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Combining Subject Headings. Source: net/pioneers/boole.htm Boolean operators: AND OR AND NOT or NOT Bcolean Logix.

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Presentation on theme: "Combining Subject Headings. Source: net/pioneers/boole.htm Boolean operators: AND OR AND NOT or NOT Bcolean Logix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining Subject Headings

2 Source: http://www.kerryr. net/pioneers/boole.htm Boolean operators: AND OR AND NOT or NOT Bcolean Logix

3 Boolean Operators: AND (2 concepts) poverty AND unemployment

4 Boolean Operators: AND (3 concepts) poverty AND unemployment AND libraries

5 Boolean Operators: AND Smaller Search Sets poverty AND unemployment AND oxygen

6 Boolean Operators: AND Smaller Search Sets poverty AND unemployment AND Valparaiso, Indiana

7 Topic: Neurological functioning of high- functioning autistic children

8 Boolean Operators: OR One Concept college

9 Boolean Operators: OR Two Terms college OR motorcycles college OR university

10 Boolean Operators: OR Three Terms college OR university OR campus

11 Neurological functioning of high-functioning autistic children neuropsychologyhigh-functioning autismchild neuropsychiatrichigh functioning autismearly childhood neurocognitivehigh-functioning autism spectrum young children neuromotorHFAadolescents neurobiologicalautistic disorderteenagers neuralautism spectrum disorderskids autism spectral disorderstoddlers **specific neuropsychology- related terms (motor skills, cognitive skills, language, achievement, left hemisphere dysfunction*, anomolous laterali?ation,....) Asperger Syndromeschool-aged children Aspergers Syndromepreschool children Asperger’s Syndrome

12 OR versus AND colleges AND libraries colleges OR libraries

13 Boolean Operators: NOT Saturn NOT automobile

14 When Not to Use the Boolean NOT math anxiety boys girls

15 math anxiety boys girls boys Boolean NOT: math anxiety NOT boys

16 Boolean AND: math anxiety AND (girls or females) math anxiety boys girls

17 Order of Boolean Operations AND ? OR ?NOT

18 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 NOT operations are performed first AND operations are evaluated next OR are completed last. Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Math Operations

19 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 NOT operations are performed first AND operations are evaluated next OR are completed last. Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Math Operations

20 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 NOT operations are performed first AND operations are evaluated next OR are completed last. Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Math Operations

21 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 NOT operations are performed first AND operations are evaluated next OR are completed last. Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Math Operations

22 6 X 8 + 2 = 50 ???? or 6 X 8 + 2 = 60 ???? (6 X 8) + 2 = 50 6 X (8 + 2) = 60 NOT operations are performed first AND operations are evaluated next OR are completed last. Math anxiety AND girls NOT boys Math anxiety AND (girls NOT boys) Order of Boolean Operations Order of Math Operations

23 (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females) The Power of Parentheses

24 (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females) The Power of Parentheses

25 (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) math anxiety AND ((boys OR men OR males) NOT (girls OR women OR females) The Power of Parentheses

26 (math anxiety NOT boys) OR girls math anxiety NOT (boys OR girls) (girls NOT math anxiety) OR boys (boys NOT math anxiety) OR girls (boys NOT girls) OR math anxiety (girls NOT boys) OR math anxiety math anxiety AND (girls OR women OR females ) NOT (boys OR men OR males) math anxiety AND (( boys OR men OR males ) NOT ( girls OR women OR females )) The Power of Parentheses


28 Keywords and Controlled Vocabulary

29 Clothing: – Dress – Raiment – Garb – Attire – Garment – Apparel – Clothes – Outfit Keywords

30 Small words not indexed in commercial databases or Web searching: – List of stop words vary from database to database – Sample words: a, about, all, although, am, are, as, at, back, be, both, but, can, could, do, each, eight, eighty, every, even, five, fifty, from, four, forty, had, has, have, he, her, here, if, in, is, many, me, more, next, nine, ninety, no, none, nor, of, on, one, our, out, see, seem, self, seven, seventy, she, six, sixty, some, the, their, them, to, we, well, was, you Stop Words

31 Pretrial Pre-trial Pre trial Asperger’s Syndrome Asperger s Syndrome Hyphens and Apostrophes

32 Combining Subject Heads

33 Search Results

34 Boolean Operators

35 Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT ANDOR NOT

36 OR Boolean OR college OR university 40 50 80

37 AND Boolean AND college AND university AND children

38 Boolean OR college OR university OR campus 40 50 45 115

39 Using the Boolean OR to Look for Synonyms or Alternative Terms

40 Using OR in ProQuest’s Advanced Search

41 AND Boolean AND college AND university AND children

42 The Boolean AND in ProQuest

43 NOT Boolean NOT turkey NOT food 210 200 115

44 Boolean OR Searching Using ProQuest

45 Boolean OR high-functioning autism OR HFA

46 AND Boolean AND autism AND children

47 NOT Boolean NOT Saturn NOT planet 210 200 115

48 Combining Boolean Operators for Focused Results

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