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Presented by: Matjaž Mikac, IM & FT Chess in School Slovenia.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Matjaž Mikac, IM & FT Chess in School Slovenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Matjaž Mikac, IM & FT Chess in School Slovenia

2 Situation before the project Idea, talks with FIDE Survey among schools Translation of book Marketing Start of project among schools Start of project among students Chess in School Slovenia

3 Situation before the project - Number of children playing chess in school was falling every year. - We didnt have any reference book – teachers were teaching as they knew, students didnt have any class book. - We couldnt organize official training, because government applied such rules, that it would be too costly, time consuming, etc. - Results at international chess competitions were getting worse every year. - It was time to MAKE A MOVE!

4 Idea, talks with FIDE FIDE project was perfect for us! We were discussing possibilities of our cooperation from start of 2011, but the decision to start a project was on the last day of March. So, we had only 5 months to prepare everything to start the project on 1st September (school start) Here is how we started the project – timeline:

5 450 elementary schools in Slovenia, 150 answered: Would schools be interested to teach chess in school if we gave them equipment? What kind of equipment would they need? Who would teach chess? Employed at school or external chess mentors? April: Survey Chess sets and demo table Yes! 66% employed at school Along with survey we also introduced the project to all schools, with our wish to bring chess to all Slovenian elementary schools.

6 We decided to immediately translate the book prepared by FIDE. May: Translation

7 We had several meetings at the Ministry of Education and Sports and they said they approve our project. Yet, we wanted written support! We received written support from Minister just few days before we started the project live (end of August). Unfortunately it was only declarative support, but anyway it helped us a lot! May-August: Ministry

8 We prepared the promotion in advance (during summer), but we didnt make any announcement before the start of project. Reasons: equal chances for schools to get equipment major news at the start of school year time to prepare project Promotion

9 Friday, 26th August: Registration form to all 450 schools (by post) Special web site published Major news at (SLO chess portal) Mailing to all chess clubs Info through Facebook, Google+, Twitter Press release Start of project

10 First registrations from schools came on Monday, 29th August (1st day). 2nd day: 46 schools 3rd day: 76 schools 4th day at 11:30: 100 schools registered We kept track of registration order and we now have more than 200 schools registered for equipment (we already have list of next 100 CIS schools) Start of project

11 Along with registration every school obliged: to send one teacher to free seminar to teach chess at least once a week in school year (in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade: 7 – 9 years old) to promote FIDE Student Membership to inform us how many students attend chess classes In return schools received: 25 chess sets, demo table, teachers book + free seminar for teacher Registration

12 Free seminars We had 3 seminars for teachers: - Geographically spread in Slovenia: 3.9. in Celje, 10.9. in Postojna, and 17.9. in Ljubljana - Content: CIS project, meaning of chess (in general and in school), chess class (syllabus, didactics and samples) - Over 100 participants (many teachers teach in more than one school) - Teachers received teachers book (no cost of postage!) - Positive feedback: to book, to content of seminar and to CIS project

13 Chess Equipment Available from start of October: - No problem: chess classes usually start in October in most of the schools. - Schools had to pick up equipment at Chess Federation or pay the postage (15 EUR). - Within 14 days all equipment was distributed. - FIDE Student Membership program started at that time, so we redistributed also registration forms for children.

14 Registration to FIDE Student Membership was possible from the middle of October. Web registration was available from December. We had to take special care to payments for Premium membership: to send book and ID card next day we received payment Promotion mainly through teachers (problem of motivation for them). We also used: chess clubs, youth competitions, web sites (+Facebook), chess magazine: Šahovska misel, press releases etc. Project among children

15 Most children decide for Premium membership: school book (176 pages), plastic ID card, regular newsletters, full access to web site, FIDE Student rating for only 10 EUR! So far: 321 Premium members, 180 Basic members Many dont want to register during school year, so now its time to catch new members! Project among children

16 New in 2012/2013: Motivate teachers to sign up children to free Basic membership. With 30 children registered they get reward. Broader public promotion – especially on internet and social media Due to financial crisis government is cutting down costs for classes such as chess (and for external teachers). Prospect of special agreement with Ministry!?! Project in 2012/2013

17 Current internet promotion ( banner at one of most visited sites in Slovenia (similar to ebay) Project in 2012/2013

18 Idea, talks with FIDE Thank you for your attention! Register your child to

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