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Mobile Melds with In-Store Shopping Jack Abraham, Director of Local, eBay.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Melds with In-Store Shopping Jack Abraham, Director of Local, eBay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Melds with In-Store Shopping Jack Abraham, Director of Local, eBay

2 We’ve Become a Mobile-Focused Society Watch Video Check Email Chat Directions

3 Mobile Shopping Over half the people who regularly shop using their phones are comfortable spending over $100 on a mobile purchase (SmithGeiger LLC) M-commerce was a $3.4 billion market in the U.S. in 2010; expected to grow to $119 billion by 2015 across the globe (ABI Research)

4 eBay’s Mobile Commerce Footprint In 2011, eBay transacted $5 billion through mobile devices  This is an increase of 150% from 2010  eBay expects to transact $8 billion in 2012 PayPal Mobile drove $4 billion of TPV (total payments volume) in 2011  PayPal Mobile estimates $7 billion of TPV in 2012

5 Shoppers Have a “Mall in Their Pocket”

6 Mobile and Local Are Intersecting

7 Mobile Powers Local 52% of adult mobile users rely on their devices while shopping in local stores (Pew).

8 Mobile Powers Local During the holidays, shoppers used their mobile phones while in stores to support their purchase decisions  59% compared prices with other online and offline retailers  40% checked inventory  38% called a friend for advice  24% looked up reviews *eBay Local and Pew Research Center studies

9 Mobile Powers Local So does a mobile search while in-store lead shoppers to make an online purchase?  35% of shoppers who searched on their mobile device made a purchase in the store  37% didn’t purchase at all, while 8% purchased the item at another store

10 Mobile = A Major Opportunity for Retailers Forrester Research determined that most major retail companies need to make significant investments that transform their traditional operations into agile, multichannel technologies *Forrester Research, 3/11/2011, “Welcome To The Era Of Agile Commerce”

11 Mobile = A Major Opportunity for Retailers Of those companies that invested in multichannel initiatives:  48% saw increased sales  28% reduced operating costs  25% increased profitability *Forrester Research, 3/11/2011, “Welcome To The Era Of Agile Commerce”

12 Multi-Channel Retailer Success eBay was able to give a major retail partner high visibility – not only driving foot traffic into local stores, but also helping them close the loop between shoppers who research online but buy in store.

13 What’s Next? Shoppers of the future require agile platforms that allow them to research, review and shop anywhere and at anytime Retailers that migrate to multichannel operations and embrace technological advances in shopping tools will be better suited to increasing profitability and growing their customer base in the next decade

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