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Troubles with Trajectories: Challenges to Longitudinal Research on Mental Health William R. Avison, PhD, FCAHS Departments of Sociology, Paediatrics, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Troubles with Trajectories: Challenges to Longitudinal Research on Mental Health William R. Avison, PhD, FCAHS Departments of Sociology, Paediatrics, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubles with Trajectories: Challenges to Longitudinal Research on Mental Health William R. Avison, PhD, FCAHS Departments of Sociology, Paediatrics, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics Western University Chair, Division of Children’s Health & Therapeutics Children’s Health Research Institute Assistant Director Lawson Health Research Institute London Health Sciences Centre/St. Joseph’s Health Care


3 SURVEY RESEARCH IN MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH  Multi-wave, multi-level longitudinal surveys  Multiple informants  Dimensional and categorical measures of mental health  Social, economic, family, school, and neighborhood contexts  Data linkage  Biological samples

4 Have technical advances in longitudinal data collection and analyses overtaken conceptual models of change?  “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” Abraham Kaplan, 1964; Abraham Maslow, 1966: The Law of the Instrument  Scientists from all disciplines who use multivariate techniques have been guilty of: - spray and pray analyses - capitalizing on chance - kitchen sink analyses - dredge and hedge  “If you torture the data long enough, sooner or later they will confess” Ronald Coase, 1960s; Peter Rossi, 1980s

5 A FRAMEWORK  Jacob Cohen (1990) “Things I Have Learned (So Far).”American Psychologist 45:1304-12  less is more  simple is better  some things you learn aren’t so  Carol S. Aneshensel (2013). Theory-Based Data Analysis for the Social Sciences. Second Edition

6 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS  Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)  evidence of perinatal influences is mixed  problem of G-E correlations  alternative explanations  Donofrio et al. (2014), Child Development Perspectives  The neuroinflammation hypothesis  Miller, Chen, and Parker (2011), Psychological Bulletin  childhood maltreatment  low SES  biological embedding of childhood adversity

7 LBW SGA IUGR Childhood Onset of Elevated Inflammatory Response Social Structure in Adulthood Mental Health Problems in Adulthood Parental SES Adversities Stress Elevated Inflammatory Response in Adulthood Adversities Stress

8 WHAT IS THE GOAL? ADVERSITIES DISADVANTAGES MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Neuroinflammation Processes  Identification of risk factors  Explanation of how disadvantage “gets under the skin”

9 LIFE COURSE PERSPECTIVES  Life course epidemiology  critical period models  accumulation of risk models  Eco-social or multi-level developmental models  Bronfenbrenner  Hertzman

10 WHAT CAN A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE CONTRIBUTE?  The stress process across the life course  the stress process paradigm (Leonard Pearlin)  what are the consequences of social structure for individuals’ mental health? STRESSORS MEDIATORS MENTAL HEALTH SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATUSES

11 STRESS AND THE LIFE COURSE  Status and role changes over the life course generate different stressors and condition differential access to mediating resources (Pearlin and Skaff 1996)  The life course perspective in the sociology of mental health  Interplay of individual lives and historical times  The timing of lives (transitions)  Linked lives  Human agency

12  The long arm of childhood (Hayward and Gorman, 2004)  cumulative burden of adversity  the impact of early mental illness  Turning points or transitions in children’s lives  school entry  changing schools  moving to a different neighborhood  addition and subtraction to the household  parental job loss  poverty  child care  Linked lives  parental mental health  parenting  parents’ jobs and children’s lives

13 TRAJECTORIES IN MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH  Trajectories of symptoms  Trajectories of diagnosed episodes  Trajectories of social experiences  Trajectories of psychosocial resources  Trajectory of mastery, agency

14 CAUTIONS ABOUT TRAJECTORIES  Limited number of data points  data points may not correspond to role transitions  Sample acquisition bias and attrition bias  who volunteers? who persistently participates?  Source of reports about children’s lives change over the life course  Sparse data for analyses of trajectories of diagnosed illness  Eaton et al. (2008) – 1071 participants in 1993 Baltimore ECA  23 year prospective study  only 92 had a first episode of MDD  50% recovered with no remission  35% had at least one recurrent episode  15% had unremitting depression  The high prevalence of flat trajectories of continuous measures and sparse trajectories of change

15 GROWTH CURVE ANALYSES or GROWTH MIXTURE MODELS WITH LATENT CLASSES  Wickrama et al. (2008), Family Transition Project  485 adolescents over 10 years (1989 – 2001)  depression subscale from SCL-90-R (range 13 – 65)  comparison of traditional growth curve analysis of entire sample with latent class clusters derived from growth mixture models







22  Lessons we can learn  both GCA and GMM with latent clusters are wholesale data reduction techniques  latent cluster approaches may help us reduce massive heterogeneity of change over time into meaningful trajectories  we can then estimate how these trajectories are associated with  antecedent transitions  consequent social outcomes  other concomitant trajectories

23 5 10 15 20 25 T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 Early Onset 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% MDD CES-D 16% 31% 32% 21%

24  More progress with conceptually or theoretically driven research on trajectories  DOHaD  the neuroinflammation hypothesis  ecological or multilevel developmental models  life course epidemiology  life course sociology  Enables the testing of alternative hypotheses which is the goal of good science


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