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Promoting the Culture of Research for Graduate Students: Supportive Faculty Research Diane L. Stuenkel EdD, RN Phyllis M. Connolly PhD, APRN, BC, CS Jayne.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting the Culture of Research for Graduate Students: Supportive Faculty Research Diane L. Stuenkel EdD, RN Phyllis M. Connolly PhD, APRN, BC, CS Jayne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting the Culture of Research for Graduate Students: Supportive Faculty Research Diane L. Stuenkel EdD, RN Phyllis M. Connolly PhD, APRN, BC, CS Jayne M. Cohen DNSc, RNC

2 Master’s Outcomes & Competencies  “Apply critical thinking and ethical decision-making including the use of the nursing and research processes.” (SON, SJSU)  Write & communicate effectively—identify a clinical problem, demonstrate an understanding of the research related to this problem, critically analyze the problem and current knowledge, and develop a strategy for incorporation of the research into the treatment regimen (AACN, 1996)

3 Scholarship  Defined according to Boyer’s Model of Discovery (1990).  Includes 4 Categories: TeachingTeaching DiscoveryDiscovery ApplicationApplication IntegrationIntegration

4 Student Outcome Graduate Program Submission of manuscript to professional journal is the culminating activity demonstrating advanced practice competency in critical thinking, communication, therapeutic nursing interventions, and research

5 Research Projects  Staff Nurse Work Setting Study II  Omaha Outcome Study

6 Benefits -- Students Opportunity for “hands-on” experience Opportunity for “hands-on” experience Facilitates IRB approval Facilitates IRB approval Mentoring by experienced faculty Mentoring by experienced faculty Collaboration with additional experts (statisticians, editors, etc.) Collaboration with additional experts (statisticians, editors, etc.) Link research to area of interest Link research to area of interest

7 Benefits -- Faculty  Assistance with workload  Links research to practice setting  Supports nursing research  Keeps research skills honed  Opportunity for publication by collaborating on manuscripts (Boyer’s Scholarship of Teaching)  Supports goals of the graduate program  Provides role-modeling and mentoring for students

8  Stay within the original IRB boundaries  Set clear expectations for graduate students  Delineate intellectual property guidelines  Establish a conflict resolution guideline

9 Results  Involved 14 graduate students  Exposed several cohorts of undergraduate students to research  2 undergraduates assisted with survey packet preparation

10 Presentations  Stuenkel, D., Cohen, J., Connolly, P., Saylor, C., Gorenberg, B., & de la Cuesta, K. (May 26, 2005). The global workforce: Generational influences on nurse retention, International Council of Nursing Research Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.  Atencio, B., Stuenkel, D., Cohen, J., Connolly, P., Saylor, C., & Gorenberg, B. (April 29, 2004). Staff nurse perceptions of their work settings: Implications for nurse managers, Mapping the Future Through Research Day, Oakland, California.  Connolly, P., Stuenkel, D., Cohen, J, Saylor, C., & Gorenberg, B. (October 30, 2003). Staff nurse work settings: Factors that may influence nurse retention, UCSF/Stanford Research Day, San Francisco, California.  Stuenkel, D., Cohen, J., Connolly, P., Saylor, C., Gorenberg, B. (June 29,2003). Addressing the Nursing Shortage Through Retention, International Council of Nursing Research Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.

11 Publications  Barrera, C., Machanga, M., Connolly, P.M., & Yoder, M. (2003). Nursing care makes a difference: Application of the Omaha documentation system. Outcomes Management, 70 (4), 181 -185.  Peterson, M., Cohen, J. & Parsons, V. (2004). Family-centered care: Do we practice what we preach? Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 33(4), 421-427.  Atencio, B., Cohen, J., & Gorenberg, B. (2003). Nurse retention: Is it worth it? Nursing Economic$, 21(6), 262-268, 299.  Potolsky, A., Cohen, J., & Saylor, C. (2003). Academic performance of nursing students: Do prerequisite grades and tutoring make a difference? Nursing Education Perspectives, 24(5), 246-250.

12  Stuenkel, D. L., Cohen, J., & de la Cuesta, K. A. (2005, In Press). The multigenerational nursing workforce: Essential differences in perception of work environment. Journal of Nursing Administration (July/August).  Hayhurst, A., Saylor, C., & Stuenkel, D. (2005, In Press). Work environmental factors and retention of nurses. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, (June).  Brotherton-Sedano, P., Stuenkel, D., & Parsons, V. (2005, January). Demographics and perceptions of work environment for registered nurses. Submitted to the Online Journal of Nursing Research.  Staten, D., Mangalindin, M., Saylor, C., & Stuenkel, D. (2003). Staff nurse perceptions of the work environment: A comparison among ethnic backgrounds. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 16(3),202-208.

13 Conclusions  Beneficial for both students and faculty  Promote on-going interest in nursing research  Contribute to the growing body of nursing knowledge

14 Promoting the Culture of Research for Graduate Students: Supportive Faculty Research Thank you – on behalf of the San Jose State University School of Nursing faculty-student research groups: Dr. Jayne Cohen, Dr. Daryl Canham, Dr. Phyllis Connolly, Dr. Bobbye Gorenberg, Ms. Peg Mayer, Dr. Christine Hooper, Dr. Elizabeth Dietz, Dr. Irene Lewis, Dr. Chia-Ling Mao, Dr. Virgil Parsons, Dr. Susan Murphy, Dr. Suzanne Malloy, Dr. Rosemary Mann, Dr. Kathy Abriam-Yago, Dr. Colleen O’Leary-Kelley, Dr. Irene Gonzales, Ms. Karen Ketner, Dr. Karen Bawel-Brinkley, Dr. Coleen Saylor, Dr. Diane Stuenkel, Dr. Jean Sullivan, Ms. Toni Taylor, Ms. Mahra Teikmanis, Dr. Marian Yoder, Dr. Virginia Young Questions?

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