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News for food enterprises and retailers:

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Presentation on theme: "News for food enterprises and retailers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 News for food enterprises and retailers:
ISO PAS 220 = FSSC 22000 2nd qualityaustria Forum in Serbia, Belgrade

2 Content: Introduction: food safety issues and challenges Perspective of the consumers What are the retailers expectations and how do they react? Public, ISO and private Standards How to bridge the gap? From ISO FSSC 22000: Some special requirements of PAS and FS 22 What scheme should be choosen?

3 But there a much more: Dioxin, Listeria
We still have an hungry planet, but food safety is one of the big issues in the news Also allergens GFSI 2011, Author Marion Nestle

4 FOOD SAFETY Challenges!
Killed three people Sickened more than 300 others Consequences: dead and sickened people Some compares the actuell situation with nine eleven A few words to RASFF Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed RAPEX Alerts: Rapid Alert System for non-food dangerous products More and more alerts. People are not used to food recalls! Focus: EHEC. DIOXIN, Melamin, Salmonella, Listeria; foreign bodies, allergens, wrong declaration, food not complying to declaration etc

5 Sales are going down and the costs of recalls are uncredibly high
Image and brands are destroyed

6 What do consumers ask: Is our food reliable enough?
food scares Consumers!! But Food has to be cheap in Europe! Consumers ask for: Is our food reliable enough!!!

7 From the perspective of the Retailers!
Retailers are afraid of their private labels! How do Retailers take their responsibility?

8 Retailer Brand / private labels
Retailer brands are market sector leaders Brand ownership and loyalty is business critical increase of legal responsibilities for retailers regarding own labels name & shame policy by Media, NGO’s and by the government UK Retailers are unter Under Constant pressure Retailer are afraid for their private brands This is the key factor driving private standards!! for the final consumer the retailer becomes a product manufacturer! Due Diligence defence: principle: a defence for the person charged.. to prove that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence in the avoidance of failure… of food products to the consumer.

9 What consequences was taken by retailers?
- third party Audits - Development of retail driven private standards and to Benchmark the Certification schemes by GFSI

10 3 rd party Audits! .. to ensure that suppliers of own branded / retailer branded products are able to Supply safe products and Satisfy legislation Manufacturers has to maintain continuous certification Retailer do not accept a period without a valid certificate 3 rd Party Audits of Suppliers are a part of the due diligence requirements of the retailer!!! * Presentation Sainsbury’

11 Yves Rey GFSI Vice Chair
We can find a historical development and a movement to private and company standards What we can see is a development of different groups of standards: We are Starting with the basis texts of codex alimentarius and principle requirements for Hygiene and foodsafety Most of this principles are part of the worldwide food regulation and WTO Agreements. Most of the governments and countries , accreditation and standardisation bodies and manufacturers rely on trust in the ISO Organisation for many years. Nearly all Standardisation organisations are part of the democratic process of devoloping standards Yves Rey GFSI Vice Chair

12 Food regulation and food law
From public to private schemes! Groups and History of Standards and Schemes: WHO /FAO Codex Alimentarius documents with principles of food hygiene and HACCP Food regulation and food law International Standardisation Organisation ISO with ISO standards family and much more… Private Standards and GFSI recognised schemes Schemes: Standard and protocol (process of audits and certification) = scheme 12

13 What is GFSI? GFSI is a global food network made up of retailers, manufacturers, food services and other stakeholders worldwide. Primary goal: “Once certified, accepted everywhere” and Continuous improvement in FSMS to ensure confidence in the delivery of safe food to consumers GFSI "benchmarks" food standards against food safety criteria The food safety schemes currently benchmarked by GFSI include: Mission: “Continuous improvement in food safety management systems to ensure confidence in the delivery of safe food to consumers” GFSI Objectives: Convergence between food safety standards through maintaining a benchmarking process for food safety management schemes How does GFSI work? Benchmarks existing food safety schemes to determines whether a scheme is equivalent to the Guidance Document requirements Websites

14 GFSI recognised schemes:
Most of theme are private standards: GFSI Recognised Schemes: Manufacturing Schemes: BRC Global Standard Version 5 Dutch HACCP (Option B) FSSC 22000 Global Aquaculture Alliance BAP Issue 2 (GAA Seafood Processing Standard) Global Red Meat Standard Version 3 International Food Standard Version 5 SQF 2000 Level 2 Synergy 22000 Primary Production Schemes: CanadaGAP GlobalG.A.P IFA Scheme V3 General Regulations: V3.1_Nov09 (all scopes) Fruit and Vegetables: 3.0-2_Sep07 Livestock Base: 3.0-4_Mar10 Aquaculture - V1.02_March10 SQF 1000 Level 2 Primary and Manufacturing Scheme: PrimusGFS /PrimusGFS managed by Azzule Systems in Culiacan, Mexico


16 ISO FSSC 22000

17 ISO 22000 is not recognised by GFSI!
… ISO is not a legal entity, ISO do not have an owner! international “democratic” structure of ISO needs allways many years for amendments! ISO covers the whole food chain… That is why ISO itself could not include different and detailed PRP -prerequisite programs for foodsafety and can not be recognised by GFSI. PREVENTIVE PROGRAMMS are basic conditions and activities that are necessary to maintain a hygienic environment and safe food for human consumption Equivalent with good practises GMP, GAP, GHP Infrastructure

18 How to close the loop: Danone, Unilever, Kraft, Nestlé (Big 4) and CIAA Confederation of the Food und Drink Industry of the EU together with BSI has developed PAS 220 Yves Rey GFSI Vice Chair

19 PAS 220 Public available specification
PAS 220 has addressed the missing and important core elements in ISO under Clause 7.2.3 Could achieve Harmonization of food manufacturer’s PRP’s Directly addresses requirements of GFSI Follower: ISO 22002/1 Way to achieve /provides / by this / you can get!! That’s how you can get!!

20 PAS 220 = ISO : Gesamtaufbau: Die detaillierten Anforderungen der PAS 220 sind in Verbindung mit der ISO zu sehen. 4. a) construction and layout of buildings and associated utilities, 5. b) layout of premises, including workspace and employee facilities, c) supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities, d) supporting services, including waste and sewage disposal, e) suitability of equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and preventive maintenance, f) management of purchased materials, g) measures for the prevention of cross-contamination, h) cleaning and sanitizing, i) pest control, j) personnel hygiene. rework, product recall procedures, warehousing, product information and consumer awareness, = PAS 18: Food defense, biovigilance, bioterrorism

21 Yves Rey GFSI Vice Chair

22 FSSC 2000 certification process
certification audit in 2 stages Certificate valid for 3 years Annual surveillance audits and 3 yearly renewal NC: Minor, Major Certificate GFSI recognized Manufacturers that are certified against ISO will only need an additional PAS 220/ISO review Register of Certified Organizations on FSSC website

23 additional requirements to PAS 220
Rework, Warehousing Product information-/consumer awareness Food defense, biovigilance and bio-terrorism .. Have been incorpor-ated and others have been expanded

24 additional requirements to FS 22 legal requirements and Codex hygiene principles (e .g. laboratory facilities, allergen management) ..more detailed than legal requirements and Codex hygiene principles e.g. recall withdrawal also detailed in ISO 22000

25 FS 22 special requirements:
Specifications for services (including transport and maintenance) Organisations shall ensure Supervision of personnel in application of food safety principles and appropriate practices.. …shall have an Invent-ory of applicable regu-lations of the national and foreign, regulatory and statutory requirements

26 FSSC or ISO 22000? When choosing a certification scheme keep in mind that FSSC applies to manufacturers. If you are not a manufacturer, but are a company in the food chain, use ISO If you manufacture food products you have a choice of ISO or FSSC Determine which your customer base prefers. For GFSI recognition, choose FSSC

27 PAS requirements details
PAS requirements details! (presentation of depends on remaining time!) Rework (14: PAS) Not mentioned In ISO Codex hygiene gulde, EC 852/2004 Segregation requirements for rework (e.g. allergen) shall be documented and met. Rework shall be clearly identified and/or labelled to allow traceability. Traceability records for rework shall be maintained 14.3 Rework usage Where rework is incorporated into a product as an ”in-process” step, the acceptable quantity, type and conditions of rework use shall be specified.

28 PAS requirements details!
Warehousing (16: PAS) Effective control of warehousing temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions shall be provided where required by product or storage specifications. NOTE It is recommended that where products are stacked, consideration is given to measures necessary to protect the lower layers.

29 PAS requirements details!
Product information/consumer awareness (PAS 17) Information shall be presented to consumers in such a way as to enable them to understand its importance and make informed choices. Food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism (PAS 18) Each establishment shall assess the hazard to products posed by potential acts of sabotage, vandalism or terrorism and shall put in place proportional protective measures. 18.2 Access controls: Potentially sensitive areas within the establishment shall be identified, mapped and subjected to access control.

30 PAS requirements details!
Measures for prevention of cross contamination PAS 10 10.2 Microbiological cross contamination: separation of raw from finished or ready to eat (RTE) products; 10.3 Allergen management: Products shall be protected from unintended allergen cross contact by cleaning and line change-over practices and/or product sequencing. Rework containing allergen(s) shall be used only: a) in products which contain the same allergen(s) by design….

31 Quality Austria: Issued food safety certificates August 2011
Food safety system management/ Hygienemanagement: ISO 22000: 150 (Marocco, Serbia, Iran, Turkey, Italy) FSSC: 1 Agrana (international producer of fruit and starch); many requests international: Coca Cola / Airliquide HACCP: 301 including ISO (Hygiene of packaging material) IFS: 170 IFS Logistic: 8 BRC Global standard food: 61, BRC/GS packaging: 18; FACE (spain scheme, free of allergens / gluten): 2 August 2011: 1469 issued certificates for the Food Scope; ISO 9001: 609; ISO 14000: 92 726 certificates for food safety schemes (inkl.primary production); Kundenliste food safety management systems Nachfrage anhand der Quality Austria Statistik: FACE: Standard des spanischen Zöliakie Verbandes EN 15593: Hygienemanagement bei der Herstellung von Lebensmittelverpackungen

32 Thank you very much for your attention! Questions?

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