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WebFOCUS Update: Location Intelligence Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 1 Dan Ortolani Vice President, Advanced Technology Services.

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Presentation on theme: "WebFOCUS Update: Location Intelligence Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 1 Dan Ortolani Vice President, Advanced Technology Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebFOCUS Update: Location Intelligence Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 1 Dan Ortolani Vice President, Advanced Technology Services

2 Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 2  Information Builders and ESRI Partnership: Sunny Sangha  New WebFOCUS/ESRI Integration Capabilities: Dan Ortolani  Demonstration, Q&A: Mithu Datta, Steve Zirkiev WebFOCUS Location Intelligence Update: ESRI Integration Key Topics & Information Builders Presenters

3 Information Builders and ESRI Partnership Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 3 Sunny Sangha

4 Partnership Overview  IBI and ESRI partnership established in March 2002 – over 8 years of experience working together  Partnership supported by Gerry Cohen, CEO-IBI and Jack Dangermond, CEO-ESRI and other senior executives  We have over 400 joint customers  IBI has trained Development, Field and Support staff  IBI has OEM rights to resell ESRI products with WebFOCUS  IBI has integrated its products with ESRI products and maintains it on an on-going basis

5 Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 5 Value Proposition Top 3 Reasons Why ESRI customers choose WebFOCUS 1. Enhanced decision making capabilities that combine the power of BI analysis with GIS Analysis  GBIS includes a flexible and feature-rich reporting environment that enables users to intuitively assimilate geographical information. 2. Direct, real time access to ESRI and non-ESRI data for operational reporting and dashboards  Reduce cost and risk of staging data with ETL or home grown procedures  Report off of data where it resides  More accurate information for all business users 3. Powerful Adhoc Query Capabilities  Users can build their own adhoc queries and formatted reports and display results on a map to analyze physical information. Data Ware- houses Legacy Systems CRM Systems Custom Systems ERP Systems Management Employees Partners Customers

6 Key points that differentiate us from others  Dynamically change map attributes  Active reports support  Bi-directional capabilities  Zoom capability  WF identity function works with ESRI identity function  Map layers are stored in standard ArcGIS MXD files  Deploy existing map as Map Service  Support multiple Map Services  State Plain Coordinate System

7 New WebFOCUS/ESRI Integration Capabilities Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 7

8 WebFOCUS Today Core BI + Extended BI Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 8 Reporting Query & AnalysisDashboards InformationDelivery PerformanceManagement EnterpriseSearchMagnify Visualization & Mapping MobileApplications App/Dev, Portals & Mash-ups PredictiveAnalyticsRSTAT MS Office & e-Publishing Front Office Extended BI Core BI Business to Business Data Warehouse & ETL DataMigrator Master Data Management Data Quality Business Activity Monitoring Back Office Extensions to the WebFOCUS platform allow you to build more application types at a lower cost

9 Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 9  Visually & geographically understand your business  Analyze revenues, risks, costs and opportunities as they are associated with proximity  Bi-directional interactivity between reports and maps  Provide map levels to understand information better as you zoom  Support for ESRI’s ArcGIS Server since 7.6.x releases WebFOCUS – Extended BI Visualization & ESRI Mapping

10 Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 10  Leverages widely available statistical models to improve decision making  Makes building “scoring” systems easy  Enables predictive applications at a fraction of the cost of other solutions  Based on “R” open source system  Utilized in conjunction with Location Intelligence applications, e.g., Law Enforcement Analytics WebFOCUS – Extended BI Predictive Analytics Main Menu Section Menu Summary

11 Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 11  New Map Viewer  Based on ESRI’s open source Flex- based viewer  Enhanced by Information Builders to include WebFOCUS-specific gadgets & features  Additional customer-driven features added WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration New Capabilities Innovation Iitiative

12 New WebFOCUS/ESRI Solution Architecture

13 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Web Application Development Framework  The ArcGIS Server Versions 9 & 10 Java platform provides a set of components that can be used to create a Web-based mapping and analysis application. These components not only provide a broad array of functionality out of the box, but they have also been designed to allow for easy extension and the ability to work with multiple data sources.  In WebFOCUS Release 8, we will be extending the capabilities by allowing for the integration of WebFOCUS Flex Enable standard components

14 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Multiple Map Services  Customers are developing multiple Map Services and having them display on one Map.  For example, one Map Service displaying a layer for Cities and a layer for Streets would be created as a Tiled Map Service. Tiled Map Services are usually used where the layers are common for most types of GIS analysis and are usually cached. The second Map Service would be the specific layers that are needed for a specific type of GIS analysis.

15 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Buffering  Ability to select features from one map layer that is located within a certain distance of features on a different map layer. An example of this is the ability to select all crimes within a 1, 3, n mile(s) buffers of a coming up event. All three geometry types (point, line and polygon) supported by buffering.

16 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Group Layer Support  In ArcGIS Server, a Map Service can contain groupings of individual layers called a Group Layer. The purpose of a Group Layer is to be able to turn off and on a set of layers at once.

17 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Synthetic Layers  Free form Layers – Equivalent to acetate layers or graphic layers.  Ability to render coordinates on the fly.  Ability to transform coordinates on the fly.  Geographic  Projected, e.g., Stateplane  Types – points, lines, polygons.  Use features rendered on these layers to perform spatial queries to retrieve related data from other feature layers and or databases.

18 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Synthetic Layers

19 WebFOCUS – ESRI Integration Future: Support for Density Mapping  When we plot points on a map we will dynamically be able to color code the clustering of these points. For example, if there is a significant amount of points clustered in one small area of a map, we might want to show that area of points in red. If there are less points existing in other parts of the map, we might want to show that area of points in green.

20 Demonstration Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 20

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