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Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Meridian Joint School District No. 2 Sources: Policy 403.72 Child Abuse/Neglect.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Meridian Joint School District No. 2 Sources: Policy 403.72 Child Abuse/Neglect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Child Abuse Reporting Responsibilities Meridian Joint School District No. 2 Sources: Policy 403.72 Child Abuse/Neglect Idaho Code 16-1619, 16-1620 Idaho Attorney General’s Opinion 93-2

2 For many children growing up isn’t easy. Some have experienced…. Sexual abuse Sexual abuse Physical abuse Physical abuse Emotional abuse Emotional abuse Neglect Neglect Alcoholism Alcoholism Drug addiction Drug addiction Depression, mental illness, suicide Depression, mental illness, suicide Domestic violence Domestic violence

3 Responsibilities of Reporting Both Idaho Code 16-1619 and District Policy 403.72 specifically identifies the responsibilities of teachers and other school employees to report any suspicion of abuse within 24 hours to the Department of Health and Welfare or to the local police department. specifically identifies the responsibilities of teachers and other school employees to report any suspicion of abuse within 24 hours to the Department of Health and Welfare or to the local police department.

4 What is Child Abuse? Non-accidental physical injury caused by the acts or omissions of the child’s parents or caregivers. Non-accidental physical injury caused by the acts or omissions of the child’s parents or caregivers. –Physical abuse –Physical neglect –Sexual abuse

5 Physical Abuse Harming a child in a way that leaves physical marks or injuries Harming a child in a way that leaves physical marks or injuries

6 Sexual Abuse Using a child in a sexual way Using a child in a sexual way –Sexual touching –Molestation –Incest –Rape –Taking pictures of a child for obscene or pornographic purposes

7 Neglect When children are not getting the care and protection they need. When children are not getting the care and protection they need.

8 What district procedures should I follow if I suspect a child has been abused? Reports need to be made by the “first party” i.e. the person who received the initial disclosure Reports need to be made by the “first party” i.e. the person who received the initial disclosure –Inform your school administrator and school counselor. –Inform the school nurse about physical abuse

9 The next procedural step…. Phone calls Phone calls Documentation Documentation

10 How do I know if a child has told me the truth? “Reason to believe” is not proof of an event happening “Reason to believe” is not proof of an event happening Health and Welfare and police have “specialized training” to investigate Health and Welfare and police have “specialized training” to investigate

11 What happens after a report is made? Idaho Code 16-1620 provides Immunity for persons who report suspicions of child abuse, unless the report is made in “bad faith” or with “malice”. Idaho Code 16-1620 provides Immunity for persons who report suspicions of child abuse, unless the report is made in “bad faith” or with “malice”. A member of Dept. of H & W will investigate the allegation(s) and check on the child’s condition. A member of Dept. of H & W will investigate the allegation(s) and check on the child’s condition. If the child appears to be in immediate danger, he/she is put into temporary protective custody by a police officer. If the child appears to be in immediate danger, he/she is put into temporary protective custody by a police officer. In severe cases, the court determines whether temporary or permanent separations from the family is necessary. In severe cases, the court determines whether temporary or permanent separations from the family is necessary. Treatment for the child and/or family may be recommended or mandated. Treatment for the child and/or family may be recommended or mandated.

12 What if a parent finds out that I reported? Use the phrase “I can neither confirm nor deny that a report was made…..If anyone has reason to believe….they are required by law to report.” Use the phrase “I can neither confirm nor deny that a report was made…..If anyone has reason to believe….they are required by law to report.” Health and Welfare is mandated not to disclose the name of individual reporting Health and Welfare is mandated not to disclose the name of individual reporting Students may tell their parent that they told you… Students may tell their parent that they told you… Be sure to inform administration if anyone threatens you. Be sure to inform administration if anyone threatens you.

13 What if my building principal and school counselor are gone? –Department of Health and Welfare Child Protective Services (CPS) 334-0808 334-0808 –Police Departments: Meridian Police Meridian Police Ada County Sheriff Ada County Sheriff Boise Police Department Boise Police Department

14 Issues of Confidentiality…. Confidential information is communicated with confidence, privacy or in secret. “Entrusted with the confidence of another….” Confidential information is communicated with confidence, privacy or in secret. “Entrusted with the confidence of another….” Education Ethical Code allows professionals to discuss important information pertaining to a student if it is for the good of the student. Education Ethical Code allows professionals to discuss important information pertaining to a student if it is for the good of the student. “Educational need to know…”, Elaine Eberharti- Maki. “Educational need to know…”, Elaine Eberharti- Maki. The “National Enquirer” version is unnecessary and unethical. The “National Enquirer” version is unnecessary and unethical. Always use caution about discussing student(s) in a public place such as a faculty room or hallway. Always use caution about discussing student(s) in a public place such as a faculty room or hallway. Most individuals who report a suspicion of abuse never find out the case outcome… Most individuals who report a suspicion of abuse never find out the case outcome…

15 Final thoughts… All children deserve to grow up in a healthy safe environment. All children deserve to grow up in a healthy safe environment. If you ever have any questions about suspicions of child abuse or a situation with a student please talk to an administrator, school counselor, school nurse or school psychologist. If you ever have any questions about suspicions of child abuse or a situation with a student please talk to an administrator, school counselor, school nurse or school psychologist.

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