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mil-std Tactical terminal DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTING MARS

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1 mil-std Tactical terminal DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTING MARS
Created by NNN0WWL 2G/AQC ALE MIL-STD C 3G ALE STANAG 4538 PSK bps MIL-STD C ARQ/BRD DLP pFED-STD-1052 App. B PSK bps STANAG 4285 PSK 75bps Robust STANAG 4415 FSK bps/PSK STANAG 4481 PSK bps STANAG 4529 MELPe Digital Voice STANAG 4591 ARQ/ /FAX/Video STANAG 5066 Sub Net Multicast ACP-142(A) ALE AMD HF-GRP Phone Patch ACP-193(A) ALE400 CLOVER CONTESTIA GTOR JT65 MT63 OLIVIA PACTOR PSK-31…PSK-500 THOR THROB WINMOR To achieve DIRECT INTEROPERABILITY among all providers of High frequency (hf) based auxiliary communications to the U.s. military AND u.s. Government the use of mil-std AND STANDARD NATO (STANAG) compliant waveforms and protocols and supporting standard’s BY MARS is A requireMENT.

2 Linux developers board CONCEPT
In early 2014 the evaluation of economical embedded Linux developers boards began. Much less expensive than DSP based developers boards by factors of 10x in some cases. The Beagle Bone Black for example will support low symbol rate 2G ALE and MS110A App. A and B OFDM modems but its not looking good for support of 3G ALE, MS110A/B or STANAG serial tone waveforms. Created by NNN0WWL

3 Embedded industrial pc CONCEPT
Also evaluated in 2014 although more expensive than a Linux developer board, but providing more CPU power with Windows Embedded Standard 7 for use of MARS-ALE and MS-DMT. Created by NNN0WWL

4 2014 MIL-STD Tactical terminal Concept
Created by NNN0WWL A RapidM Tactical Terminal next to an image of a handheld concept of a Tactical Terminal based on the form factor of a modern wireless keyboard and pointing device with TFT LCD. The premise being based on an embedded Linux or DSP developers board and powered by a Lithium battery. The question in early 2014 was if a similar low cost OEM device that is Open DSP SDK, Linux or Windows Embedded Standard based was awaiting discovery?

5 2015 “mil-std tactical terminal” debut !
Created by NNN0WWL MS-DMT/Tablet Edition (MS-DMT/TE) running on an under $100USD Intel Atom (Z37356) based 1.33Ghz Win8.1 Tablet PC now represents the first generation of an economical MARS handheld “Tactical Terminal” solution!

6 Tablet PC Features As a Tactical Terminal, out-of-the-box an Intel Atom Win8.1 Tablet PC such as the Winbook TW700 used in development testing of MS-DMT/TE are feature rich and provide the processing power, RAM and low latency performance required with no tailoring! Created by NNN0WWL

7 Tablet PC Features Continued
The USB ports can be used for radio CAT control and audio interfacing, UFD storage, keyboard, pointing device, etc. with the addition of a powered hub. The Micro SD Card Slot can be used to augment the small amount of SSD storage. The Speaker/MIC can be use for wired or emergency acoustic based radio audio interfacing. It can also be used for Digital Voice as the Analog I/O port. The Front and Rear cameras can be used for taking images and making short videos in the field at the EMCOM site for relay via various means to even include conversion to ASCII files for radio transmission or sent as compressed binary files via an appropriate ARQ mode. Created by NNN0WWL

8 MS-DMT tailored for tablet pc
Created by NNN0WWL The MS-DMT/TE GUI has been tailored to provide a better Touch Screen experience down to use on a 7 inch Tablet PC devices. In addition direct support has been added for Touch Screen keyboard operation. MS-DMT/TE use on small screens is recommended when oriented vertically.

9 Touch keyboard SUPPORT
The Touch Keyboard type selected for use is launched on program start and can be reopened at a tap of the KEYBOARD button. A Touch Keyboard configured as docked will always locate at the bottom of the screen with the outgoing message window auto resized to accommodate. All selections in MS-DTM/TE return the mouse pointer to the outgoing message window for immediate message editing. Created by NNN0WWL

In this video an IC7200 for the preferred single USB cable based Tactical Terminal solution is shown receiving traffic using MS-DMT/TE. The USB cable provides IC7200 CAT control for DATA port selection for TX audio path, CAT PTT and two-way audio. A previously received message sits in the out going message window ready for relay at a tap of the screen on SEND. Created by NNN0WWL

STANAG 4591 (MELP-e/MELP) over MS110A or S4285 operating at 600, 1200 and 2400bps. The Tablet PC in handheld use would make for a natural Digital Voice platform where the user can rapidly switch between Digital Voice and Data at tap of the touch screen and also go analog voice at any time. The Tablet PC’s built-in Sound Device support and Mic/Speaker or a plug-in Mic/Headset makes the Tablet a natural for the analog audio I/O requirement for MIL-STD Digital Voice with the USB port sound device for the data modem. Created by NNN0WWL

Created by NNN0WWL

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