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Changes in Sociometric Status Following Drama Education: A Longitudinal Study in Czech Republic Širůček, J. Masaryk University, Faculty.

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1 Changes in Sociometric Status Following Drama Education: A Longitudinal Study in Czech Republic Širůček, J. ( Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno, Czech republic

2 Special thanks... To professor Peter K. Smith (University of London, Department of psychology) For patient help with an abstract of this paper

3 Drama education in Czech schools  10 years of experience with drama education in CZ  Drama education is not a common part of curriculum  Implemented as consequence of changes in “general school education plans”, pronouncing core competencies:  Communication skills  Social and personal skills  Learning skills  Problem solving skills  Civic skills  Work skills ... In addition to conservative focus on frontal teaching and knowledge, typical for Czech school system

4 Ways and methods of drama education  Game play, dramatic etudes and theatre performances support growth of core competencies by  Experience with wording own opinions & listening and appraising to others` opinions (communication skills)  Role-taking in game play makes new emotional experience accessible (social and personal skills)  Information seeking & processing enhance learning skills  Analysis of social conflicts in drama etudes affects problem solving skills  Moral aspects of drama education scenarios & open theatre performances for broader school community supports civic skills  Preparation of stage decorations, costumes etc. encourage work skills  As result, global positive changes in social relations in classes are expected  And dramatic etudes could be used in constructive solving of specific conflicts or difficult social situations happening in everyday life in classroom

5 Research aim & design  Evaluate possible changes in peer relations related to drama education implementation  With special respect to problematic social relations in classes  Two-wave longitudinal study with control group

6 Two-wave longitudinal study  4 intervention classes & 4 control classes:  Matched by grade  2 fifth-grade classes (N=21 & N=28)  4 sixth-grade classes (N=47 & N=43)  2 seventh-grade classes (N=23 & N=29)  Control classes were from same school as experimental  Selection of intervention classes:  Based on school headmasters` reference  Classes with suspect onset of bullying or with difficult social relations within pupils  Without any previous experience drama education  Without any previous or currently running preventive program focused on social relations or bullying  Headmasters reference based on reports of class teachers & educational counselors (school psychologist not present)  Selection of control classes  Classes considered as “healthy” in terms of social relations  Again based on school headmasters` reference  1st wave of date collection in September 2008, 2nd at the end of June 2009

7 Drama education implementation  Instructors:  Four PhD students of special pedagogy  3-4 years of experience with drama education  All of them active teachers on another schools than those in sample  Provided with regular supervision (monthly meetings with their leader)  Participated voluntarily on project, with only a symbolic reward  Drama education in intervention classes:  Two hours each two weeks  Drop-outs of hours occurred in all classes, about 10% of time

8 Method - Nomination technique (NT)  Set of 18 items, based on tool traditionally used by Czech school psychologist in assessment of peer relations  Enriched by more items to ensure better reliability and wider interpretation  2 cumulative scales  Prosocial behavior (K = 8; alpha = 0,91)  Items as “who is helpful?” or “who is trustworthy?”  Conflict behavior (K = 8; alpha = 0,93)  Items as “who starts quarrels or hassles?” or “who is hostile toward others?”  2 single questions  Influence: “who has influence on others?”  Dismissal: “who is only for himself?”  Dimensional structure  Prosocial & conflicts scales linearly independent (r = 0,12)  Prosocial & influence in mediocre correlation (r = 0,30)  Conflicts & dismissal highly correlated (r = 0,8!)  Lack of valid scale of social isolation  Strengths and difficulties questionnaire (Goodman), completed by class teacher  Perceived peer relations questionnaire & state anxiety scale included as self-report  Data still not available for analysis

9 Results – group comparison  Control group:  Influence (p = 0,008; Cohen`s D = 0,36)  Intervention group:  Prosocial behavior (p = 0,018; Cohen`s D = 0,16)  Conflict behavior (p = 0,009; Cohen`s D = 0,22)  Influence (p = 0,018; Cohen`s D = 0,32)

10 Prosocial behavior – class comparison  Control group:  3 significant effects, 2 increases & 1 decrease in class means  Intervention group:  2 significant effects, both slightly increasing  2 “stability” lines  Greater variability of changes in control group

11 Conflict behavior – class comparison  Control group:  3 significant effects, 2 increases & 1 decrease in class means again  Intervention group:  3 significant effects, all increasing  Greater variability of changes in control group again  1 stability line in both groups

12 Influence – class comparison  Control group:  2 significant effects, 1 extreme increase (Cohen`s D = 2,45!) & 1 slight increase  2 stability lines  Intervention group:  3 significant effects, all with mediocre increasing  Greater variability of changes in control group again

13 Discussion of results  In intervention vs. control group comparison,  Medium increasing effects were found in prosocial behavior, conflict behavior and influence in experimental group  Surprisingly, also “negative” effect of increased rate of conflict behavior  In control group, influence increased only  First interpretation:  Drama education positively affects children`s social skills  Increase in prosocial behavior reflects drama education`s focus on expressing own emotions and understanding others  These growing capacities results in more prosocial behavior in peer group  Increase in conflict behavior is interpreted as growing self-confidence and ability to openly name problematic or unwanted behavior in group of peers  Pupils are more willing to indicate problem behavior in nomination technique ... And possibly to face it in active way, which leads to more conflicts in class

14 Discussion of results  But... What about those inconsistencies between specific classes?  Higher variability of spontaneous changes in control group  2 increasing & 1 decreasing trend in both prosocial and conflict scale  Group comparison results are consequence of higher variance of scores in control group, wave 3  Exactly, results are caused by strong decrease in only one class  Based on this (small) sample, no strong support for drama education effect is evident  Maybe NT is not the right tool?  NT measures outcomes only, social processes leading to outcomes are hidden in “black box”  More intensive research is needed  Focused on more on social process, and not only outcomes of drama education  Qualitative research based on observation


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