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DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April.

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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April 6, 2009

2 2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Historic, One-time Investment Over $100 billion education investment Historic opportunity to stimulate economy and improve education Success depends on leadership, judgment, coordination, and communication

3 3 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Guiding Principles

4 4 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Improve the Collection and Use of Data Support Struggling Schools Enhance Academic Standards and Assessments Achieve Equity In Teacher Distribution and Teacher Quality Advance Core Reforms: Assurances

5 5 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Significant Impact on High Needs Schools’ Budgets Additional funds available through ARRA over 2 years

6 6 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education PK-12 ARRA Formula Funds $3.5 Billion Funding CategoryAll StatesFloridaRecipientAvailable Stabilization Fund - Education (81.8%) $39.8B $2.2 BGov. 67% April 33% Fall Title I, Part A Recovery Funds $10 B $492.5 MSEA 50% April 50% Fall IDEA Part B grants to States $11.3 B $627.2MSEA 50% April 50% Fall IDEA Part B preschool grant $400 M $19.7MSEA 50% April 50% Fall School Lunch Equipment Grant (competitive sub-grant) $100 M $5.4MSEA100% April Education for homeless children and youths $70 M $3.1MSEA100% April Title I - School Improvement Grants $3 B $142.7MSEA100% Fall Educational Technology State Grants $650 M $30.3MSEA100% Fall

7 7 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education PK-12 ARRA Competitive Funds Funding CategoryAll StatesFloridaRecipientAvailable Stabilization Fund – Incentive Grant - “Race to the Top” $4.35 B TBD SEAFall 2009 Stabilization Fund – Innovation fund - “Invest in what works and innovation” $650 M TBD LEA or non profit TBD Title VIII - Impact Aid Construction (60% competitive) $100 M TBD LEA 40% in March 60% TBD Title V- Teacher Incentive Fund $200 M TBD SEAFall 2009 Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants $100 M TBD IHEFall 2009 Longitudinal Statewide Data System / Inst. of Education Sciences $250 M TBD SEAFall 2009

8 8 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Balance Speed and Effectiveness Balance speed and stimulus with careful planning and effective reforms States should award funds to LEAs as quickly as is prudent and LEAs should use funds expeditiously but sensibly LEA obligation timelines: –State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF): must be obligated by September 30, 2011 –Title I, Part A: in absence of a waiver, 85% by Sept 30, 2010; any remaining by Sept 30, 2011 –IDEA, Part B: majority during school years 2008/09 and 2009/10 and remainder by September 30, 2011

9 9 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Avoid “The Cliff” Maximize short-term investments with lasting results for: –students –teacher, school, and district capacity for improvement Minimize unsustainable ongoing commitments Integrate coherent improvement strategies that are aligned with the core reform goals

10 10 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Save and Create Jobs 1.Assign high-performing teachers to low-performing schools in tested areas. 2.Hire high-performing Teach for America (TFA) teachers in low- performing schools 3.Provide reading coaches and other appropriate coaches for all schools with focus on low-performing schools. 4.Provide district and school-level Response to Intervention (RtI) trained facilitators with focus on low-performing schools 5.Provide student services personnel for all schools with a focus on low- performing schools Provide social workers and psychologists at all Title I and Correct II schools to address attendance, intervention strategies, testing/placement, RtI, and Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

11 11 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Save and Create Jobs 6. Provide related services personnel for students with disabilities at all schools in order to provide services/therapies identified on the students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs); provide paraprofessionals in accordance with the students’ IEPs; and provide a full-time Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist at all Title I schools and schools with more than 20% ESE enrollment 7.Increase Public School PreK to full day (VPK half-day, Title-I or IDEA PreK the remainder) during the school year in low- performing schools

12 12 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles Professional Development 8.Provide intensive professional development focused on the language arts standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities and English Language Proficient (ELP) standards for ELL students 9.Provide intensive professional development focused on the math standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities (including teachers of SWD and ELL) 10. Provide intensive professional development focused on the science standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities (including teachers of SWD and ELL) 11.Implement and provide professional development on the new reading assessment 12.Provide intensive professional development in Positive Behavior Support (PBS).

13 13 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles Technology 13. Provide necessary technology tools and other teaching resources (including appropriate accommodations and assistive technology) for reading, math and science for all students including ELL and SWD. 14. Bring schools and districts up to readiness level in technology (student/computer ratio; adequate data connection, appropriate capacity caching and proxy servers, etc.) To track student performance on all curriculum standards and in the accelerated programs To collect accurate and timely formative student performance data To access computer-based testing needs 15. Enhance the collection and reporting of data to provide accessibility and transparency for use of funds

14 14 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Increase Access to Rigorous Courses 16. Increase student participation in more rigorous advanced courses International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Advanced International Certificate of Education, Dual Enrollment and Industry Certification Insure access by increasing classes and programs offered in accelerated programs Increase online opportunities Provide Professional Development for more teachers and counselors in those acceleration programs Plan additional parent information efforts Increase the availability of accelerated c0-curricular activities

15 15 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Quality Educators 17.Provide mentoring and induction for new and struggling teachers. 18.Provide teachers with the professional development necessary and/or with reimbursement for courses and certification examinations upon completion to become highly-qualified Provide incentives for Reading Endorsement, ESOL Endorsement, Content-area certification for ESE teachers

16 16 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Leadership 19. Provide professional development to leadership teams that includes: monitoring instruction, lesson study, RtI, and how to schedule a school to provide embedded time for professional development and intervention. 20.Provide performance bonus pay for high-performing leadership teams and assign them to lowest-performing schools Other: 21.Other district-determined focused strategies aligned to the assurances and principles.

17 DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication IDEA, CEIS and ARRA Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, Cooperative Early Intervention Services and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009

18 18 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Supplement not Supplant This federal requirement is designed to ensure that the services provided with Federal dollars are in addition to, and DO NOT replace (supplant) the services that students would otherwise receive. (DOE 900e p. 2) Federal funds are for the additional supports and programs that go above an beyond the minimum requirements statutorily required for students.

19 19 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Supplement vs. Supplant Title I, III and IDEA may not be used in the following situations (DOE 900e p.3)  The intervention is required by law  Intervention is part of the core instruction  Federal funds may not be used to replace any interventions were previously funded with district, state and local funds the previous year may. **Note: the rules for supplanting differ between IDEA and Title I

20 20 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Core Instruction Core Instruction includes, all students receiving high-quality instruction, research based Core Instruction in the regular classroom. Core Instruction includes whole group and small group instruction (such as reading groups) available for ALL students. Because Core Instruction is provided for ALL students, IDEA, Title I and Title III may not be used to fund core instruction.

21 21 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education CEIS ( Coordinated Early Intervening Services) CEIS IS used for:  High Quality Research Based interventions  Progress Monitoring & Supports  Professional Development CEIS is NOT used for:  Identified Special Needs Students (ESE)  Small group Instruction  Screenings

22 22 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education CEIS Requirement (34 CFR 300.646(b)(2) Monroe County has been identified by the State with a disproportionality based on race/ ethnicity and discipline rates of ESE students. Monroe County is therefore required to utilize the maximum amount of funds under CEIS. That exact amount as calculated by the FDOE is $16,594.00 (PK) $532,729.00 (IDEA) both amounts are to cover the next two years of CEIS. The guidance states specifically, “the children in the identified groups should be targeted”.

23 23 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education ARRA funds & IDEA  Unlike CEIS which is for NON –ESE, IDEA Federal funds must be used to provide the additional supports and services above and beyond the required for students WITH special needs.  IDEA is a Federal grant that currently provides, occupational, physical and speech therapists, psychologists, teaching assistants, staffing specialists, behavioral specialist, transition for the 18-22 year olds, equipment, supplies etc.. Over 95% of the federal IDEA grant goes to directly support the schools and programs.

24 24 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education ARRA Federal Funds  On top of the annual funding we receive for special programs and services (IDEA) we now provided additional ARRA funds. These extra funds are available for additional, temporary funding through the ARRA grant.  While the requirements for data keeping and reporting for IDEA are extensive we will have the additional and far greater scope of monitoring ARRA funds.  The guidance regarding ARRA funds and data reporting are “considered to be far more intensive than even the existing federal grants”.

25 25 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education ARRA  The ARRA funds follow the same statutory requirements as IDEA and strict adherence will be monitored when providing FAPE for ESE students.  Funds are to be used for the supplemental supports and services above what the district currently provides. With the “focus on improving teaching and learning for students with disabilities”.  Recommendations for ARRA funds are : Professional Development for school staff, materials, PCM, PBS, RTI (which is mandated in 2010), improving student achievement, avoid layoffs and to create jobs that can be sustained once the grant is terminated.

26 26 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education ARRA  Strong caution has been issued to districts regarding use of ARRA funding. First -follow the IDEA guidelines, secondly, do not set up a cliff.  The funds are to cover the next two years only. Also, “federal funds may not provide services to non disabled students, including gifted”. (DOE 900e p.3)  Districts are expected to use the funds wisely and ensure that when the grant period ceases that there will not be significant layoffs, or disruption on services.

27 27 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I, Part A - ARRA Funds - Monroe First 50% ARRASecond 50% ARRATOTAL ARRA Reserve for 2009-10 2010-11? ALLOCATION Set-Asides:346,429 692,858 346,429 HQT5% 17,321 34,643 17,321 Parent Involvement1% 3,464 6,929 3,464 SINI PD10% 34,643 69,286 34,643 CWT5% FL DOE submitting for waiver on the 20% CWT & SES set-aside - - - SES5% - - - CWT & SES10% - - - Homeless Non-Title I schls?? - Neg & Delinq - Non-Title I??__________________________________ - Total Set-Asides 55,429 110,858 55,429 Available for allocation: $291,000 582,000$291,000 Allocation minus Mini-application now to request first 50%2010-11 reserve Title I application due in June must include both the first & second 50% Use 2 nd 50% for 2010-11 school year

28 28 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUDGET NARRATIVE FORM C) TAPS NUMBER A) ____________________________________________ Name of Eligible Applicant B) ____________________________________________ D) SPECIAL REVENUE FUND CODE Project Number: (DOE USE ONLY) Proposed Budget (1) ARRA (2) School or District-Based Expenditure (3) Program Set- Aside Code (4) Activity (5) Function (6) Object (7) Account Title and Description (8) FTE Position(s) (9) Amount Assurance Principle Strategy Job Code Saved Created Continued Total

29 29 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education  Funds must Supplement/Not Supplant Would the position be funded in the absence of Title I funds? If the answer is “Yes”, you’re supplanting! Would the purchase be made in the absence of Title I funds? If the answer is “Yes”, you’re supplanting!  District must have Maintenance of Effort and maintain Comparability District must continue to provide Title I schools with the funds they would have received in the absence of Title I funds.  Research-based or Proven programs and strategies Take into account the experience of model programs for the educationally disadvantaged, and the findings of relevant scientifically based research.

30 30 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Fiscal Reporting  Fiscal reporting requirements for these funds go above and beyond the routine fiscal reporting procedures  quarterly reporting of expenditures must be tied to the assurance, principles, and strategies associated with the ARRA programs  a unique final Project Expenditure Report format will be provided  FL Department of Education is creating a web-based system for reporting on expenditures to date for each of the proposed expenditures reflected in the approved project budget  Format is identical to the budget narrative in the project application  Report due to the FL DOE by the 5 th day of each month following the end of the quarter. Reporting dates are as follows: July 5, October 5, January 5, April 5

31 31 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education How will funds be used in Monroe? Principals are reviewing a packet issued by DOE identifying the principles and strategies for which the funds should be used to consider how funds may be used at their school or at district level. Some thoughts so far:  Summer School Program for Pre-K students entering Kindergarten in August  Extend school-year Pre-K program to a full-day Pre-K program at Title I schools  As Title I schools plan their program for the 2009-10 school year, identify  positions to be saved, created, or continued  professional development to be funded  instructional materials/software to be purchased

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