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Academic Workshop STUDY 101 Iram Khan & Chris Cachia.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Workshop STUDY 101 Iram Khan & Chris Cachia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Workshop STUDY 101 Iram Khan & Chris Cachia

2 Agenda ● Getting to know us, you, and each other: Self-Assessment Activity ● Introduction to Time & Task Management: Time & Task Management Activity ● Keys to Academic Success (Stations and Digging Deeper):     1. Critical Reading & Writing     2. Effective Study Techniques     3. Test Performance & Anxiety ● Resources and Contact Information

3 Getting to know us, you, and each other
● What is a Learning Strategist? ● Self-Assessment Activity… ● As a group: Do you already know of any strategies you use to maximize your strengths and address your challenges?

4 Time and Task Management I
● 1. Scheduling: 4 month/term calendar; weekly calendar ● 2. Prioritization: What am I scheduling? How am I scheduling? ● Dump out everything that you feel you need or have to do; dump out everything you feel you would like to do or would enjoy doing ● Sift priorities… ●Try dumping and sifting for the week…

5 Time and Task Management II
● 3. Manage Interruptions: Ask yourself, is this interruption an immediate task? Can it wait? Does it help me reach my priorities? ● 4. Procrastination: recognize and figure-out WHY ● 5. Goal-Setting: Re-assess and revise to be realistic

6 “Keys to Academic Success”
1. Critical Reading & Writing 2. Effective Study Techniques 3. Test Performance & Anxiety

7 Introduction to Critical Reading
Reading to acquire knowledge Reading to increase understanding Reading to critically analyze information Reading skills Finding articles

8 Introduction to The Writing Process
Pre-writing Outlining or planning Drafting Writing mechanics Revising and editing Citation

9 Keys to Academic Success: Critical Reading and Writing
● In groups, you will spend approx minutes investigating your critical reading folder (red) ● Self-regulate working through supplied resources ● As a guide, use the following “digging deeper” questions…

10 Critical Reading & Writing:
Digging Deeper How would you define critical reading and critical writing? What is the difference between descriptive and critical writing? What are the KWL and SQ3R methods of reading? What are some pre-writing strategies you can name and describe?

11 Critical Reading Strategy: SQ3R
Survey – using objectives, topic sentences, visual cues Question – based on objectives, topic sentences, summaries, visual cues Read – to answer (and ask more) questions Recite – and write Review – in different ways (using effective study techniques!)

12 The Writing Process Strategy:
Free-Writing Write your topic at the top of the page Start writing; write as quickly as you can Write down everything that comes to mind Keep writing, do not go back, do not correct or cross anything out Build your stamina!

13 Effective Study Techniques
Introduction to Effective Study Techniques Memory – flash cards, mnemonics etc. Self-test – practice questions, online quizzes Content support – tutoring, TA, professor Visual Organizers – charts, diagrams, mind maps

14 Keys to Academic Success: Effective Study Techniques
● In groups, you will spend approx minutes investigating your effective study techniques folder (blue) ● Self-regulate working through supplied resources ● As a guide, use the following “digging deeper” questions…

15 Effective Study Techniques: Digging Deeper
What are mnemonics and what is an example of a mnemonic device? What are other ways you might use to remember material? How might you create and review using flash cards? What is a concept map? How might you use concept maps in your courses?

16 Effective Study Techniques Strategy: Concept Maps

17 Test Performance & Anxiety
Introduction to Test Performance & Anxiety Approaching Questions Multiple Choice Short Answer/Essay Managing Stress BRAVO PEARL

18 Keys to Academic Success: Test Performance & Anxiety
● In groups, you will spend approx minutes investigating your test performance & anxiety (black) ● Self-regulate working through supplied resources ● As a guide, use the following “digging deeper” questions…

19 & Anxiety: Digging Deeper
Test Performance & Anxiety: Digging Deeper How might you approach writing multiple choice questions and tests? How might you approach writing essay questions and tests? What are the effects of cramming? How might you avoid cramming? What are some common indications of test-related anxiety? What are some strategies you can use to manage test-related anxiety? What is BRAVO?

20 Test Performance & Anxiety Strategy I: Types of Questions
Multiple Choice: answer before checking choices; mark possible answers; test answers Essay Questions: be clear on what is being asked (analyze? contrast? discuss? prove?); use a rough outline; make a clear point (thesis? organizing statement?); be conscious of weighting

21 Test Performance & Anxiety Strategy II: BRAVO
Breath – and have a pre-test routine Review – and plan before writing Answer – after actively reading the question Verify – that you followed instructions Oversee – and remember, this isn’t your last test!

22 Time and Task Management
Resources: Time and Task Management 4 Month/Term Planner: Weekly Calendar: Managing Time and Tasks: On Procrastination: Assignment Calculator:

23 Critical Reading and Writing
Resources: Critical Reading and Writing 7 Critical Reading Strategies: ON KWL: On SQ3R: Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing: 3 Pre-Writing Strategies for Any Project: What is Critical Writing?:

24 Effective Study Techniques
Resources: Effective Study Techniques Effective Habits for Effective Study (Self-Assessment Tool): Memory Tips: On Flash Cards: On Concept Maps: How to Organize and Conduct Effective Study Groups:

25 Test Performance & Anxiety
Resources: Test Performance & Anxiety Exam Success – Top Tips From Brilliant Blogs: Test-Taking Advice for the Multiple-Choice Challenged: Answering Short Answer and Essay Exam Questions: The Exam Cram – Why Stress Can Hurt Your Test Scores: On Managing Test Anxiety:

26 Our Contact Information Iram Khan Chris Cachia FCS Drop-In and Resource Centre LIB 272K

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