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Child Abuse and Neglect. Reporting Abuse & Neglect FL Abuse Hotline Established in 1971 Receives reports of abuse or neglect 24/7 and immediately initiates.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse and Neglect. Reporting Abuse & Neglect FL Abuse Hotline Established in 1971 Receives reports of abuse or neglect 24/7 and immediately initiates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse and Neglect

2 Reporting Abuse & Neglect FL Abuse Hotline Established in 1971 Receives reports of abuse or neglect 24/7 and immediately initiates an investigation anywhere in the state Florida was one of the first states in the nation to have a toll-free hotline

3 Reporting CAAN Video Clip

4 Reporting Abuse & Neglect FL Abuse Hotline 1-800-96-ABUSE

5 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Physicians Nurses Hospital Personnel Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following:

6 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following: Medical Examiners Residential or Institutional Workers

7 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following: Mental Health Professionals Social Workers

8 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following: School Teachers and Other School Officials

9 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following: Child Caregivers Foster Care Workers

10 Reporting Abuse & Neglect MANDATED REPORTERS Any person, required by law to report child abuse/neglect, including but not limited to the following: Law Enforcement Officers

11 Reporting Abuse & Neglect CONFIDENTIALITY The name of the person reporting child abuse or neglect shall not be released without the written consent of the person.

12 Reporting Abuse & Neglect IMMUNITY Any person reporting in good faith any instance of child abuse shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability.

13 Reporting Abuse & Neglect WHAT INFORMATION Who was involved? Victim Witnesses Abuser Parents and Siblings name, date of birth or age, race and gender, address, phone number

14 Reporting Abuse & Neglect WHAT INFORMATION What occurred? Why did it happened? Where? When?

15 Preventing Abuse & Neglect “The world is a dangerous place to live not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” —Albert Einstein

16 Preventing Abuse & Neglect The goal of prevention is to intervene before abuse and neglect can occur.

17 Preventing Abuse & Neglect STRATEGIES Educational programs that teach children personal safety skills. Identification and support services and programs for high risk families.

18 Preventing Abuse & Neglect STRATEGIES Provide information on identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect. Background checks for direct care providers. Educational programs for parents on child development and safety.

19 Preventing Abuse & Neglect STRATEGIES Individuals can reach out to children and parents.

20 Preventing Abuse & Neglect

21 What can we do to raise the issue of child abuse and neglect?

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