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“Shame” by Dick Gregory

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1 “Shame” by Dick Gregory
Class Critique “Shame” by Dick Gregory

2 Student Samples Almost there…

3 In the autobiographical narrative, “Shame”, Richard Gregory comments on the ignorance of the majority of society towards the suffering of the underprivileged through the use of details, dialogues, and anecdotes. Gregory’s usage of seemingly trivial details effectively elicits sympathy and connects on a deeper, emotional [level] with the readers. Gregory’s selective dialogue vividly portrays the exchange between characters as well as reflects their emotions. In the last anecdote Gregory insightfully reveals and emphasizes his negative opinion against society’s approach to aiding the disadvantaged.

4 “comments” = vague. What IS the comment? What is the PURPOSE?
Gregory comments on the ignorance of the majority of society towards the suffering of the underprivileged Gregory’s selective dialogue vividly portrays the exchange between characters as well as reflects their emotions. “comments” = vague. What IS the comment? What is the PURPOSE? TS should always connect back to device/effect in relation to the purpose. Additionally, the reader is incited by Gregory’s selective use of dialogue.

5 The whole essay is a string of anecdotes.
In the last anecdote Gregory insightfully reveals and emphasizes his negative opinion against society’s approach to aiding the disadvantaged. The whole essay is a string of anecdotes. “Reveals and emphasizes his negative opinion” is a set up for Gregory’s negative opinion--is that your goal in this response?

6 Dick Gregory successfully utilizes realistic imagery and dialogue in his autobiography “Shame” to invoke a feeling of empathy and understanding. Creates a general feeling of empathy? Be specific. Empathy for what or whom? Gregory’s use of vivid imagery appeals to the reader’s emotions by placing them at the scene. “placing them at the scene” = broad The dialogue throughout the narrative accurately reflects how various characters are treated by society, eliciting pathos from the reader.

7 BOB! Best of the bunch!

8 Gregory uses strong juxtaposition, varied sentence and paragraph structure, and simplistic diction throughout “Shame” to effectively illustrate the lack of sufficient action and compassion given to those in need. By juxtaposing the soft and kind nature associated with ideas such as school and goodwill with their harsh realities, Gregory establishes a powerful image of unsympathetic action. Gregory’s pairing of short and abrupt sentences and paragraphs with prolonged and anecdotal structure conveys a sense of impassion. Gregory’s diverse use of diction allows for a familiarizing account of his belief that the help given to the poor is often lacking in substance and emotion.

9 In his personal narrative, Dick Gregory uses chronological point of view and empathetic word choice evokes pathos in his readers which provokes personal reflection and immediate action. Gregory's use of differing point of view allows universal application for personal reflection. Gregory also utilizes precise word choice to strike sympathy with the reader, creating a sense of urgency and a call to action.

10 Through the use of repetition, juxtaposition and anecdotes, Gregory attempts to incite the reader into acting on feelings of compassion, but is unsuccessful and simply alienates and discomforts his readers. Gregory’s use of repetition effectively emphasizes specific points in the narrative, however it fails to invoke any sort of action instead inviting pity within the reader. Rather than shaping an effective picture of young Gregory’s situation, Gregory’s utilization of juxtaposition instead alienates the reader.

11 Need greater revisions
Student Samples Need greater revisions

12 Gregory uses foreshadowing to add to the suspense of the story.
In the personal narrative “Shame”, Dick Gregory uses foreshadowing and repetition to stir the emotions of the audience. No purpose is idenitfed; WHY does he want to create an emotional response from the reader? Also, word choice here is informal (“stir”) Gregory’s use of repetition emphasizes his ability to gain the sympathy of the reader. Again, WHY does he want to gain this sympathy? Gregory uses foreshadowing to add to the suspense of the story. Redundant. BY definition foreshadowing adds suspense. It is clear that this writer does not understand the purpose of Gregory’s piece nor the stylistic choices he has made to build his narrative. This is a good example of vague and unfocused writing. How do you avoid this? Close reading. Annotations. Participation in the discussions. Reread your response before submitting. Peer responses.

13 Gregory effectively uses sentence structure, dialogue, analogy and imagery to illicit ethos.
Is it possible to elicit credibility/character? As with the previous example, WHY does he want to do this? Missing the purpose. The use of ellipses and repetitive phrases to mimic the nature of a real life conversation, effectively avoiding the common pitfall of authors, fake and mundane dialogue. This isn’t a complete sentence… Generalizes/criticizes other writers (this isn’t your goal when responding about style Lacks a clear purpose Gregory incorporates imagery to make characters realistic, allowing readers to understand his position on the topic of charity. Doesn’t identify what his position is—purpose? 6th pd stopped here

14 In the chapter “Shame”, Dick Gregory uses different tones and descriptive dialogue to get his point of view across to the reader. What IS his point? Another example of not articulating your point. Gregory’s use of tone portrays the progression of his attitude throughout his childhood. Besides tone, Gregory also uses dialogue to strengthen the perspective of a seven-year-old child to illicit an emotional response from the reader. Overall this outline does not establish Gregory’s overall purpose. What would these bosy paragraphs discuss?

15 Through his use of pathos, dialogue, and repetition, Gregory encourages the readers to reflect on oneself and one’s treatment of others. This works as a purpose, especially is it’s developed in subsequent blocks. Gregory’s use of pathos causes the reader to pity him and his situation, triggering one’s heart and emotions. Is this really Gregory’s purpose? Does he want you to feel sorry for him? WHY? (that is the real purpose). By using dialogue, Gregory emphasizes his innocence and brings the reader to that time and place. As with the earlier example, WHY does Gregory want to bring you into the story? Remember, this is the goal of every narrative. (2nd period ended here)

16 Dick Gregory uses dialogue, repetition and pathos to connect his character with the reader.
The use of dialogue portrays the character’s traits so that the reader can understand the character. The use of repetition emphasizes the problems that Richard experiences. Again, an example of the missing purpose: WHY does he want to “connect his character with the reader”? Why does he want the reader to understand the character or emphasize the problems he experiences?

17 The author Dick Gregory uses pathos and anecdotes in order to emotionally bring the reader to the story and that all people have prejudice. By the use of the wino anecdote at the end of the story, Gregory causes the reader to look within himself and see the universal prejudice without the anecdote the reader would overlook the purpose of the story. Dialogue is used in order to make a much more intimate encounter rather than a narration. Thesis starts to get at theme with the closing clause. TS #1 would not be fully fleshed out as a paragraph, they need to have more than one example and they need to be able to Discuss it at some length. TS #2 is too general.

18 With the use of point of view, dialogue, and metaphors, Dick Gregory makes us pity young Richard throughout the story. Dick Gregory uses Richard’s seven-year-old point of view to make us pity Richard. Gregory uses dialogue to emphasize Richard’s ignorance about the world. This whole outline gets at “story” rather than purpose; the pity is not the purpose; also quite general in the claims it establishes

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