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Mrs. Laura Cohen 2012-2013. Nationally Board Certified Teacher, 2010 MS Biology, University of Nebraska, 2008 BA Biology/Secondary Education, Augustana.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Laura Cohen 2012-2013. Nationally Board Certified Teacher, 2010 MS Biology, University of Nebraska, 2008 BA Biology/Secondary Education, Augustana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Laura Cohen 2012-2013

2 Nationally Board Certified Teacher, 2010 MS Biology, University of Nebraska, 2008 BA Biology/Secondary Education, Augustana College, 2004 Years Teaching at LZ: 9 Activities and Clubs that I have Sponsored: Freshman Class Board, Girls Lacrosse Coach Committees Served On: IPAD Pilot Program, Graduation Requirements, Teacher Evaluation Committee, Statistical Analysis, Bear Pride, Faculty Book Club Awarded a District 95 Innovation Grant in 2007 to fund biotechnology labs for department.

3 AP Board delineates a curriculum with a set amount of time that must be spent on various topics. Our curriculum is divided into 8 units: Unit 1: Introduction to APES: Ethics, Economics and Policy Unit 2: The Physical Earth Unit 3: Ecology and Humans Unit 4: Land Management Unit 5: Water Resources and Pollution Unit 6: Atmospheric Resources, Pollution, and Climate Change Unit 7: Energy Resources Unit 8: Using Resources Wisely

4 IPADS! Integration of technology into all lessons Real time data collection Organization of materials Interaction between classmates and community members Reading Quizzes I believe in student learning through hands-on work, lab activities designed by students, real world experience, self-evaluation, and teacher guidance.

5 Monday May 6 th ! This year students will be given a review book free of charge. Students will receive these in class within the next month. Apps for review are also avaliable Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors Students who have taken or are taking chemistry Most students are coming from Honors Chemistry, with some students coming from CP Chemistry

6 E-mail: I check my email many times throughout the day Voice-mail: 847-540-4021 I check my voicemail at least once per day Access the Faculty Directory Search for Cohen Choose Environmental Science from my web pages listed Grades are posted online and updated often! Questions? Contact me via e-mail or phone

7 See Mrs. Cohen during the school day (4 th, 5 th, 6 th, 9 th ) Make an appointment with Mrs. Cohen before/after school Resource Room Email Mrs. Cohen Talk with your student about the class Encourage your child to come in for help when needed

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