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Spotlight On: Anxiety With a side of Stress, Sadness & Depression.

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1 Spotlight On: Anxiety With a side of Stress, Sadness & Depression


3 What is Stress Some Online Stress Tests: /mbsr/test /mbsr/test m/psychological- tests/online-stress-test/ m/psychological- tests/online-stress-test/ health/stress- assessment/SR00029 health/stress- assessment/SR00029 Is a normal part of life. Some situation are more stressful than others. Small doses can help you perform under pressure. BUT, when you are constantly running under pressure it becomes harmful…

4 What’s bad about Stress? Beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life.

5 Difference Between Anxiety & Depression Anxiety - Fear based and focused on events yet to happen, an anticipated negative outcome - Fear based and focused on events yet to happen, an anticipated negative outcome 90% of students problems are fear based Depression - Loss based either tangible or psychological It comes after the sad. It’s bigger than sad. +++

6 What is Anxiety Gnosiophobia: Fear of Knowledge Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure or defeat. Arachibutyrophobia:Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. It is more than being stressed out and there are many types. GAD – Generalized anxiety disorder Phobias – Irrational fears Social Phobia – intense fear of humiliation Obsessive-compulsive – unwanted and repetitive thoughts / behaviours PTSD – intense and lasting reaction to events Separation Anxiety Reactive Attachment

7 What Anxiety looks like: Physically: Shyness Trembling Weariness Blushing Dizziness Shaking Shortness of breath Situations which are Anxiety provoking: Speaking in groups Test taking Speaking to other students Eating or Drinking while others are watching Going to the office

8 What’s bad about Anxiety? Interferes with daily activities Causes panic attacks Unlikely to be able to focus on school work or enjoy favorite activities Impedes social experiences Contagious


10 Depression Online Depression Screen for personal use: pression/self+test pression/self+test Fantastic online resources for depression: dex.aspx dex.aspx? dex.aspx Major Depressive Disorder – one or more depressive episodes lasting at least 2 weeks Bipolar – mania and depression, generally not diagnosed in children under 18 Dysthymia – chronically depressed mood occurring for more than one year in children

11 Depression and School: Affects about 8% of students and generally more males than females. Currently of the known cases in our school, both are male. Make a school based mental health referral to tailor classroom support. We have forms to use and numbers to call. Not solved easily with medication and counselling, it is very much a see what works process. Often (50% of the time) reoccurs.

12 What are we doing – Time to participate: If we work from the fact that all students are stressed and anxious what are we doing to help this? (Many) If we work from the premise that some of our students go beyond the “normal” limits of anxiety and stress? (Some) If we know that we have a few students with severe reactions to stress? (Few) Many Some Few

13 Stressed Address the stress – pinpoint Take Action Get Physical Eat Well – Be Well BREATHE – focus on patterns Stay Connected Self talk skills

14 Anxious Talking worries over with someone who is trusted Mediation and breathing exercises/training Exercise (body breaks, squishy balls, dyna bands) Sleep TREATMENT – with a doctor or health professional which may include medication

15 Depressed Watch for signs – generally move slowly, cry a lot, say things that are negative about themselves and world around them, may not pay attention to how they look. Listen and get them help – School based mental health referral.

16 Online Resources www.moodgym,


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