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 Law requires parents to support their children  Paternity suit-action of the court to establish fatherhood to force child support.

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2  Law requires parents to support their children  Paternity suit-action of the court to establish fatherhood to force child support

3  Parents must provide basic necessities  Food  Clothing  Shelter  Medical care  Some states provide reasonable post- secondary care

4  Parents legal responsibilities end when child becomes emancipated.  Emancipated-child is free from legal custody and control of their parents-18 years of age in almost all states  Can also occur when child marries, joins armed forces, or becomes financially self-supporting

5  All children in the U.S. have a right to a free public school education through 12 th grade.  Parents are free to educate their child at home-legal in the 1980’s.  Parents who fail to send their children to school are fined or arrested if child is found truant.

6  Must provide medical and dental care  Children need parents’ permission to obtain medical care.  Can be charged with neglect for not doing so  State laws govern at what age a child may be left alone in the home.

7  Parents have a right and duty to supervise their children.  Children have a legal obligation to obey their parents and to follow reasonable rules  If not, it is a status offense. Worst case scenario-juvenile detention/foster care  When this becomes unreasonable or dangerous it is a crime: neglect/abuse

8  Parents held legally responsible for child’s actions  Most states, including OH, hold parents civilly responsible for child’s acts  Family car doctrine-makes parents responsible for damages caused by any driver in the family.

9  Parents have the legal right to take the earnings of their minor children.  No right to money not earned-such as inheritance

10  Child abuse-when an adult or older child inflicts or threatens to inflict intentional physical, emotional, or sexual harm on a child.  Neglect- failing to properly feed, clothe, shelter, educate, supervise or provide medical treatment for a child

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