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Panic with Agoraphobia Brandon Soucy. Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is an extreme or irrationial fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places. Fear and.

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Presentation on theme: "Panic with Agoraphobia Brandon Soucy. Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is an extreme or irrationial fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places. Fear and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panic with Agoraphobia Brandon Soucy

2 Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is an extreme or irrationial fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places. Fear and avoidance of public places Agoraphobia often develops secondarily to panic disorder, as the person attempts to avoid situations in which attacks have occurred or in which help might be unavailable in the event of an attack.

3 Agoraphobia About 1 in 3 people WITH Panic Disorder develops Agoraphobia. Their world may become smaller as they are constantly on guard, waiting for the next panic attack. Some people will develop a fixed route or territory, and it may become impossible for them to travel beyond their safety zones without suffering severe anxiety.

4 Symptoms of Panic Attack/Agoraphobia Chest pain Rapid Heartbeat Shortness of breath Dizziness Trembling Feeling faint Choking Fear you are losing control Fear of leaving your house for long periods of time Dependence on others Fear of being alone

5 Panic with Agoraphobia A panic attack is a feeling of sudden fear with out no reasonable cause. Agoraphobia accompanies panic disorder. Agoraphobia makes you want to avoid situations that remind you of having a panic attack. This may make you afraid of leaving home ◦Or also make you fear certain places.

6 Causes of Agoraphobia with Panic Attacks Agoraphobia usually occurs from having REPEATED panic attacks and people who have had previous panic attacks may be afraid of having another panic attack. Panic disorder, panic attacks, and then agoraphobia usually start in the late teens or early twenties. CAN occur at ANY AGE

7 Agoraphobia videos (howie) (howie)

8 websites =591&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=dqgkVa3hIYyZsAWp3IO4DQ&ved=0CAYQ_ AUoAA&dpr=1 =591&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=dqgkVa3hIYyZsAWp3IO4DQ&ved=0CAYQ_ AUoAA&dpr=1 oraphobia&oq=symptoms+of+agoraphobia&gs_l=serp.3..0j0i7i30l5j0j0i3 0j0i5i30l2.12475.14830.0.15129. dr...0...1c.1.64.serp..3.9.1332.TLyrK1NDS_A oraphobia&oq=symptoms+of+agoraphobia&gs_l=serp.3..0j0i7i30l5j0j0i3 0j0i5i30l2.12475.14830.0.15129. dr...0...1c.1.64.serp..3.9.1332.TLyrK1NDS_A =QBLH&pq=symptoms+of+agoraphobia&sc=4-20&sp=- 1&sk=&cvid=7223cf5bf3f941888e66eae779ba1653 =QBLH&pq=symptoms+of+agoraphobia&sc=4-20&sp=- 1&sk=&cvid=7223cf5bf3f941888e66eae779ba1653

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