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Using Perspective in Narrative Learning Environments Ana Vaz and Ana Paiva INESC-ID.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Perspective in Narrative Learning Environments Ana Vaz and Ana Paiva INESC-ID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Perspective in Narrative Learning Environments Ana Vaz and Ana Paiva INESC-ID

2 AIED'05 Summary  Motivation question  Approach followed  Victec and the FearNot! demonstrator  Perspective Filter  Implementation in FearNot!  Future work

3 AIED'05 Motivation Question How can we influence the emotional reactions of users of a virtual storytelling environment through the use of “perspective”?

4 AIED'05 Perspective in Narrative [Branigan92]: Narrative level – represents the events that occur in a story; Changing the perspective implies altering the events and therefore the story. Narration level – how the story is presented. Different perspectives of the same story can be provided through the presentation.

5 AIED'05 Approach Followed  Introduce “perspective” without changing the actions of the characters (i.e., influencing the narration level);  Exaggeration. Leads to more impact, which leads to different perceptions of the same events.

6 AIED'05 Victec and the Bullying Problem [Paiva04]: Goal: the prevention of bullying behaviour. Approach: Virtual Learning Environment; Simulate bullying situations; Induce empathic relations between the child and the characters.

7 AIED'05 FearNot! [Dias05]:  Demonstrator of the ideas proposed by Victec;  Software program aimed at children from 8 to 12;  Interactive environment with intelligent autonomous agents;  Emergent narrative is a consequence of characters’ behaviour (which is generated using an emotional model);  Episodic narrative.

8 AIED'05 Perspective Filter  Allows the generation of perspective in a narrative environment;  Filters the visualisation of the story as it unfolds, which means it can be used with emergent narratives;  Main concepts: Perspective types; Character roles and personality traits; Perspective parameters.

9 AIED'05 Perspective Filter (cont.)  Determines the focalizor [Bal85, Branigan92];  Receives an instruction to an action and looks at: who performs it; what his relationship with the focalizor is; his personality traits (to see what is expected from him).  Returns the appropriate perspective parameters.

10 AIED'05 Perspective Types Self-perspective – the focalizor emphasises his own actions. Friendly perspective – the focalizor enhances positive/neutral actions of his ‘friends’. Unfriendly perspective - the focalizor enhances negative actions of his ‘enemies’.

11 AIED'05 Character Roles and Personality Traits  Characters are identified with their functional roles;  Each role is defined by a pattern in the 5 personality traits (Aggression, Hot-temper, Self-esteem, Shyness and Anxiety);  Relationships between the roles are established, either friendly or unfriendly. Eg.: bully and victim → unfriendly bully and assistant → friendly

12 AIED'05 Perspective Parameters Camera Information: shot, angle, target. Allows: to give more or less detail; to change the level of impact on the participant. Action Intensity: shapes the perception of intentionality. (E.g., we can see slight push or a violent one.)

13 AIED'05 Implementing in FearNot!  The agents’ control module communicates with the world module;  The Perspective Filter ‘sees’ the changes that will affect the world and generates the appropriate parameters, that he send to the world module.

14 AIED'05 Personality Traits of Victec Characters BullyVictimBully\VictimAssistantDefenderOutsider Aggression Hot-temper Self-esteem Shyness Anxiety High Normal High Low High Low High Normal Low Normal

15 AIED'05 Relation between Personality Traits and Actions in Victec Negative (or non-prestigious) Actions:  Cry – Anxiety, Self-esteem;  Mock – Aggression, Shyness;  Punch – Aggression, Hot-temper;  Push – Aggression, Hot-temper.  Slap – Aggression, Hot-temper;  Swipe – Aggression, Anxiety; Neutral Actions:  Walk – Self-esteem, Shyness;  Pick – Aggression.

16 AIED'05 Example in FearNot! Walk with high confidenceWalk with low confidence

17 AIED'05 Without the Perspective Filter

18 AIED'05 The Perspective of the Victim

19 AIED'05 The Perspective of the Bully

20 AIED'05 Future Work  Improve the camera module,  Influence speech,  Evaluate the Perspective Filter;  Include new parameters, such as sound.

21 AIED'05 Some References [Bal85] M. Bal. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. University of Toronto Press Inc., 1985. [Branigan92] E. Branigan. Narrative Comprehension and Film. Routledge, 1992. [Dias05] J. Dias. Fearnot!: Creating emotional autonomous synthetic characters for empathic interactions. Master’s thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, March 2005. [Paiva04] A. Paiva, J. Dias, D. Sobral, R. Aylett, P. Sobreperez, S. Woods, C. Zoll, and L. Hall. Caring for agents and agents that care: Building empathic relations with synthetic agents. In Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004). ACM Press, July 2004.

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