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Enhancing communication through gestures Pam Haynes S.D. #42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows)

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing communication through gestures Pam Haynes S.D. #42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing communication through gestures Pam Haynes S.D. #42 (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows)

2 Verbs are an important part of language Every sentence needs a verb. How do we teach verbs in a meaningful and fun way?

3 Using gestures to teach language Its kinesthetic. Its effective. Its fun. Its easy. It provides an important foundation for language learning.


5 Recommended progression Present and practise gestures –One word Practise gestures with subject pronouns - Two words Practise combining subject and verb with logical ending –Three words


7 Step One Present and practise gestures regarde é coute é crit lit dit parle ouvre ferme bouge ne bouge pas


9 Practise options In groups of 2 – 3 Beat the clock Use student-made flashcards Word – gesture Gesture – word Affirmative – negative Third person – infinitive

10 Essayons des gestes!

11 Step Two Practice with subject pronouns Je Tu Il Elle On Je regarde Tu fermes Il lit Elle parle On bouge


13 Step three Add logical endings Des mots-amis le hamburger la pizza la radio la t é l é vision Des mots français le livre le cahier la porte la fenêtre


15 Step three Add logical endings Use adverbs bien mal beaucoup vite Use place names à la biblioth è que au bureau dans la salle de classe à l é cole


17 Practise suggestions Groups of 2 (A,B) 30 seconds (A parle, B compte) Switch roles (B parle, A compte) Record scores: look for improvement Use for assessment Keep the subject pronoun the same (je)

18 Regardons nos é l è ves Video of Grade 5 Core French students at Blackburn Elementary, SD#42, Maple Ridge

19 Et maintenant practiquons!

20 Variation: Dice and card game Draw a verb card and roll die. Number on die = number of sentences. One point for each correct sentence. Play to 20. Rolling a 3 means making three sentences with the verb on the verb card. –Je mange vite. –Il mange un sandwich. –Tu manges la pizza.

21 Blend with other resources and approaches Games Plays Songs Book projects Journal writing

22 Assessment Options Test aural – teacher gestures, students select the word from a word list Students play and assess each other. Play Je suis super! with the teacher. Teacher counts the number of correct sentences in 30 seconds, just as practiced.

23 Reflection In pairs or threes: How do gestures enhance communication? How can you see using gestures in your classroom?

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