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D-STAR Digital Communication for the Radioamateur Icom Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "D-STAR Digital Communication for the Radioamateur Icom Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 D-STAR Digital Communication for the Radioamateur Icom Europe.

2 What is D-STAR? D-STAR:Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio Open protocol, published by the JARL (Japanese Amateur Radio League). Available to be implemented by anyone. Digital voice (DV) and Digital Data (DD) operation.

3 Basic Request No limit from the System Internet connection possibility The User must be able to set up the System by himself The Unit must be working with out a System Expand the Communication Range with Repeater is must Fast and slow Data Communication No scrambling is allowed

4 Basic Request for Mobil an Portable Simplex Shift Function (Repeater usage ) High Speed Data communication (1,2GHz) Low Speed Data Communication (2m;70cm;1.2GHz) FM ( no Pre Demphasis )

5 What is D-STAR? Icom D-STAR Digital Voice and Digital Data rates. 144 and 440 MHz data rate – 4800 bps Digital voice @ 3600 bps (including error correction) Digital data @ 1200 bps 1.2 GHz Data rate – 128 kbps High speed data @ 128 kbps (Ethernet connection) or Digital voice @ 3600 bps (including error correction) Digital data @ 1200 bps

6 Basic System

7 What’s required? Repeater Call Sign First, you need is a unique / club call for the repeater. * You can not have the same call sign in 2 different “roles” in the D-STAR network. (eg, the repeater call sign can not also be your individual call sign.) You will need a unique / club call sign for your repeater system that is not used anywhere else in the network.

8 What’s required? Repeater Components Next, you need the desired repeater modules. The RP2C is REQUIRED for the D-STAR repeater system. The current D-STAR repeater modules are: RP2D1.2GHz, 128K Digital Data (DD) RP2V1.2GHz Digital Voice (DV) RP4000V440MHz Digital Voice (DV) RP2000V144MHz Digital Voice (DV)

9 What’s required? Additional hardware Each physical install is different. What your install requires may vary. Examples of additional equipment: Duplexers Power Supply Antennas Window Filter

10 D-STAR How it works Part 1

11 Understanding how it works D-STAR utilizes call signs to “route” the radio call. Every repeater must be assigned a unique call sign (club call recommended). Every owner / operator programs their radio with their own call sign. Call sign is transmitted digitally with each transmission. No need to voice ID with D-STAR since digital ID is part of each TX.

12 Understanding how it works Each radio has 4 call sign fields to be programmed. What you need to know to program a radio is: Operating frequencySimplex or Duplex frequency MyCallYour call sign (primary operator) UrCallCall sign of the person / zone being called Rpt11 st repeater Rpt22 nd repeater

13 Understanding how it works (Simplex) To complete a local simplex call, program 2 fields along with the frequency in the radio. MyCallMy call sign (eg. W7JRL) UrCallYour call sign or “CQCQCQ” MyCall - N9JA UrCall – KD7DIQ MyCall - W7JRL UrCall – CQCQCQ MyCall - KD7DIQ UrCall – CQCQCQ

14 Understanding how it works (Simplex) In this example, all parties in digital mode hear all the traffic on the simplex channel. MyCall - N9JA UrCall – KD7DIQ MyCall - W7JRL UrCall – CQCQCQ MyCall - KD7DIQ UrCall – CQCQCQ

15 D-STAR Icom D-STAR Radio Icom Europe.

16 Icom IC-91E 144 / 440MHz D-STAR amateur radio (dual band) Optional UT 121 is needed Digital Voice, 1.2k Digital Data and Analog Voice operation. 5 watts TX power. True dual band / display operation. With option RS-91 remote control possible

17 Icom IC-V82 / U82 144 or 440MHz D-STAR capable* amateur radios (mono band) Digital Voice, 1.2k Digital Data and Analog Voice operation. 7 / 5 watts TX power. *Requires optional UT118 module for D-STAR operation

18 Icom IC E 2820 with UT123 144 / 440MHz D-STAR Dual mode Digital Voice, 1.2k Digital Data and Analog Voice operation. 50 watts TX power Built in GPS Receiver ( on UT 123 )

19 Icom ID-1 NOT in EU 1.2GHz D-STAR amateur radio Digital Voice, Digital Data and Analog Voice operation. 10 watt TX power. PC control via USB or direct control via RC24 control head. USB Cable, software and RC24 control head all provided.

20 D-STAR Repeater Component Controller Icom Europe.

21 What’s required? Programming PC (Windows) To program the repeater controller and frequencies you need: Windows based PC with at least 1 Ethernet and 1 USB port USB A to B cable Ethernet cable (not crossover)

22 RP2C controller The controller is able to control 4 RF Units Progammed by Ethernet connector All basic settings are programmable

23 RP2C controller Software

24 RP2C controller Input Repeater call sign

25 RP2C controller RF Function Settings

26 RP2C controller Select “active ports”

27 RP2C controller And assign the proper module letter designation. Recommended designations: RP2D (1.2 GHZ)A RP4000V (UHF)B RP2000V (VHF)C

28 RP2C controller And assign the proper module letter designation. Recommended designations: RP2D (1.2 GHZ)A RP4000V (UHF)B RP2000V (VHF)C

29 RP2C controller The RP2V and RP2D must be “A”.

30 RP2C controller Select “Use Gateway” if connecting to a gateway PC.

31 RP2C controller Click “Write” to save the settings to the controller

32 D-STAR Repeater RF Component Icom Europe.

33 RF Module RP2V 1.2 GHz Speech + Low Speed Data

34 RF Module RP2V 1.2 Ghz High Speed Data 128kbs

35 RF Module RP4000V 70cm Speech + Low Speed Data

36 RF Module RP2000V 2m Speech und Low Speed Data

37 HF Module All Settings are done by USB Port TX RX

38 HF Module RF Output Power High/Low

39 Repeater Module Frequency Setting Software

40 D-STAR Gateway Software

41 Gateway Configuration Diagram

42 What’s required? D-STAR / Gateway software Icom’s Gateway software is a licensed vendor product, and can not be copied, shared or re-distributed.

43 Gateway software configuration Double click the application to extract.

44 Gateway software configuration Make sure to extract the program to the “root” directory. (A new folder will be created.) DO NOT create a dstar directory.

45 Gateway software configuration Edit the following in the dsipsvd.conf file: TRUST_SERVER ZR_CALLSIGN IPSV_ADDR DNS_ZONE_FILE_PATH NAMED_PID_FILE NOTE: The IP address of the Icom test system is

46 MAC address Type the command “arp” in a terminal window. Look for and the MAC address connected to it. Take note of the MAC address for use in the dsgwd.conf file.

47 Gateway software configuration Edit the following in the dsgwd.conf file: ZR_ADDR ZR_CALLSIGN DNS_MAC

48 Gateway software configuration Add the lines here in the /etc/syslog.conf file: # for D-STAR local0.*/var/log/dsgwd.log local2.*/var/log/dsipsvd.log Make sure to type this right. It’s “local” before the number.

49 Gateway software configuration Now, let’s add the command line to start the software. Insert the following in /etc/rc.d/rc.local /dstar/exec-mgsv NOTE: Some manuals are WRONG!

50 Gateway software configuration Finally, change the default runlevel to “3” Locate the file: /etc/inittab Change the runlevel to “3” here.

51 D-STAR How it works Part2

52 Understanding how it works D-STAR utilizes call signs to “route” the radio call. Every repeater must be assigned a unique call sign (club call recommended). Every owner / operator programs their radio with their own call sign. Call sign is transmitted digitally with each transmission. No need to voice ID with D-STAR since digital ID is part of each TX.

53 Understanding how it works Each radio has 4 call sign fields to be programmed. What you need to know to program a radio is: Operating frequencySimplex or Duplex frequency MyCallYour call sign (primary operator) UrCallCall sign of the person / zone being called Rpt11 st repeater Rpt22 nd repeater

54 Understanding how it works (Repeater) To complete a local zone repeater call, program 3 fields along with the frequency in the radio. MyCallMy call sign (eg. W7JRL) UrCallYour call sign or “CQCQCQ” Rpt1Local repeater call sign

55 Understanding how it works (Repeater) When you program your radio’s “RP1” location, and the proper frequency, your radio tells the desired repeater to activate. This is similar to PL tones in analog. Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCallCQCQCQ RPT2nothing N7IH Repeater

56 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCallCQCQCQ RPT2nothing In this example, the N7IH repeater would activate on the repeater frequency you were transmitting on (1.2GHz). (In this example, we are using the ID-1 radio.) N7IH Repeater

57 Understanding how it works (Repeater) All parties on the local repeater channel will hear all the local radio traffic on that frequency. MyCall - N9JA UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH A MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH A Repeater – N7IH

58 Understanding how it works (Gateway) To complete a gateway repeater call, program all 4 call sign fields within the radio. Repeater must be connected to a gateway server PC. MyCallMy call sign (eg. W7JRL) UrCallYour call sign or “/ zone” and module (eg. /K5TIT A) Rpt1Local repeater call sign Rpt2Local repeater + “G” as the 8 th letter (eg. N7IH G)

59 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT RPT2N7IH G In this example, the N7IH repeater would activate on the repeater frequency you were transmitting (1.2GHz) and then… (In this example, we are using the ID-1 radio.) N7IH Repeater

60 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT RPT2N7IH G routed to the gateway and directed to the proper remote repeater through the internet. N7IH Repeater

61 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT RPT2N7IH G The gateway is told where to route the call based on what is in the “UrCall” field of the radio. /K5TIT tells the gateway to route the call to the K5TIT repeater. The “/” means “zone call”. N7IH Repeater

62 Understanding how it works (Gateway) Using “/” in front of the repeater call sign in the “UrCall” field activates that “zone” (module) at the remote repeater. MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – /K5TIT Rpt1 – N7IH Rpt2 – N7IH G Repeater – N7IHRepeater – K5TIT MyCall - N9JA UrCall – /N7IH Rpt1 – K5TIT Rpt2 – K5TIT G Gateway / Internet

63 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT ? RPT2N7IH G Since we did not designate a “module” in the “UrCall” field, the system automatically routes to the “A” module of the remote repeater (K5TIT). K5TIT Repeater

64 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT C RPT2N7IH G If we add the “designator” as the 8 th letter, we can route to different modules at the remote repeater site. K5TIT Repeater

65 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCall/K5TIT RPT2N7IH G Currently, you are not able to activate more than 1 module at the remote repeater site. K5TIT Repeater

66 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCallN9JA RPT2N7IH G If you use the call sign of the person you wish to call, the gateway automatically routes the call to the last known location of that call sign within the repeater network. N7IH Repeater

67 Understanding how it works (Gateway) Using the call sign of the desired party to be reached in the “UrCall” field automatically routes to wherever the radio was last heard. MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – N9JA Rpt1 – N7IH A Rpt2 – N7IH G Repeater – N7IHRepeater – W1AW MyCall - N9JA UrCall – W7JRL Rpt1 – W1AW A Rpt2 – W1AW G Gateway / Internet

68 Understanding how it works (Gateway) In both examples, all parties on the local repeater and remote repeater hear all the radio traffic on the frequency. MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – /W1AW A Rpt1 – N7IH A Rpt2 – N7IH G Repeater – N7IHRepeater – W1AW MyCall - N9JA UrCall – /N7IH A Rpt1 – W1AW A Rpt2 – W1AW G Gateway / Internet

69 Understanding how it works (Gateway) Both radios must be properly programmed to operate via the gateway in order for transmissions to be heard both directions. MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – /W1AW A Rpt1 – N7IH A Rpt2 – N7IH G Repeater – N7IHRepeater – W1AW MyCall - N9JA UrCall – /N7IH A Rpt1 – W1AW A Rpt2 – W1AW G Gateway / Internet

70 Understanding how it works (Gateway) In this example, N9JA would hear W7JRL’s transmission but, W7JRL would not hear N9JA since no gateway is selected. MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – /W1AW A Rpt1 – N7IH A Rpt2 – N7IH G Repeater – N7IHRepeater – W1AW MyCall - N9JA UrCall – /N7IH A Rpt1 – W1AW A Rpt2 – none Gateway / Internet

71 Understanding how it works (Repeater) To complete a cross-band (cross-module) repeater call, program all 4 call sign fields within the radio. Repeater must have multiple voice modules installed. MyCallMy call sign (eg. W7JRL) UrCallYour call sign or “CQCQCQ” Rpt1Local repeater input module call sign (eg. N7IH A) Rpt2Local repeater output module as the 8 th letter (eg. N7IH C) Signal is repeated on both input and output frequencies / modules locally.

72 Understanding how it works (Repeater) Eg.MyCallW7JRL RPT1N7IH A UrCallCQCQCQ RPT2N7IH C When using the designator of another local module in the “RPT2” field, the call is routed to that module locally. N7IH Repeater

73 Understanding how it works (Repeater) In this example, all parties listening on 1.2GHz and 440MHz would hear all radio traffic. MyCall - N9JA UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH C (440 MHz) Rpt2 – N7IH A MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH A (1.2 GHz) Rpt2 – N7IH C Repeater – N7IH

74 Understanding how it works (Repeater) In this example, W7JRL would not hear N9JA reply because he is not properly programmed for cross-band operation. MyCall - N9JA UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH C (440 MHz) Rpt2 – none MyCall – W7JRL UrCall – CQCQCQ Rpt1 – N7IH A (1.2 GHz) Rpt2 – N7IH C Repeater – N7IH

75 D-STAR How it works Sound

76 Origin Live Record from the second system in Germany Repeater – DF0DFT

77 D-STAR Thank you for your attention

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