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Dealing with your teen’s anxiety and stress Don’t let them stress you out! Mrs. Patricia Stelter.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with your teen’s anxiety and stress Don’t let them stress you out! Mrs. Patricia Stelter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with your teen’s anxiety and stress Don’t let them stress you out! Mrs. Patricia Stelter

2 Anxiety and Stress  Anxiety: apprehension or excessive fear about real or imagined circumstances Anxiety and Stress = Worry shows in thinking, behavior, or physical reactions  Goal: not to eliminate all anxiety or stress; we need a healthy amount and need to learn how to operate daily with these barriers!

3 Anxiety Disorders  Exist and range from about 2-10% of children; more common in females than males  Most common are:  separation anxiety,  generalized anxiety disorder,  post-traumatic stress disorder,  social phobia disorder, and  obsessive-compulsive disorder

4 Relationship to Other Problems  Depression: Anxiety and depression occur together about 50-60% of the time  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): anxiety may appear similar to ADHD, which may be why some children seem to “not respond” to medicine.  School Performance: forgetfulness, inattentive, and difficulty organizing their work; they may be too much of a perfectionist and not satisfied with their work if it does not meet personal standards  Substance use: abusing drugs or alcohol may show sleep problems, inattention, withdrawal, and reduced school performance

5 Interventions: What can YOU do for your teen?  Although professional help is best, if the case does not warrant, here’s how to intervene:  Be consistent with how you handle problems and administer discipline  Anxiety is not willful but reflects an inability to control it; be patient and prepared to listen. Overly critical, disparaging, impatient, or cynical reactions will make it WORSE!  Do not communicate that perfection is realistic!  Accept mistakes; praise and reinforce effort  Teach strategies such as organization, practicing, and rehearsing/visualizing  Listen and talk on a REGULAR basis; do not treat emotions as unimportant- they may not see important to you, but they are real to your child.  Do not assume that your child is being difficult or that the problem will go away!

6 CognitiveBehavioralPhysical Concentration difficulties Overreaction and catastrophizing relatively minor events Memory problems Worry Irritability Perfectionism Thinking rigidity Hyper vigilant Fear of losing control Fear of failure Difficulties with problem solving and academic performance Shyness Withdrawal Frequently asking questions Frequent need for reassurance Needs for sameness Avoidant Rapid speech Excessive talking Restlessness, fidgety Habit behaviors, such as hair pulling or twirling Impulsiveness Trembling or shaking Increased heart rate Excessive perspiration Shortness of breath Dizziness Chest pain or discomfort Flushing of the skin Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Muscle tension Sleep problems Types of Anxiety Disorders that Warrant Attention

7 Types of Motivation What can you do to motivate and encourage your child? 1.Simple reminders 2.Belief in their abilities 3.Foster their belief in their abilities (Self-efficacy) 4.Goals making, development of self-efficacy (believing in one’s own abilities), positive mind-set toward learning

8 Examples of a Motivated Student 1. Manages Time Well (Time- Management) 2. Seeks Help 3. Task oriented 4. Motivated to go to school/classes 5. Manages stress and communicated anxieties 6. Uses effective and efficient learning strategies 7. Has focus/concentration 8. Practices Metacognition (our thinking about and regulation of our own thinking)

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