapt technology to aircraft wires Natural extension to nuclear area Differences in: Sizes Types of material Accessibility FAA contract to make this transition

17 How Aging Correlations are done

18 Relationship Modulus to Aging Objective of taking modulus readings is to provide data on wire condition This is done by correlating modulus values with data obtained from elongation-at-break (and possibly other) tests Following discussion shows how this is done - examples from nuclear industry

19 Mechanical vs. electrical failure Concern is with insulation cracking Cracking occurs because insulation has lost flexibility - ability to stretch when subjected to tensile load has been reduced to zero Elongation reduces as cable insulation is subjected to elevated thermal environments Mechanical property - elongation - must decrease significantly before electrical property affected

20 Elongation-at-break (EAB) Mechanical failure precedes electrical failure Monitor mechanical degradation by EAB % EAB used to provide safety margins Nuclear Industry 40% cutoff for critical equipment 20% for non-critical

21 Modulus - EAB Correlation Cables artificially aged using accelerated thermal aging At fixed time intervals, samples are removed and tested for EAB and modulus values also taken

22 Retention EAB vs. Hours Aging

23 Arrhenius thermal life curve Using previous graph, pick off values from three curves AT SAME ELONGATION VALUE These values used in regression analysis to obtain classic “Arrhenius thermal life curve” shown in the next graph.

24 PVC Insulation - Thermal Life

25 Indenter Modulus vs. EAB for neoprene

26 Indenter Modulus vs. Retention of EAB for PVC Jacket

27 Life Projection Curve

28 Overview of Software and Testing

29 Key software features Required data entry location, material, etc. Multiple opportunities to enter notes Database saves all test setup info, notes, etc. Automatic generation of reports Easy export to spread sheets

30 Setup screen - material

31 Setup - test parameters Velocity Peak Force

32 Test taking Wire “clamped” in jaw Test is taken Clamp moved to different location Five to ten tests = “test session” Recorded modulus value is average of individual tests in test session

33 Test taking Screen

34 Listing of test sessions

35 Analysis - Cross Plot Modulus is slope of this line


37 Relaxation Mode Probe moves to fixed force and then holds there

38 Reports -Setup

39 Reports - Notes

40 FAA Contract Work Title - Material Testing Research and Indenter Equipment Modifications for Determining Aging of Wires in Aircraft Two Main Areas: Material related Redesign of present Indenter hardware/software

41 Material Testing Polyimide (Kapton) Power feeder Cross linked ETFE (Tefzel) TKT (Teflon / Kapton / Teflon)

42 Reference Wire Simple wire construction To be used for comparison with nuclear data to determine or confirm that small diameter wires perform in similar manner Will use PVC

43 Validation Plan Testing to be done by independent group Samples to be randomly numbered

44 Industry Database Test results Data from other testing (like nuclear) Material specifications

45 Cable Clamp Redesign Objectives: Lightweight Easy to hold No greater than 1.25” in diameter Can access wires in tight locations Molded plastic outer construction

46 Portability Mockup

47 Design for Portability

48 Hardware Design Objectives Portable - worn on belt Light weight Ease of use by operator

49 Software Changes When testing in the field, a notebook PC will not be used New software will provide for transferring test parameters and data back and forth between a host PC

50 Summary Advantages of Indenter tests for aging: Non-destructive Done in actual locations in aircraft Easy and fast to acquire test data Once the relationship between the modulus readings and aging is established for a wire type, determining the wire’s condition is then possible

51 Other inputs sought If your organization has data or inputs that would be helpful to this study or you would like to include your data in the database, we’d like to discuss this with you. THANK YOU for the opportunity to make this presentation

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