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LHD Administrative Access to CA School and Childcare Reporting Database 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LHD Administrative Access to CA School and Childcare Reporting Database 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHD Administrative Access to CA School and Childcare Reporting Database 1

2 Please note: Only authorized users may access the site. Please help ensure data integrity by not disclosing login information to unauthorized users. Please add this URL to your frequently accessed websites: Slide 2

3 Overview How to access and login to the LHD admin website - Slides 4-6 How to download:  Child Care delinquent lists - Slides 7-24  Kindergarten delinquent lists - Slides 25-32  7-12 th Grade delinquent lists - Slides 33-43 Contact information - Slide 44 Slide 3

4 Access to the LHD Admin website Go to the LHD Admin website at: Slide 4

5 Type in your User Name. Type in your Password. Note: Both are case-sensitive. Click the Log in button. Slide 5

6 Successful login will bring you to this screen. Slide 6

7 Click on the Go to ChildCare Assessment hyperlink (circled) Accessing Child Care Delinquent Lists Slide 7

8 This screen opens. Slide 8

9 Slide 9 In the Submission Status field, select Not Submitted (circled)

10 Select the Export to CSV button (circled). Slide 10

11 When the File Download pop-up opens and asks whether “to open or save this file?”, select Save. Slide 11

12 Set the location (circled) and name (arrow) for the saved file. The automatic default name is Output. Slide 12

13 Slide 13 Keep the file type as Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value (circled). Click the Save button (arrow) to save the file to your computer.

14 Once the file download is complete, select Open to open the file in Excel. Slide 14

15 Slide 15 This file contains the most recent list of non- reporting Child Care facilities in your county. The file contains:  Facility Name  Type (Head Start, public, private or unknown)  Physical Address  Mail Address  Contact Phone and Email  Facility Number  Submission Status Columns borders (red) can be expanded to reveal column information. To do so, double click on the ‘right’ column border and column will auto-expand.

16 On main page, choose Submission Status: Submitted - Worksheet Skipped (circled) Follow up on Child Care facilities with possible reporting errors Slide 16

17 Then select Facility Status: Active Slide 17

18 Next, click the Summary hyperlink (circled) for each Child Care facility listed. Slide 18

19 When the File Download pop- up appears, click the Open button (circled). Slide 19

20 The Facility Summary report opens. Slide 20

21 If any information is incorrectly reported, please contact the Child Care facility and ask them to correct their information The Child Care facility will need to email reporting- to regain access to correct the summary report Slide 21

22 Viewing your Child Care County-Level Summary Report On the main screen, select County Level Slide 22

23 Slide 23 Then click the Generate Report button (circled).

24 Slide 24 Your county-level Summary Report will autocalculate totals. Close out your browser to logout.

25 Click on the Generate List of Schools not reported hyperlink (circled) Slide 25 Accessing Kindergarten Delinquent Lists

26 Your county- specific delinquent list appears. Click the Export to CSV button (circled) to export the list. Slide 26

27 When the File Download pop- up opens and asks whether “to open or save this file?”, select Save. Slide 27

28 Slide 28 Set the location (circled) and file name (arrow) for the saved file. The default file name is Output, but you can change it to K Delinq List.

29 Keep the file type as Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value (circled). Click the Save button (arrow) to save the county delinquent list. Slide 29

30 Once the download is complete, click the Open button. Slide 30

31 Slide 31 This file contains the most recent list of non- reporting Kindergarten schools in your county. The file contains:  CoCode (county code), DistCode (district code), SchCode (school code)  CoName (county name), DistName (district name), SchName (school name)  PhysStreet (phys. street), PhysCity (physical city), PhysZip (physical zip)  MailStreet (mailing street), MailCity (mailing city), MailZip (mailing zip)  AC (area code), Phone (phone number)  Pub/Priv (public or private)  Rep (Field Representative)  Email (email address). Columns borders (red) can be expanded to reveal column information. To do so, double click on the ‘right’ column border and column will auto-expand.

32 Select Log Out (circled) to leave the website. Slide 32

33 After login, click on the Go to ChildCare Assessment hyperlink (circled) Accessing 7 th -12 th Grade Delinquent Lists Slide 33

34 Click on the Go To 7-12 th Grade WebSite hyperlink (circled). Slide 34

35 Slide 35 For a delinquent list of schools with 7-12 th Grades, click the Generate List of Schools not reported hyperlink.

36 Slide 36 Your county- specific 7-12 th Grade delinquent list will appear.

37 Select the Export to CSV button (circled). Slide 37

38 When the File Download pop- up menu ask asks whether “to open or save this file?”, click the Save button (circled). Slide 38

39 Set the location (circled) and file name (arrow) for the saved file. The default file name is Output, but you can change it to 7_12 Delinq List. Slide 39

40 Keep the file type as Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Value (circled). Click the Save button (arrow). Slide 40

41 Once the download is complete, select Open (circled) Slide 41

42 Slide 42 This file contains the most recent list of non- reporting 7-12 th Grade schools in your county. The file contains:  CoCode (county code), DistCode (district code), SchCode (school code)  CoName (county name), DistName (district name), SchName (school name)  PhysStreet (phys. street), PhysCity (physical city), PhysZip (physical zip)  MailStreet (mailing street), MailCity (mailing city), MailZip (mailing zip)  AC (area code), Phone (phone number)  Pub/Priv (public or private)  Rep (Field Representative)  Email (email address). Columns borders (red) can be expanded to reveal column information. To do so, double click on the ‘right’ column border and column will auto-expand.

43 Select Log Out (circled) to leave the website. Slide 43

44 For technical help or questions Call: 510.620.3757 or 510.620.3746 Slide 44

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